Black Powder Stashes & Mermaid Gems

  • Ahoy me Hearties!

    I have already completed black powder stashes, it was a blast! Tho I have a few questions that I didn't clearly understand from the Dev update announcing this event, regarding mermaid Gems.

    Currently, you get the Gems everywhere, shipwrecks, shore lines, Forts, Megalodon and so on. Is it staying like this after the event is over? or will it go back to previous state, which is mermaid statues?

    Thank you

  • 8
  • @phuzzybond said in Black Powder Stashes & Mermaid Gems:

    Ahoy me Hearties!

    I have already completed black powder stashes, it was a blast! Tho I have a few questions that I didn't clearly understand from the Dev update announcing this event, regarding mermaid Gems.

    Currently, you get the Gems everywhere, shipwrecks, shore lines, Forts, Megalodon and so on. Is it staying like this after the event is over? or will it go back to previous state, which is mermaid statues?

    Thank you

    I really hope it will stay this way. It adds more loot to find, also more value to forts. After this update we have done way more forts then before because of the extra value it now has. I would be a shame if they removed it again.

    So let's hope they will keep it :D5

  • @mentimjojo I hope so :) thank you

  • @phuzzybond I would assume they would go back to the normal find rate but not sure. I say that because when previous events have showcased a certain element, after the event is over the element is less prevalent in the game.

  • I think this will depend what players prefer :) I'm sure Rare have lot of feedbacks about this. For me, it's better like that ! :) I love to find a gem just like that without statues. And more important, this permit to players who don't have group of 4 players to obtain some red gems.

  • It kind of removes the purpose for the mermaid statues if you can find the gems all over, so I'm guessing the number you can find will be reduced somewhat when the event ends.

    The gems will likely still be in the loot tables for items washed up on shore and spawning in forts but not as many at one time since I think the rate was increased to showcase the new loot table (and the fact that there are commendations associated which require you to collect 60 gems).

  • Most likely the spawn locations will stay but the spawn rate will drop

  • In one of the recent developments update videos, Joe Neate mentioned they would discuss what changes will remain from the event in an upcoming video. Due to the nature of the lore behind the recent gem explosion (a merchant shipment sinking) I would think it is a temporary change. But perhaps if demographics for completion are lower than expected, they may decide to leave them for a time.

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