Bounty Hunters Guild for pvp trolls

  • I know a lot of people that want to love this game for its beautiful islands, awesome adventuring, treasure hunting, skeleton fighting, and epic sailing but almost all of those people have given up on the game because of pvp trolls. I get the concept of pvp in this game, it makes sense and it can be really fun but when you can’t even dig up one chest without your sloop being sunk by a galleon or murdered over and over by other bored players it gets realllly old. My suggestion is to create a new guild called the Bounty Hunters Guild. Ships that fire first at other ships and sink them get a gold bounty on them and show up to others on the map. Other ships can then attack the pvp ship for gold and xp towards the guild. Commendations can be added for different size ships killed in bounties as well as amounts of ships and crew killed. It would create a deterrent for players trolling others just trying to adventure while still allowing them to get in pvp fights with people who want to fight at the same time. Its a win win and i think it would draw a lot more people back to the game that got frustrated with just getting trolled endlessly before.

  • 14
  • I'm getting really tired of this meanwhile......

    Why do ppl not use the search function of the forums, they topics have been popping up like mushrooms the last few weeks, why not respond in a topic that is already "discussing" this intead of creating a new topic again.....

  • Interestingly, you may see the opposite happen; A little like going on a rampage in Grand Theft Auto, PvPer's may want to see how high they can drive their bounty. Imagine a PvP players glee when not only does their bounty rise to a server record but they are in a galleon of PC Pro's and not one of the boats on the same server can come close to sinking them.
    A bounty system could inadvertently increase the level of conflict where it's aim was to reduce it. Bounty hunters want to claim the gold, Scoundrels want the renown and reputation of getting the highest bounty on the server

  • Having said that, I like the idea of bounties, but I'd like to see them for the heads of individual pirates rather than boats.

  • Playing the game and using the game mechanics in an intended route, is by definition not trolling. More specifically, a ship coming to sink/attack you isn't trollling or griefing. You state you understand PvP, but its clear you don't.

    That being said, I'm indifferent on a Bounty system. Having it or not isn't that important for me, but if they do add it, I would like an option to place a bounty on ourselves. Reason includes the idea of getting a bounty placed sounds like fun, not a punishment as others might think. Also the payout is in the form of a chest that appears after sinking.

    Problems with this system is just the practicality of it. Do bounties carry over servers? Are they tied to individuals, or collective. If I join a different ship, do they suffer an unintended bounty? Will this make the servers more shoot on sight?

  • @bloodclutcher So you're saying I should kill as many ships as possible to get the highest score I can, and then people will actually fight me instead of running?

    I like this idea!

  • @nabberwar the getting trolled would be when you have no chests and nothing of value on your ship but guys sit on it and kill you the second you spawn back over and over again. Yes, that is trolling. I do understand pvp, getting others people’s treasure is great and fun. Ive done it myself but i wont sit on a ship and murder people as they spawn. If a ship attacks mine ill fight them and sink it, thats pirating which is the whole point but when people are sitting there just killing people as they spawn for no treasure thats trolling.

  • @guybrush3pwood2 true but i feel like if a ships bounty goes up a lot and everyone can see them on the map it would draw a lot of people to them and no matter how good they are they would eventually be overrun. Would make for some really cool multiship battles as well as letting those who dont feel like pvp fighting to go search for treasure or whatever else elsewhere. Higher bounties can be another side of the commendations, you get them for different tiers or amounts of gold. Again that could be a draw for pvpers to attack each other instead of people just trying to sail around and explore.

  • It's been suggested before and people have opposed it and with (IMHO) good reasons.
    Some are already listed here, people will se it as a score to achieve, and it won't even deterr people.
    Besides this is even worse for people who want to be left alone.
    With a bounty system in place I can just go to a sloop, barrel equipped and board them, if they shoot my ship they will get a bounty and that's free cash, if they hit me while I hold a barrel he'd have sunk himself and I don't get a bounty.

    I've just made this scenario up in all of the minute it took to wite this down. I feel like it's a bad Idea when it's so quickly poked full of holes.

  • @bloodclutcher

    the getting trolled would be when you have no chests and nothing of value on your ship but guys sit on it and kill you the second you spawn back over and over again. Yes, that is trolling. I do understand pvp, getting others people’s treasure is great and fun. Ive done it myself but i wont sit on a ship and murder people as they spawn. If a ship attacks mine ill fight them and sink it, thats pirating which is the whole point but when people are sitting there just killing people as they spawn for no treasure thats trolling.

    First, how does one know they don't have loot without actually checking first? I've had it where people say they have not loot, when we attacked the lie was discovered quite easily.

    Second, you have a scuttle option, no one forces you to be repeatedly killed over and over except yourself with the refusal to accept defeat. If the ship is in a position to keep killing you five plus rounds of crew spawns, its quite clear who is in control of that fight. No need for stubbornness, accept defeat and scuttle. Switch servers and try again, you already lost the loot. Not much can be gained sticking around.

  • Oh i thought it was something about players start to organize themself.

    But no, just another suggestion what is not well thought through.


    If i want to defend myself i often shoot first as i can shoot and hit over long range, especially defending at forts .
    Am i supposed to get a bounty then?

    Another thing what is said 1000times already is thst these systems are highly exploitable and just trash solutions for what you really want.
    It will be more of an incentive to get the highest hounty on your own head for a pure KoS Pirate, honestly .

    MP Sandbox = organize yourself!!!
    Get a crew of 4 or 3 and defend yourself!

  • Exactly you get a bounty of 20,000 gold on your head and I guarantee a lot of people are going to come sink you, thats the point haha. A chase pvp bounty hunt keeps those players that want to do that preoccupied while others that don't want to be battling ships every 2 minutes can adventure and explore.

  • @bloodclutcher said in Bounty Hunters Guild for pvp trolls:

    @nabberwar the getting trolled would be when you have no chests and nothing of value on your ship but guys sit on it and kill you the second you spawn back over and over again. Yes, that is trolling.

    Unless they're stealing your supplies. That takes time, often more than a couple respawns worth. My crew and I do this all the time, not to troll, but because it's a PvP intensive way of resupplying, and often way faster than any other form of resupplying.

    Alternatively, they could be commandeering or helmsinking your ship. I also do both these things. Neither are trolling. They have their own purposes independent of repeatedly killing the crew. Controlling the crew is just something necessary to achieve the actual goal.

  • As ppl pointed out this will create more pvp. Also pvp is not trolling. You can scuttle anytime u are being spawn camped. Also this system u want will be easy to abuse

4 out of 14