These storms...really?!

  • So I've just begun playing SoT in the last month or it so far and it gets better every time I play it. But one point of contention I have, is with the storms. Ok, I get is an issue in real life w/ regard to sailing...but this isn't real's a game that's supposed to be fun. C'mon, some of these storms are ridiculous. The devs are literally creating an environment, within the game, that makes the game un-fun and causes me to log out and play something I'm writing, I logged in 24 minutes ago and am still sitting in rain/lightning/thunder...I've had to heal myself twice to keep from dying because I can't even chill out, fish, and wait the storm out w/o having to worry about dying. Maybe I'm just a cynic, but this seems dumb to me.

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  • @saltysiberian

    I don't have a problem with what the storm does, or how it can move around the map..

    Where I have problems with the storm are the following:

    1. The Storm feels like it's an NPC, meaning if you're inside it's aggro radius it will come after your ship to a degree making the storm feel bigger than it really is.

    2. The storm is way too persistent in the world, meaning it's always going some place.. I would rather it not always be going and make it more of a PVE event that can spawn in on you some how; that would be better.

    3. The storm "wind" ought to be more realistic to the storm it self; but I understand that this may be way too challenging to code and make effective for a number of reasons and for that alone I am willing to allow it to slide for now.. HOWEVER, this is a AAA game so letting it slide for now means try and get it working by next year thanks.

  • @saltysiberian said in These storms...really?!:

    So I've just begun playing SoT in the last month or it so far and it gets better every time I play it. But one point of contention I have, is with the storms. Ok, I get is an issue in real life w/ regard to sailing...but this isn't real's a game that's supposed to be fun. C'mon, some of these storms are ridiculous. The devs are literally creating an environment, within the game, that makes the game un-fun and causes me to log out and play something I'm writing, I logged in 24 minutes ago and am still sitting in rain/lightning/thunder...I've had to heal myself twice to keep from dying because I can't even chill out, fish, and wait the storm out w/o having to worry about dying. Maybe I'm just a cynic, but this seems dumb to me.

    Variety is the spice of life. I'd like to see more weather conditions, not less. Moreover, if a little rain is upsetting to you...just wait. It gets worse. Much worse. :D

  • @genuine-heather I don't recall mentioning a "little rain" This is a know, the kind w/ lighting/thunder...makes it impossible to sail...but ok, belittle my post...thats cool.

  • You can still sail through storms. It's not impossible, its just a bit harder. In fact there's an achievement for sailing through one at night with the lights off.

  • Forgive me, as I hate being one of these guys, but storms aren’t too difficult.

    Lightning doesn’t cause too much damage to you anyhow. Maybe 1/12 to 1/6 of your health depending.
    Even in the worst of a storm you don’t have water filling the ship too much. I’ve caught maybe 3-4 stormfish before and when I’ve checked on the water it’s not even close to being close to sinking my ship.

    Don’t get me wrong they can be frustrating, I’ve had bad storm incidents, but the storms need to be in the game. 1) for the stormfish. 2) because as far as I know they’ve been in there since like day 1 (correct me if I’m wrong, Sea of Thieves veterans!!). 3) because it’s just something to add a wee bit of fun as well as danger into the game (that’s already got lots of fun and danger).

    Trust me, a lot worse can happen than storms.

  • @d3adst1ck alright...that's pretty cool...I'd like to get that achievement...however, once I've gotten it, what's the point of the storm other than to make grinding even that much more frustrating. In regards to one reply about "a little rain"...that's not my issue...rain just makes the game gloomy but I can still get stuff done...storms create ship breaks apart and sinks while trying to sail through it...if I wait it out, it creates an annoying environment that makes it impossible to perform the most menial task, fishing, without angst...clearly it must be me since it doesn't seem to bother anyone else, but imo it's just annoyingly unnecessary.

  • @swimplatypus7 huh...I always considered that it was some sort of PvE event...the fact that it's always there makes me smirk considering that seems SO dumb to me! And again, I'm belaboring the point...but NPCs, skills, quests, etc that are difficult is one thing...a completely random event that's ALWAYS there, you can't affect, can't control, can't even live through, seems downright dumb and counter-productive to having fun within a video game.

  • @saltysiberian If it didn't exist people would complain it didn't exist.

    Think of it as a mechanic/tool to sail away from an aggressive pursuer.

    Its a beautiful piece of art ingenuity that adds depth and immersion to the great sea of thieves

  • @saltysiberian said in These storms...really?!:

    @genuine-heather I don't recall mentioning a "little rain" This is a know, the kind w/ lighting/thunder...makes it impossible to sail...but ok, belittle my post...thats cool.

    The "little rain" comment was tongue-in-cheek, and not meant to be belittling. But to your's not impossible to sail through a storm. It's more challenging, yes. Just bail once in a while and you'll be fine. Like anything else, managing your ship through a storm just takes practice. Most of the time you can avoid storms if you really want to. Whenever possible, I try never to sail directly through the middle of a storm, instead skirting around the edges to my destination. If you're stuck in the middle of one for whatever reason, you have options. You can wait it out and do some fishing for stormfish. You can go ahead and sail through it until you get out. Or if you don't want to deal with all that, you could scuttle your ship and hope you respawn out of the storm.

    If you choose to sail through the heart of a storm, just stay on top of the bailing as much as possible. It's clearly far, far easier with two or more people, but if you're solo then you just have to do the best you can until you get through it.

    One final tip. I like to ask Alexa to play the theme to Gilligan's Island while sailing through a storm. It won't help, but at least you'll go down smiling. :D

  • I would actually prefer if the storm formed instead of traveled around. Then we'd have to watch how clouds form above our heads and figure out whether the storm is coming or not... and being a meteorologist would become a thing. I think it would be nice. \o/

    Edit1: also, I would not be against it if the storm winds pushed the boats faster than winds out of the storm's domain. After all, storm winds are pretty strong, supposedly... and we, the sailors, could take advantage of it by traveling FASTER on the storm's edge or going through it. That's an incentive for PLAYERS to go near the storm.

    Edit2: to OP, look up Perfect Dark achievement on Xbox.. 'Through stormy seas in silent flight, no lanterns lit to pierce the night' ... the storm is a challenge of its own, enter it at your own will... tho' I remember the text was different before, something about a lady who showed off her might by sailing without the lights through the storm at night, I fancied that one more tbh, it inspired heroism.

  • @saltysiberian well I enjoy sailing through the storm, though I grant its more fun with shipmates than alone. It's especially nice to see one when you are loaded down with treasure and being you an opportunity to slip away.

  • @saltysiberian said in These storms...really?!:

    as I'm writing, I logged in 24 minutes ago and am still sitting in rain/lightning/thunder...

    You dislike the storms, and yet decided to stay on the server with an active storm over your location? You have zero invested at this point beyond load time, why would you stick around for it to clear rather than bouncing servers? This one instance is on you, not the storm!

    Storms are one of the dangers of the game to keep players moving and on their toes, so I would argue they are an important factor in the game.

    On that note, I would also prefer the storms drop in and out like the fog so that nobody is safe! It transitions in like the fog starting with a little rain that moves around an area as the storm does currently. Then it transitions into the full-blown storm we are used to before subsiding with a bit of rain and dissipating completely.

  • @saltysiberian said in These storms...really?!:

    So I've just begun playing SoT in the last month or it so far and it gets better every time I play it. But one point of contention I have, is with the storms. Ok, I get is an issue in real life w/ regard to sailing...but this isn't real's a game that's supposed to be fun. C'mon, some of these storms are ridiculous. The devs are literally creating an environment, within the game, that makes the game un-fun and causes me to log out and play something I'm writing, I logged in 24 minutes ago and am still sitting in rain/lightning/thunder...I've had to heal myself twice to keep from dying because I can't even chill out, fish, and wait the storm out w/o having to worry about dying. Maybe I'm just a cynic, but this seems dumb to me.

    Sounds like a great opportunity to catch storm fish. I have to chase the storms around in most cases. It's a lucky break when a storm finds me.

  • @saltysiberian

    Hey! I agree. Once you’ve sailed through a couple well, that’s enough. Done it. It wasn’t difficult, just a drag. Got the tee shirt now can I just get back to my quest. Sorry kiddo, welcome to Sea of Repetition 🙂

  • I would like to see the storm move with the wind, so that you could predict its path better. Also; Not sure why there always has to be a storm in the world. I don't think there is always fog somewhere.

  • @surveyorpete I think the only issue with that is that unless the wind direction changes a lot more violently than it currently does the storm would eventually work its way to the edges of the map and get stuck there. The other scenario could be the storm staying generally in the center of map. Both scenarios end up with the storm being a mostly non-factor.

    At that point you'd need to despawn the storm and spawn it somewhere else, in which case we'd get a bunch of threads about how storms spawned on top of people :)

  • @d3adst1ck

    Hmm... Good points. But, there is no "edge of the map" really. There is the Devil's Shroud. There is no reason why a storm could not be blown off the blue water and into the shroud. Then, when it gets far enough away (entirely in the shroud), it could simply "wrap around" and come back in from the Devil's Shroud on the windward side of the map.

  • Oh and don't forget, you can get some dubloons for a lighting death, just make sure and get the white light from the well of souls first!

  • @saltysiberian said

    So I've just begun playing SoT in the last month or it so far and it gets better every time I play it.

    When I first began playing this game I had the same issue with the storms. But, I didn't realize how they worked. I was wondering why my wheel wasn't working, and why was the compass going nuts. Once I figured it out, and after getting used to the game, I realized that you will only encounter storms once in a blue moon. They aren't even a bother anymore, unless they happen to be in direct path to where I want to go. It just means circling around it, which is a minor inconvenience

18 out of 20