Change Pirate Option

  • I'm fairly sure someone else has already made a suggestion like this, but there should be an option to change your pirate without losing progress. When I first played the game, I didn't know much about it so I didn't choose my pirate properly and after I made a ton of progress, it was too late for me. An option to change pirates would be great for others in my same situation or similar. Maybe make it so that you can only do it once per a few months.

  • 6

    The dev's have a policy on not repeating posts on the forum.

    The one linked above probably isn't the first. But its the most recent I've seen.

    Just so you know.

  • @dreadpirate9200 thanks for letting me know. I thought there might have been another post but didn't know there was a policy. Thanks again!

  • No worries Pirate.
    Have fun out there. 😁

  • @des1dragon bro i have been wanting this for forever. and if not i believe we should have the ability to create pirates, rather than picking them. cause i mean atm it can take hours and hours to find a pirate you like, and usually you spend 2 hours looking for a pirate, and you end up just settling for one thats ehh its alright i guess il do this one cause i cant be bothered to spend another 2 hours looking (im talking from experience). anyways either way i reckon we should be able to have a crew of pirates. not just one but many. atm you have to create multiple accounts just to have multiple pirates, its an anoying hastle

  • @d4m0r3d Yeah, i just wish i knew more about this game before i decided to play. Otherwise i would have chosen my pirate more carefully.

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