Crossplay opt out is perfect!

  • @cokney-charmer said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @octopus-lime no it really is, if you want the opt out you are clearly unskilled in the game and scared, remain in the crossplay pool and you are clearly mature and highly skilled blah blah.

    It might be your personal opinion but IMHO it is a tired, disproven nonsense drummed up by PC Players worried about the opt out having an impact on the seas you sail in the game.

    I get it, as long as everyone can play the game and have a good time, in or out of crossplay, all that matter my friend.

    making the assumption this is a "skills based" issue is just not the case.

    Fair enough then we will have to agree to disagree, happy sailing.

  • @octopus-lime Happy Sailing to you as well my friend, may both our seas provide a suitable challenge and fun experience.

  • @cokney-charmer I am happy and finished my post on a happy note but what can i say, cant stand stupidity.
    OP is known for her disrespect pc community calling us many dumb things so trust me when i say that this post is infested with ill intentions.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @n1njah1 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    PC captain here. Glad to see you're all happy. For us things are going well too! Had my first real battle in ages since the update. No more 1 cannonball and the enemy is down. I feel this will be the end of the era of the cross platform madness, finally.

    But crossplay is the future. More and more games are(or should) push crossplay as a part of them. This isn't the time for separation any more.

    Crossplay is definitely the future. It just needs to be implemented correctly so it’s a benefit not a detriment.
    Games like Fortnite have done good, with the input based matchmaking.

    Hopefully in the near future sea of thieves with be tweaked again so the PC players who are controller only can join in the fun. :)

  • @faceyourdemon Oh believe me, I totally understand the reasoning behind this thread and fully know exactly what you mean my friend.

    But keeping the thread on topic and away from what we both know could be the intention of it, is a good way to keep things positive, something this subject and the forums could benefit from.

    May your voyages be full of gold and rum!

  • @cokney-charmer said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @x5h3ar3rx said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @faceyourdemon said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

    Couldn't agree more!

    Not sure how this post hasn't been locked for bait, it clearly is.. as I've seen other posts being locked for less tbh.. intresting!

    Thread isn't bait just because "you" were baited to come in and remind people you were against this happening.

    Of nothing else, this thread has shown from those who have benefited from it, that it has had an immediate effect which is what we who wanted it hoped for and wait RARE waited it to do.

    Happy sailing everyone.

    Actually not against it FYI 😏 I have many times in multiple posts been FOR opt-out for those who want it..

    Your comment is void to me sadly! 🤷‍♂️

  • @navillicious said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @captgraykid I love how people are demanding others to buy an Xbox if they want to play with them when these same people wont shell out 50-80 bucks on an input device they deem advantageous, it's a my way or the highway mentality which is honestly kinda toxic. And as far as fair environments go every Xbox variation has different performances and once the new one comes out what then? The new Xbox is going to perform better than the X so we just gonna have an opt out for the Series X as well? If we talking about hacking then honestly that's so minimal it might as well not even exist, in my 2 years of playing this game I haven't encountered a single hacker, so not sure where this argument is going.

    Yet here we are, one more developer who decided forced crossplay is not the future.
    Now I am left scratching my head, are PC gamers really so upset that I get to play in a much more fair environment? I would think that as "good " as the PC gamers are that they will appreciate a much more competitive game.
    Frankly, it's obvious what some people are doing on the forums. So upset that Rare decided to give us the option that now people are asking for more separation based on all kinds of nonsense.
    Again, lots of people like console gaming because it is simply a more level playing field. Most PC gamers realize that the better their systems are, the better the game experience. When you choose to game on PC you have to live with the fact that some people have a much better machine. On xbox, to use your term, the difference is minimal. Now the decision is yours. And if you decide to play on console, you won't be forced to compete against people who have a much better system than you! Talk about win win situations!

  • I haven't really noticed much difference on PC, to be honest. We got a good bit of PvP last night, oddly from Xbox One players - maybe their opt out wasn't working or they fancied proving a point? shrugs Not more than usual though.

    Anyway, we sank one and the other (who started, because we don't start fights usually) ran from us when we fought back. All my crew use controllers on PC, so we're not the best at PvP either.

    I was concerned that maybe it would have an impact on pings and matchmaking but it doesn't seem to have made much, if any, difference at all in that regard.

  • Ahoy maties!

    Since crossplay is a very hot topic in the forum at the moment we have created a Megathread to discuss the recent changes and to gather your feedback.

    If you do have any feedback or would like to discuss the recent changes, please visit the thread below and get involved!

    For now, I am going to drop anchor here to keep the forum ship-shape and organised!

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