Cannon insta kills

  • Not sure if its just me having this issue but it seems like every battle i get in with other players within 2,3 enemy cannon balls im shot off the cannon and insta killed, which would be fine if i had a chance to respawn but then i end up sitting in a black screen for so long after leaving the ferry of the damned that i just spawn a new location, am i just getting extremely unlucky? Is this the new meta? And why is the respawn time ridiculously long? Help a returning player out please.

  • 9
  • Firing at the cannons is indeed the meta, and it will most likely stay that way. Best thing to do is aim your first shots at their cannons, and hope you clear them off before they clear you. A direct hit will insta-kill but even the splash damage will knock you off the cannon. Fire soon, fire often, aim at the cannons. good luck out there

  • No such thing as a cannon instakill. Cannonballs are fired by a cannon, travel viably though the air and later hit there target. If a player isnt paying attention or chooses not to dodge the visible and predictable fired cannonball and it hits them directly, then they will die. In no way is the process instant though.

  • @omnipotence13 do you even know what instakill means lol? Read the comment above and if you dont have anything constructive to say then dont bother :)

  • @bactatankbill Thank you at least now i know, I wasnt sure if it was meta or just getting unlucky, im just returning and meta at release was bellow the water line/bottom decks so i appreactie that :)

  • @mtierney-1 A point of clarification: dealing with their cannons is just the opener. Once you pelt them a couple of times to clear the cannons (or hit them with a peaceball, jigball, or wearyball), readjust your aim to their lowest deck.

  • It's a bit of unluckiness and timing, you can get into a position where you can be hit off your cannon, and not be able to get back on it to reload in time for the next hit. Only really insta'd if your not at full health.

    Other ships will aim for you on your cannons, so just step to the side and get your timing down.

    I thought this topic was about something else initially.. I got insta'd off my cannons in a really weird way..

  • having a metal ball replaced with your brain usually kills you pretty fast in my experience

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