I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA

  • @theblackbellamy said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @wroughthurdle83 said:

    When i get a particularly bad-sink... i go out and try to find a few LFG sessions that seem like they were intent on having a good time, and i ruin those sessions.

    ...i'd like to be able to get vengeance on the origianal offending ship, but i can't. They're too strong, too good...
    I just paid money to be filled with a sense of helplessness & injustice?

    Lol it's funny that you made a Joker reference at the end. Reading through, I was thinking "this guy's a clown".

    As "aggrieved" as you may feel after being sunk, Rare has said time and again that griefing is intra-crew, not inter-crew (save for obvious instances of actual harassment).


    Maybe you're wrong and maybe you're right, but.. even though i respect your right to act like a jerk, do you agree with the sociopathic tendencies of the original OP, or are you here advocating for a completely different palette of warped morality?

    There can be the way the game makers describe intent for the game to be experienced, but only each player can determine what range of emotions they will feel as they experience gameplay, and those emotions are valid whether they align with the gamemaker's original intent or not. The game can't declare "You're supposed to think this part is fun!" and succeed in convincing a product consumer base to believe it if they're not feeling it, that's not how consumers work.

    But philosophically we seem to be discussing whether one flavor of schaudenfreude is more valid than others. If someone openly has intent to ruin the gaming experience of others, does it matter what their motive is, or whether they use skillful gameplay to achieve said antagonization? Is infiltrating a crew and playing it cool so as not to get caught and brigged just as skillful a form of subversion as chase and sink?

    Maybe people play the game to their strengths, and the players who thought it would only be chase and sink are mad that players not as good at tactical elements have adapted other effective techniques they didn't expect.

  • @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    And I'm the one who runs for 5 mins just to see how try hard you are, then turns and fights... kills you a few times, you kill me, I scuttle so you don't get my supplies and you find no loot because I turn in often and saw you coming. I enjoy wasting your time though and inflating your ego.

    I have zero respect for PvP-only players either, by the way. Only players I respect are the ones who embrace the entire game and don't pick easy prey.

    You really are a petty person smh, worst than the pvp players you think are the worst of the worst. Maybe take a look in the mirror dude.

  • @wroughthurdle83 I think your interpretation of the tendencies as "sociopathic" comes from a warped understanding of this game.

    In real life, piracy is amoral. Stealing, robbing and burgling are amoral. Killing is amoral.

    Sea of thieves is not real life. It is a game with its own set of rules, and applying real-world moral concepts to it is not only useless, but could misguide you in how to play the game most effectively.

    The OP is operating within the rules of the game. As much as the post was bait for PvE'ers (or staunch PvEvP'ers), nothing he described in it is rule-breaking or griefing, as amoral as you would find it.

    What you admitted to doing, however, is technically griefing.

  • @cokney-charmer said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @ofury23 What was the point of declaring that you are PVP first and always first exactly?

    Were you hoping for people to recognise you as some sort of SoT Black Beard Pirate Legend and applaud you?

    Or were you just trying to bait those who would rather play the FULL game, which is PVE and PVP when the PVP is necessary.

    Never had to target a ship just to get their supplies, never target any ship less than the ship Im sailing with so if im Gall or Brig I don't purposefully target sloops.

    I like many prefer to embrace the whole of SoT, so that are events, PVE moments and Tall Tales, voyages and PVP when it is either forced upon me (my crew) or when its necessary to protect on board loot or safeguarding a TT completion.

    So you fight first, ask no questions and want to be seen as a Pirate Lord to be feared at all costs....for me, I just look at ya words, see the intent, and not impressed at all by it.

    lol I love how players like you have to insult the pvper to make yourself feel better about losing a ship battle, if you're going to be that petty, then maybe don't play the game mate XD

  • @bugaboo-bill said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:


    Just curious about what you think about earning Sea Dog Rep in Adventure when hoisting the Reapers Mark and doing an Athena.
    You would give others a hint where to find good booty when you're willing to PvP and it would be guaranteed they have some good stuff and maybe even an Athena.
    Would increase the tension of Athena if you want it and Sea Dog Rep would be an incentive to do so.
    All the locked cosmetics would also need some Reaper Athena commendations.
    What do you think.
    It would give you pure pvpers more goals to head for and PvEvP'er like me who dislike Arena for several reasons some thrill when doing so.

    Aye, they need to add SOME incentive to raise that thing, all anyone does is run when I raise the Reaper's Mark

  • @theblackbellamy said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @wroughthurdle83 I think your interpretation of the tendencies as "sociopathic" comes from a warped understanding of this game.

    In real life, piracy is amoral. Stealing, robbing and burgling are amoral. Killing is amoral.

    Sea of thieves is not real life. It is a game with its own set of rules, and applying real-world moral concepts to it is not only useless, but could misguide you in how to play the game most effectively.

    The OP is operating within the rules of the game. As much as the post was bait for PvE'ers (or staunch PvEvP'ers), nothing he described in it is rule-breaking or griefing, as amoral as you would find it.

    What you admitted to doing, however, is technically griefing.

    Well.. i mean, if it's against the rules, then I personally have never wrecked a hunting party from the inside as a form of ironic vengeance, i was just recollecting that I'd heard from a friend that someone else did that.

    But if the thought of someone doing that disturbs the placid, complacent mindset of the killing-squads, then i dunno maybe file some affidavits, take screen-shots? but... it's proabably too late by then, innit.. So sleep well LFG "Brig out to kill every sail we see", no worries mate. 🙊🙉🙈

  • @amishhmann said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Some people may be terrible at the game no matter what, but a good majority could easily get better if they would learn and put more effort into it,

    Why should I put effort into learning PvP skills?

    As long as the Ferryman is there, I'm functionally immortal. Treasure litters the seas like ticker tape after a parade, so for every valuable stolen, I turn in four or five more. With such a cushy lifestyle, putting in actual effort just.... isn't worth the effort, honestly.

    Then again, that's also why I don't bother complaining about being sunk and/or killed. So maybe I just don't belong in the conversation at all.

  • @wroughthurdle83 said:

    ...then i dunno maybe file some affidavits, take screen-shots?

    Yes. Reporting to Rare and/or Microsoft is the correct way to handle petulant, whiny, salty griefers.

    On this, we can agree. 🏴‍☠️

  • @hurricanegriz said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    And I'm the one who runs for 5 mins just to see how try hard you are, then turns and fights... kills you a few times, you kill me, I scuttle so you don't get my supplies and you find no loot because I turn in often and saw you coming. I enjoy wasting your time though and inflating your ego.

    I have zero respect for PvP-only players either, by the way. Only players I respect are the ones who embrace the entire game and don't pick easy prey.

    You really are a petty person smh, worst than the pvp players you think are the worst of the worst. Maybe take a look in the mirror dude.

    Thanks, I love you too x

  • @vachombre said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @amishhmann said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Some people may be terrible at the game no matter what, but a good majority could easily get better if they would learn and put more effort

    Then again, that's also why I don't bother complaining about being sunk and/or killed. So maybe I just don't belong in the conversation at all.

    Vac, i think you have a pretty zen approach to the game, but this kind of detachment isn't for everyone.

    For me personally, to complete the illusion of full immersion, my pirate has to have the will to stay alive, and ambition to want that treasure. "Caring" about the fate of your pirate would be the only thing that elevates a gamer's emotions, otherwise it would just be playing on Xanax. You wouldn't feel the euphoria of turning in a big haul, but insulated against the devastation of losing one.

    It's all tied to the same underlying concept that people care about the outcome of even the smallest of games, and dislike losing. Did you want to avoid Mario to get hit by one of Kongs barrels? Does it mean anything if we lose? Only to your mind.

    But the immersion is real.

  • @tab-sniper said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @ofury23 Oddly enough I ran into a prime example of when this, IMO, is a griefer action just last night. Fresh out of port in me trusty single crewed Sloop, turn to do the long run to a wreck with a reaper chest. Glance back and spot a Galleon heading in the same direction. Almost sure they saw me swapping out sails etc so 99% certain they know there's no loot on board. Sail on for a bit to see if it's random happenstance, nope, okay not worth the headache so turn 90 degrees away, making sure not to head for an outpost. Galleon follows.

    Once they get within proper visual range drop to half sail, go up on the back of the sloop and sit down. No threat, no fight. Want to come over and loot? Eh, go ahead, not a huge problem for me and I've got no plans for the evening that require full stores which might actually help a full crew doing big full crew quests. Certainly not worth starting sneaky moves and fighting back, that's just going to chew through everyone's time for no real return.

    Nope, a few (awful) sniper shots ring out, one hit from four. Sod it, scuttle the ship and start over. Doesn't cost me anything and they've just wasted their time for no gain whatsoever. And that's the bit that turns it from 'bloodthirsty pirate' to griefing IMO. If the crew you're going after clearly has no interest and actively surrenders then what's the point? Doubly so if you're pretty sure there's little of value to be gained. Best case you'll pick up a few bits from the wreckage, worst case you get nothing in return for killing stationary targets.

    They could've just killed you out of insurance? I wouldn't have let you live cause you could start attacking us at any point and have the element of surprise. Why in the world would I give you that?

  • @wroughthurdle83 said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Vac, i think you have a pretty zen approach to the game, but this kind of detachment isn't for everyone.

    Heck, you could probably go so far as to say it's not for most. I know it works for me, but I'd never try and push it on to someone else.

    Still, it's a different perspective on matters, which can be a good thing sometimes. And who knows? Maybe someone will find it works for them, as well.

    Anything to spread the apathy.

    I mean zen.




  • @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @hurricanegriz said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    And I'm the one who runs for 5 mins just to see how try hard you are, then turns and fights... kills you a few times, you kill me, I scuttle so you don't get my supplies and you find no loot because I turn in often and saw you coming. I enjoy wasting your time though and inflating your ego.

    I have zero respect for PvP-only players either, by the way. Only players I respect are the ones who embrace the entire game and don't pick easy prey.

    You really are a petty person smh, worst than the pvp players you think are the worst of the worst. Maybe take a look in the mirror dude.

    Thanks, I love you too x

    Figures that's all you have to say, now go back to your merchant quests XD

  • @hurricanegriz said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @hurricanegriz said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @realstyli said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    And I'm the one who runs for 5 mins just to see how try hard you are, then turns and fights... kills you a few times, you kill me, I scuttle so you don't get my supplies and you find no loot because I turn in often and saw you coming. I enjoy wasting your time though and inflating your ego.

    I have zero respect for PvP-only players either, by the way. Only players I respect are the ones who embrace the entire game and don't pick easy prey.

    You really are a petty person smh, worst than the pvp players you think are the worst of the worst. Maybe take a look in the mirror dude.

    Thanks, I love you too x

    Figures that's all you have to say, now go back to your merchant quests XD

    Thank you, happy sailing to you too x :)

  • I mainly solo sloop but have no problem with your style. I don't PvP but welcome a good ship battle. I'm no good with swords or guns though and seeing as most PvP just ends with ship boarding and killing me, I tend to run when I see a sail. ( I need to practice, I know).
    the only issue I have (and it's happened lots of times) is spawn killing until I eventually scuttle. Just kill me and sink my ship already and move on. Or at least give me a chance to re-spawn and try to defend myself

  • @realstyli Picking easy prey is literally what pirates do. It's kinda their "thing".

  • @nuklrghandi said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @realstyli Picking easy prey is literally what pirates do. It's kinda their "thing".

    You spelled "cowards" wrong :P

  • @ofury23 said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    I've read through some many posts on this forum about how I'm considered a "griefer" or a "bully" because I'm simply doing what the game has built into it. Sinking you. I'm not sure if you have loot hidden on your ship or not, but there is only one way to find out. Sink you. Maybe I need some more supplies and you're the closest thing to me, so I'll sink you while my crew off loads your supplies. There are plenty of reasons for me to go after you and sink you. I just don't get the bad rap that it gets on this forum. This isn't a sailing simulator game, it's a pirate game! Sink each other and have a good time.

    So I'm curious, why does everyone think it's such a bad play style?

    WAAHHH!!!! PVE mode! Private servers! Crossplay opt out because ALL PC players cheat!! NO FAIR!!!! It's too hard!!! Change the game to make it easy for me to win and feel good about myself with no challenge!!!! Here's my ideas to nerf the game!!!!

    I am with you. I had one I attacked sit and whine about how unfair it was for me to attack him.
    These players have never graduated from their Lego playsets.

  • I love how some PvPers try to make out like it's a hardcore multiplayer game. It's not CoD or CS:GO - the PvP in SoT is clunky, full of exploits, bad hit reg, and unrewarding.

    It's a kids' game, full of kids and families, full of players who don't know what they're doing, where they're going, or how to even get there - but they're having fun, so I leave them at it unless they give me a reason to sink them. You've probably about a 0.01 chance of running into anyone who is actually skilled and capable in this game of winning a 1v1.

    If people want to PvP, fine, the game is PvPvE and should remain so... but I have no respect for the bravado when it's typically unearned.

  • @phantaxus We have equal opportunity in this game, but equal opportunity dosnt ensure equal outcome for everyone, unfortunately some win some lose. The lesson is not to complain or uninstall or run away when you fall down, its to stand back up re-evaluate how to overcome that situation and adapt to survive.

  • @butterybarnacls

    You best not be disrespecting Lego, boy!

    Nothing's more legit than the brick!

    alt text

  • @torchupmaryj said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @phantaxus We have equal opportunity in this game, but equal opportunity dosnt ensure equal outcome for everyone, unfortunately some win some lose. The lesson is not to complain or uninstall or run away when you fall down, its to stand back up re-evaluate how to overcome that situation and adapt to survive.

    Philosophically, this is absolutely correct, and in abstract terms I agree.

    However, in context of selling a product that is dependent on customer satisfaction, this isn't how consumers work.

    Customers are "Always Right" and can be as petulant and churlish as they like, and no amounts of spoken or written reasoning, no matter how cogent the argument, will cerebrally convince a consumer base to turn-around and stick with a product, merely because someone scolded told them "you might not always enjoy it, but stick with it because it builds character." They will make consumerist choices based on "Did i like it, does it keep making me happy?"

    Customers leave silently at best, at worst start permeating negative feedback into the market, and manufacturer's often only catch wind there's a problem till next quarter's numbers come in disappointing.

    It's got parables in unwanted romantic advances. Someone's thinking "Hey! You're not supposed to be creeped out by me asking you out, you were supposed to be thrilled and entering a mindset of romance, you're seeing my proposal wrong. Come back! Come back! We'd be so good together!!" Lulz.

    Good (profitable) gamemakers have to figure out the Fantasy Island formula, everyone stepping off da-plane, da-plane ready to fulfill all desires. Is there a way to give PvP players the impression they're 'Conan of the Seas' all other pirates left in a wake of sunken miserable tears, and yet have room for carefully cultivated Wonderfully Wonka, explorative, lucrative adventure canvas for the PvE set? Mr. Roark would know what to do.

  • There are sessions I focus on PVE, there are sessions where I have a great time making friends with other crews, and there are sessions I just want to wreck everyone. It's a game, a game that has been built for you to do literally whatever you want and play however you want. If you hate PVP, be vigilant in avoiding and running from other players. If you want to sink a ship just because you can, do it! If they have no loot, they will just respawn with a brand new ship. And if you sink a ship with 6 hours worth of loot on it, well, that is the absolute name of the game right there.

    Saying that people who PVP are bullies or ruining the experience seems very counter-intuitive to the heart of the game. I agree with those that have articulated that toxic speech and taunting in that way is really annoying and diminishes the game, not to mention making it a fairly terrible place for children. But when people can battle it out and, win or lose, have a good time, that's some of the best gameplay.

    Obviously, all of that is my opinion.

    And I hope to see y'all on the seas, both as friends and as foes!

  • I've always wanted to know the mindset behind players like this. I guess now I know that it boils down just to a combination of being bored, and being a total jerk, lol.

    The other day, I was in a sloop teaching a 7 year old how to play SoT - and had someone in a full galleon come around the island and sink us in seconds. I was the only one capable of fighting back.

    They didn't loot anything - no treasure, no supplies, nothing - just turned and sailed away. She was devastated at first, but ultimately said said "Oh well. We can get more. It a pirate game anyway."

    Her biggest challenge wasn't even the combat - it was, and her words: "Why did they sink us if they didn't want my box though?"

    I just told her "Well, probably because they're just jerks. It's okay."

    Turns out, I was exactly right. lol

    I wish players like this would stick to arena. But, it's a sandbox. You do you. If taking on empty ships and children is how you win, go for it and get some wins my dude!

  • @liquid-caffeine

    The other day, I was in a sloop teaching a 7 year old how to play SoT - and had someone in a full galleon come around the island and sink us in seconds. I was the only one capable of fighting back.

    Why is a 7 year old playing a game marketed towards an age group around teens? Why are they in an online setting of which content is most likely not suited for them? I may not have kids, but I certainly wouldn't let them be online in an uncontrolled environment with complete strangers.

    Their is this mindset that someone's fun is more important than their own. Which to me seems silly, am I suddenly supposed to stop playing the game in a viable method because it may or may not be fun for someone else? I enjoy ship combat, why should I not attack someone just because they might not like it? Why does their enjoyment of the game suddenly matter more than my own? I get that this sounds rather selfish, but I and others are under no obligation to sacrifice our enjoyment of the game for someone who really shouldn't be here to begin with.

    If the way I and others plays this game that is perfectly within the rule-set of the game as well as Xbox TOS, I am under no obligation to stop because some child may or may not like it. It doesn't make me a jerk for playing the game in a normal way. Am I a jerk if I keep hitting the same guy with draw twos and draw fours in Uno, or am I just playing the game? Am I obligated to not do it because they don't like it?

  • @nabberwar said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Their is this mindset that someone's fun is more important than their own.

    I've always viewed it as equal. Their enjoyment is just as important as mine. That's why I commonly defend many of the PvP aspects of the game even though I don't use or enjoy them. Because I know that others do and I want them to have fun as well.

  • @nabberwar said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:


    Why is a 7 year old playing a game marketed towards an age group around teens? Why are they in an online setting of which content is most likely not suited for them? I may not have kids, but I certainly wouldn't let them be online in an uncontrolled environment with complete strangers.

    Because I allowed her to play, alongside myself - VOIP and chat off, in a closed crew, cross-play disabled, with no real means of communicating with toxic players. Nor can she receive random messages or adds via XBL. This is far from an uncontrolled communications environment.

    If the way I and others plays this game that is perfectly within the rule-set of the game as well as Xbox TOS, I am under no obligation to stop because some child may or may not like it. It doesn't make me a jerk for playing the game in a normal way. Am I a jerk if I keep hitting the same guy with draw twos and draw fours in Uno, or am I just playing the game? Am I obligated to not do it because they don't like it?

    I didn't say that it was against the rules, or the terms of service. I simply stated that that attacking and sinking under-geared and under-crewed ships for no loot or gain at all makes you a jerk, and that's as simple as that.

    And yes, you'd be a jerk for hitting someone with a draw 4 ever single turn in Uno as well, (provided you had no other cards to play), as they would never have a chance to play a single card and participate in the game at all. The difference here is that you're forced to play that hand if that's what you have.

    In SoT, we are seeing people like pirate legends with millions of gold, 4 man crew, on PC - attacking brand new players over, and over, and over before they even get a chance to leave the port. No gain whatsoever. - Their excuse being "if they didn't want me to do it, it wouldn't be in the game".

    I'll say it now: When the game ultimately dies because the only people that play it are 200 pirate legends that have played since the beginning, and the new players hemorrhaging from the game have ceased to return, they're going to start complaining that it was cross-play opt outs and PvE additions that killed the game - and not themselves and their garbage attitudes.

  • @liquid-caffeine

    I'll say it now: When the game ultimately dies...

    I am going to stop you right there, we are already getting close to two years at this point with consistent population numbers, steady content, and new cosmetics. Ya'll have been saying this doomsayer nonsense since day one, "PvP is ruining the game." When the first Guilded Voyages came out, we found this crew which was doing it. Sunk them in total 3 times. First stole a bunch of the normal chests of that voyage, second time for the other half, and the third and last time was for the three Athena's. They too said the same thing, yet here we are. This threat holds no weight, time to stop throwing it around. Just because you keep repeating doesn't make it any more true.

    You take Uno way to seriously if you considering someone stacking Draw +2 as being a jerk. Time to lighten up.

  • @ofury23
    OP said "This isn't a sailing simulator game, it's a pirate game!"

    Here is the thing my friend, historically there have only been two recorded account of pirates fighting each other. Pirates fight and rob merchants and institutional ships. So using that argument is invalid. If people played this pirate game like pirates (which is the spirit of your statement) then everyone would be sailing around looking for treasure with maps and using the progression system and the quest-givers to advance. The only time anyone got into a fight would be because someone started a fight which is pretty much what is going on in the game already.
    Accept, there is one huge problem. Someone is ALWAYS starting a fight. Then there is an arsenal of excuses and reasons to validate that toxic behavior. The whole problem is that there is a quest and progression system and the behavior of PvP minded players, call the validity of that system into question.
    You may not want to hear this, but some people play the game to experience what PvE has to offer. I don't even quest anymore when I play because it's a waste of time. At level 50 (GH) 46 (MA) 44 (OOS) the voyages are so long and difficult that if I get part of the way through it the odds of running into the wrong person at the worst possible time is pretty high.
    The PvP people dont do voyages until after Legend, I've watched the streams they just don't. Then after Legend they do Athenas. How did they get to Legend then? They capitalized off of the time and effort of anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.
    The reason no one should give any time to PvP players defending the way they play is because There IS IN FACT ANOTHER WAY TO PLAY, and there are many many people that want to play that way.
    We should at least have the option to play un-harrassed before becoming pirate legend.
    If that's not good enough for you PvP players and for some reason you think it's unfair that anyone wouldn't want to lose their progress to you then how about this:
    Private servers or protection (Like a flag) for people playing solo in a sloop IF they so choose? I don't even care if you put a pacifier on the flag, just put the feature in that should have been in since the beginning.
    The reason I feel this way is because in the rare instance my streamer buddies want to play SOT, we play on the big boats and we PvP and we do voyages and we play the game in every way we can and it's loads of fun.
    But the majority of the time, I'm by myself because no one wants to play. Everyone I ask says "No..." because (and I hope your listening rare) "It's a griefers paradise, I'd rather play something else." I have a full friends list and no one wants to play your game Rare. It shouldn't be that way and from a business standpoint I can't see why you wont make that addition. You aren't going to lose anyone over it and if you do then those types of players aren't who you want populating your beautiful game world.
    Solo Sloopers at the very least, should get privacy in one form or another. I'll give you some better reasons as to why. From a gameplay perspective, it is enough to have to plot the course, load the boat, man the sails, the wheel, the direction, patch holes, park the ship, find the treasure, fight the mobs, put the treasure on the boat and get it back to the outpost ALL THE WHILE watching the horizon for CptGriefsalot and his crew. Not to mention the odds of Successfully defending a sloop...alone are very very low. It's too much, it's so much its broken, It's so broken there are crews that wait to find and sink solo sloopers like myself. I've seen them parked just off the coast of outposts all the time. These people aren't there to play the game they are there to progress through the game the easiest way possible. Not by voyaging and digging up treasure, or fighting skeleton waves, or feeding those dang pigs, but by Waiting until someone else does and then taking %100 of the in game credit and EXP for the last 5 percent of the effort.
    Just try to defend sinking a solo player if you aren't one yourself. At the end of the day I can say I earned Pirate Legend legit and have no qualms about it. I've been scavenging ship wrecks and killing krakens and megalodons to get where I am because Voyaging is unfeasible at this point.
    Don't even get me started on trying to complete Tall Tales.

  • @nabberwar said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:


    I'll say it now: When the game ultimately dies...

    I am going to stop you right there, we are already getting close to two years at this point with consistent population numbers, steady content, and new cosmetics. Ya'll have been saying this doomsayer nonsense since day one, "PvP is ruining the game." When the first Guilded Voyages came out, we found this crew which was doing it. Sunk them in total 3 times. First stole a bunch of the normal chests of that voyage, second time for the other half, and the third and last time was for the three Athena's. They too said the same thing, yet here we are. This threat holds no weight, time to stop throwing it around. Just because you keep repeating doesn't make it any more true.

    You take Uno way to seriously if you considering someone stacking Draw +2 as being a jerk. Time to lighten up.

    You must be a journalist, or a politician. You're astoundingly good at shoving words that were never spoken into other people's mouths.

    Open world PvP is absolutely fine. Arena is fantastic as well. Being a total jerk and preying on newbies that don't have anything (or a chance) is not. And with that, I drop the argument.

  • @va-a-hombre said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:


    You best not be disrespecting Lego, boy!

    Nothing's more legit than the brick!

    alt text

    You kids and your special toys! Back in my day we had to use concrete blocks to build toys out of!

    Actually, my first Lego set was a police car. This was back in the 1970's. I still have that car.
    Lego is actually the coolest toy ever made.

  • @butterybarnacls

    Think my first major set was an airliner. My older brother got the castle playset, lucky cuss.

  • @ofury23 I have no issues w/ PvP, but it's not a requirement for being a thief. Fighting skeleton ships, discovering/stealing buried treasure, and raiding skeleton forts all make you a thief. The "this isn't Sea of Friends..." statement that we often see from PvP enthusiasts makes me laugh.

  • @chip said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @ofury23 I have no issues w/ PvP, but it's not a requirement for being a pirate. Fighting skeleton ships, discovering/stealing buried treasure, and raiding skeleton forts all make you a pirate. The "this isn't Sea of Friends..." statement that we often see from PvP enthusiasts makes me laugh.

    I'm sorry if this seems pedantic, but the only thing that makes you an actual "pirate" is to engage in piracy, which is essentially theft at sea. All those other things--fighting skellies, seeking buried treasure, etc.--make you more of an adventurer than an actual pirate. Having said that, I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But the word "pirate" has an actual, specific meaning.

  • @genuine-heather Apologies, I should have said, "it's not a requirement for being a thief". Sea of Thieves.

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