Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns

  • @houghest Our issue isn't general performance issues, we only have the stuttering problems near skeleton fort events + skeleton fleet events.

  • I have this behaviour too in the same escenario, when skeletons are near

  • @fruitlust I know I have same problem.
    but it helped a lil bit for me

  • Same problem, have the game on steam and thought that my PC can't handle the game, lowered the graphics to cursed and the game just stutters the same when skeleton events happen. It's impossible that devs didn't heard about this, I hope they are going to fix it soon as forts are pure hell to do.

  • I've sent a ticket to the support team and they haven't responded. Also made my own forum post and Steam post in the discussions page. No response there either. I can't believe they are hiding the issue and not fixing it.

  • The issue is present since the Steam release. (03 of June 2020)

    There is still no response from devs and tickets get the response; that they are either under "investigation" or stright forward closed.

    Can we get any actual feedback?
    Are you gonna fix it? Next patch? In future patches? Or are you gonna ignore it, since the problem is deeply rooted in the connection between Xbox and Steam?

    Any response is better than the silence.

    In my own experience with this bug, doing skull island is close to impossible since i get drop from stable 110-120fps to 10-20.

    On the internet there are solutions to turning of Xbox game overlay or the gaming application.
    To my surprise it actually WORKS and does improve the FPS around spawned skellies, but only if there are 3-5 of them. Still it does NOT fix it, as the drop from 110-120 to 60 is still present and doesn't help at all on skull islands.

  • I don't think they're going to fix this anytime soon, it's been a long time and RARE hasn't said anything about it. I think there is a huge lack of respect with the players who have this problem and nothing has been done so far and no different response than that scheduled message from them on the ticks.

    I advise everyone here who has this problem to contact support so that they can take action on the case.

  • @harleyems said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    I don't think they're going to fix this anytime soon, it's been a long time and RARE hasn't said anything about it. I think there is a huge lack of respect with the players who have this problem and nothing has been done so far and no different response than that scheduled message from them on the ticks.

    I advise everyone here who has this problem to contact support so that they can take action on the case.

    yep.. I have lost all respect I had for these devs. they basically scammed us, sold us a broken product.

    I mean it's a critical issue and surely they are not stupid not to know that. They know it and they are ignoring it, they already have our money.

  • I can't even refund the game anymore, I found the bug too late into the game. I refuse to buy it on the Microsoft store to avoid this bug. I suggest the whole community talks about it. Try and make as much noise as possible so they can't ignore us. I've been posting about it everywhere and even asked them on their livestreams, they obviously ignored it but if everyone was saying it, they wouldn't be able to.

  • @bman4841 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    I can't even refund the game anymore, I found the bug too late into the game. I refuse to buy it on the Microsoft store to avoid this bug. I suggest the whole community talks about it. Try and make as much noise as possible so they can't ignore us. I've been posting about it everywhere and even asked them on their livestreams, they obviously ignored it but if everyone was saying it, they wouldn't be able to.

    yeah I posted on the steam forums, the mods there removed that post. I comment on live streams, the devs pretend like they don't see it. Then some fanboy who for some odd reason has taken personal offense to people having a problem in the game would make a condescending comment like "has it ever occurred to you that it could be your pc that can't handle the game"
    alright bro, my pc that runs modern warfare, battlefield v and pretty much every game I throw at it on ultra by default has trouble running SoT.. sure.

  • @kid4844 Yeah pretty much everyone that sees my posts just assumes i'm trying to run the game on a toaster

  • What kind of computer specs do you have? I have both the Microsoft Store and Steam versions and since switching to Steam I haven't noticed any issues with skeleton spawns causing frame drops. I did a skeleton fort last night with no problems. It might help tracking down the problem if it turns out you have a common denominator (all AMD/Intel CPUs, similar GPU brand/model, etc..)

    The only time performance will degrade for me is if I alt-tab (momentary freeze) or if I load up the Rare Thief map in the Steam Overlay browser (so I'm not sure if that is a Steam or SoT issue).

  • @d3adst1ck
    My current specs

    Nvidia GeForce GTX1070
    Intel i5-7600K Cpu
    DirectX 12
    16.384GB RAM
    8.088GB VRAM

  • @bman4841 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    My current specs

    Nvidia GeForce GTX1070
    Intel i5-7600K Cpu
    DirectX 12
    16.384GB RAM
    8.088GB VRAM

    that's more than enough to handle SoT.
    plus the issue isn't to do with any of our hardware, it's either server side or an issue with their code.

  • I found out too late as well to apply for a refound on the Steam.

    I'm also going to post on Steam forum about this.

    That is true that not everyone gets this bug on Steam version. But when I ask random crews - at least 1 person per crew has this problem. That's a lot of players. And most of us have decent PC's to play this game on 100-120 fps while on the sea with 4man crew.

  • @niebosky said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    That is true that not everyone gets this bug on Steam version. But when I ask random crews - at least 1 person per crew has this problem. That's a lot of players. And most of us have decent PC's to play this game on 100-120 fps while on the sea with 4man crew.

    I'm just saying that it could be some combination of hardware causing the issue, and most of the people posting in this thread are not supplying any details that would help locate the source.

    I'm playing through Steam on an i7 2600K with an AMD RX590 8GB card, using the latest drivers (Adrenaline 2020 20.5.1) and 16GB of RAM without issue. My CPU is about 10 years old now, and well below the specs posted by another user above, and yet the game runs perfectly fine. I also didn't get the 'compass stuck on north' issue that a lot of other people got because it only happened with specific hardware. The very fact that I am using an AMD card and not an NVIDIA one could be the reason I don't have this problem, because it's different hardware and drivers. Details matter when troubleshooting.

    If you are having this problem, you need to submit a support ticket with detailed computer specs right down to the driver versions and possibly a list of other software running while the game is running (for example, there was an issue with a radar overlay being drawn on top of the game by third party software) so that Rare can figure out why you are experiencing this problem and how to fix it.

  • Hey guys, i have the same problem.
    when i run task manager while playing SOT i see my i5 7600k is getting crushed, pretty much over 95% all the time, at forts even 100%. Can any of u confirm this ?

  • @may5685 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    Hey guys, i have the same problem.
    when i run task manager while playing SOT i see my i5 7600k is getting crushed, pretty much over 95% all the time, at forts even 100%. Can any of u confirm this ?

    there's some issue currently where alt tabbing freezes the game, that could be the reason you're seeing high cpu usage.
    whats your fps like in game, when just sailing or hanging out at an outpost?

  • Still no replies to my support tickets, honestly disappointing to see. Even a bad response is better than no response. It makes Rare look worse when they won't address an issue at all.

  • I'm one of the unfortunate few who have this happen to them. Never had any issues on the windows store version but my steam takes a nose dive every time we're near skeletons and continues to get progressively worse over the night. It's become so unplayable I've uninstalled it and reinstalled the windows version.

    I never had compass bug but my friend did, they luckily don't have the fps bug though.
    I also had an issue where the steam client would not properly close ever after exiting the game.

    I submitted a ticket with my detailed specs. I'm fortunate that I have both versions of the game, but I hope they can resolve this for the people that only have steam.

  • Anyone with an AMD CPU? So far I've only seen people with Intel complaining.

    Got an RX580 8GB and I'm experiencing it nonetheless, so it's definitely not Nvidia related.

    I believe devs have telemetrics in place to collect HW info but I personally obviously reported my specs in the ticket I opened. Still, it would've been nice to at least get an aknowledgment in the "known issues" section of last update's changelog.

    Tell me about it, I waited for my gamepass to expire just to buy it on Steam, lol

  • submitted a ticket as well

  • Support will have you run a collection of logs and get your hardware from the dump.

    Not all are seeing this doing a fort, so it must be a combination of hardware/software.

    Here is me soloing Molten Sands.. watch FPS, it doesn't drop much, only from more textures, but it seems unrelated to skeletons spawning.

  • Got a reply from the support request that they are aware of the issue and looking for a fix !

  • If they are closing support tickets and saying they are aware of the issue then they don't have anything else they can really tell you.

    Its obvious the devs are aware of this issue and looking for a fix, if they weren't you would be getting general answers for random fixes when you send in those support tickets.
    So far it only seems like a Steam related issue, so if you have it, play it through the Microsoft store for a bit, or off of an Xbox, its definitely not a true fix, but if you really want to, pick up the game pass and play off of that until its fixed.

  • @krashino said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    If they are closing support tickets and saying they are aware of the issue then they don't have anything else they can really tell you.

    Its obvious the devs are aware of this issue and looking for a fix, if they weren't you would be getting general answers for random fixes when you send in those support tickets.
    So far it only seems like a Steam related issue, so if you have it, play it through the Microsoft store for a bit, or off of an Xbox, its definitely not a true fix, but if you really want to, pick up the game pass and play off of that until its fixed.

    pick up the game pass and support the devs who haven't fixed a critical issue that has been there from day 1 of steam launch?

    hard pass.

    (I dont think people who don't have this issue realize how critical it is and how it hinders gameplay)

  • @kid4844
    Indeed, I too was surprised of their neglicence. I mean, not many AA devs would leave such an issue unfixed for more than a month, especially during its launch period. Also it seems odd to me that this or the compass glitch didn't show up during QA, if they even had any

  • @kid4844 I think you're underestimating game design. Rare is not a very lazy company. They're working from home, trying to pump out fixes, making updates, and trying to fix bugs. To say they havent supported their game just because there are bugs is just wrong. Give it time, and give the devs a break.

    Especially after they personally reply to hundreds of support tickets saying they are trying and are working on it, for you to come out and say they aren't.

  • @krashino said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    If they are closing support tickets and saying they are aware of the issue then they don't have anything else they can really tell you.

    Its obvious the devs are aware of this issue and looking for a fix, if they weren't you would be getting general answers for random fixes when you send in those support tickets.
    So far it only seems like a Steam related issue, so if you have it, play it through the Microsoft store for a bit, or off of an Xbox, its definitely not a true fix, but if you really want to, pick up the game pass and play off of that until its fixed.

    We'll if you read the whole post you would understand that the fact that they recognizes the bug is already an update...

  • @klutchxking518 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    @kid4844 I think you're underestimating game design. Rare is not a very lazy company. They're working from home, trying to pump out fixes, making updates, and trying to fix bugs. To say they havent supported their game just because there are bugs is just wrong. Give it time, and give the devs a break.

    Especially after they personally reply to hundreds of support tickets saying they are trying and are working on it, for you to come out and say they aren't.

    give the devs a break?

    It's been almost a month and there are a lot of people who can't enjoy the game, I think you don't get that part. IT'S LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    they ain't doing us a favor by fixing the game, as players have paid for the game so they should be delivered a working product. it's their job, and the fact that they haven't fixed a game breaking issue that many players are facing shows that they don't give a damn about their player base, since they already got the money.

    easy for you to say "give it time" when your game is running fine.

    ps. they just closed my support ticket, I've seen better devs who actually give a damn about delivering a quality product to the players.

  • @kid4844 MY game is running fine? I've got no internet and am playing from a mobile hotspot using a stream to play with a controller connected from my phone with 5 seconds of input lag with 20-30 fps ON THE DAILY and I've got all the new event commendations. You have NO idea, so don't call me out like that. They closed your support ticket because there's 100s like it, and i can 99% guarantee they didn't just close it without saying anything, give credit where it's due.

    Here, go on the forums, scroll all the way down, and click the button that says "RARE ARE HIRING". Do that, join their bug team and go fix the bugs yerself, because obviously you're much better at it than them at their job. Go fix it all by yourself, I give you a month, just like you gave them.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    @kid4844 MY game is running fine? I've got no internet and am playing from a mobile hotspot using a stream to play with a controller connected from my phone with 5 seconds of input lag with 20-30 fps ON THE DAILY and I've got all the new event commendations. You have NO idea, so don't call me out like that. They closed your support ticket because there's 100s like it, and i can 99% guarantee they didn't just close it without saying anything, give credit where it's due.

    the issue your facing has nothing to do with the devs, that's something you need to fix yourself.

    the issue a lot of steam users are facing has everything to do with the devs incompetency and lack of respect for the players.

    No credit to be given, they haven't done anything. Age old bugs and exploits are still present in the game from what I've heard.

    people payed money for the game, a lot of us facing the issue only came across is after the 2 hour mark, since not many new players go right to a fort or a skeleton ship cloud. So people can't even refund it and we're stuck with a broken product for almost a month now.

    edit: if people are paying money for a product they should be delivered a working product, if it's broken or defective, people should be made aware of that prior to their purchase.
    if a defective product is sold to a person under false pretense then that's considered a scam.

  • @kid4844 Just come in here and ignore all the hard work that's been put into the game because Rare is having trouble fixing it. Watch, then they fix it next update, and you'll cry "They realised they were losing money". You don't know Rare. These guys aren't your average cashgrabbing EA wannabe. This game is their passion project, and they need more time to iron it out

    And my point with the game on a phone is that I'm playing completely fine with bigger issues than yours. You should be more grateful that you can even play the damned thing.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    @kid4844 Just come in here and ignore all the hard work that's been put into the game because Rare is having trouble fixing it. Watch, then they fix it next update, and you'll cry "They realised they were losing money". You don't know Rare. These guys aren't your average cashgrabbing EA wannabe. This game is their passion project, and they need more time to iron it out

    And my point with the game on a phone is that I'm playing completely fine with bigger issues than yours. You should be more grateful that you can even play the damned thing.

    okay firstly I don't think rare need you to talk on their behalf.. honestly I don't know what your deal is here, you're not even facing the issue we are and you're trying to minimize it by saying it's not that bad so I'm sorry to say but you're talking out your you know what..

    the devs silence on the issue has clearly spoken for itself. so yeah i don't understand why you're in here with some bs. still don't get what your deal is..

    and secondly according to you, we're crying? so let me get this straight, we want a working game because we paid money for it and making a forum post to notify the devs of an issue since support tickets are getting ignored is what? crying?

    like I said before your issue is your own fault, the game wasn't meant to be played on a phone. so it's not an issue bigger than what we're facing so stop with your bs. This thread isn't even relevant to you.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    @kid4844 MY game is running fine? I've got no internet and am playing from a mobile hotspot using a stream to play with a controller connected from my phone with 5 seconds of input lag with 20-30 fps ON THE DAILY and I've got all the new event commendations. You have NO idea, so don't call me out like that. They closed your support ticket because there's 100s like it, and i can 99% guarantee they didn't just close it without saying anything, give credit where it's due.

    Here, go on the forums, scroll all the way down, and click the button that says "RARE ARE HIRING". Do that, join their bug team and go fix the bugs yerself, because obviously you're much better at it than them at their job. Go fix it all by yourself, I give you a month, just like you gave them.

    Arrrr you plank-walking, land-lubbering, whale-flubbering son of a grub.... I'll have you know that I play this game with a coffeemaker hooked up to my microwave with a piece of string while perched atop a tree branch and I PLUNDER booty all day.

    You embody the classic "if it's broke, you fix it" mentality don't you? So when your toilet doesn't flush, your first inclination is to join the toilet manufacturer and fix the problem there? Sounds like a long-winded way to go about it, but maybe you just like to get your hands dirty ;)
    I find it laughable that the best suggestion you have is for OP to join Rare and single-handedly fix it himself. He's a paying customer and deserves an enjoyable gameplay experience which currently Rare is coming up short on. There's nothing wrong with him and others for having a grievance with Rare when the game is literally unplayable for them just for spawning your long lost relatives.

    @klutchxking518 said in Massive FPS drops with skeleton spawns:

    @kid4844 >

    And my point with the game on a phone is that I'm playing completely fine with bigger issues than yours. You should be more grateful that you can even play the damned thing.

    Listen, my sword length will beat yours any day of the week, but that's not the point here. You don't walk into someone else's room with your butter-knife out and tell them you've got bigger problems when the thread is about something completely different.

    What OP is talking about is this: Imagine you take screenshots of the game every 10 seconds. Paste each screenshot in a powerpoint and set it to change slides every 10 seconds. Now launch the presentation.... and there you have it, you're playing Sea of Thieves just like OP. Sounds like a fun time huh?

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