Fix hit registration PLEASE im tired of this

  • Ok so, hit reg is garbage in this game ever since the update on Febuary 6th when you removed double gun the hit registration got messed up. It often takes 5 shots to kill someone while their in the water and they don't even eat food they just tank shots like its nothing is this a new buff? Because i recall it takes 2 hits with the Flintlock/Eye O' Reach to kill someone. This bug normally happens during water fights or when someone is holding a chest. Also i don't normally complain about stuff like this but its gone to far now i have lost arena games because of it. One time my team was up 7000 to 6000 and i was camping the sea post so they would not turn in the final chest and when they finally came to turn it in the guy jumped off the boat with the chest and i shot him 3 times with my pistol while he was holding the chest i got 3 hit markers and he lived and sold the chest and we lost. This has happend to many times and i have played this game since day 1 and i dont plan to stop playing. Once again i dont normally complain but im just throwing out there that this needs to be fixed. Thanks Rare I hope you take this into consideration.

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  • I usually have this same problem but I recently learned that when people have the green bar around there health skull thing from eating cooked meat that they regen health after a bit but if they eat a piece of fruit or other food they start getting their health back right away I'm not sure if that's your problem since you said that sometimes they don't eat food

  • Maybe I misread, but doesnt shooting from the hip do less dmg now? I know alot of PC players do this which is why i mention it.

  • @xshadovvhunterx No it does the same damage every where you hit

  • @pizzaroll225 The heath regen is not that fast and also the hit reg bug started happening before this food update was a thing.

  • @ninjashadow2
    Hit registration has been broken since the beginning. It's because hit markers are client side and hit registration is server side. Any little bit of lag/latency on your side or the server's side can cause you to get a hit marker while the server doesn't register the hit. One way to fix this is to "favor the shooter" so if you get a hit marker it registers the hit.

    I am hopeful that the frequency of combat in Arena will continue to increase the complaints about hit registration so that Rare will finally think it is important enough to fix.

5 out of 6