sword on hip

  • would still really like to see your sword displayed on your hip and your weapons on your back or holstered. one of the coolest things are the cutlasses in this game and i cant even see what i look like using specific ones when doing emotes its just kinda saddening

  • 17
  • @widdly I've been wanting this too, even if it's just an option.

  • @widdly Heh, never thought about it. Good idea.

  • This would be so awesome!!!

  • I agree.

    I don't know why we can't see our weapons on our pirates. :/

  • This just makes me want a 3rd person option.

  • Great idea !
    I'd really like to see that

  • @widdly Yes please! I’ve never been a fan of games where you pull weapons out of thin air 😂

    Equipped weapons should always be holstered ect...
    I’m talking to you Fallout 4!!!

  • the pirates are just pulling them out off their pants right now arent they?

  • @widdly

    I wouldn't necessarily want this all the time, but a vanity chest toggle to "turn on weapon display on pirate" would be cool.

    We could do with an option to toggle the gun and the cutlass each, so we can show both if we want or just one or the other.

    I think something like this would go a very long way for Pirate customization. Being able to show off our proudly earned weapons this way is just as good as an outfit!

  • I've been dying to see this added. I agree with the toggle option as well. We look so underprepared not having weapons on our hips.

  • Or some flex emotes or something that leaves weapons equipped for screenshots. Emote aim down sight or something.

  • thats one of the best ideas in a while! good job!

  • But I also want to see how you want to run between two barrels, but get stuck with the sword.

  • Well I never, I literally never even noticed that weapons aren't holstered on our hip or back etc, great idea.. Only problem I can foresee is.... Hip today, gone tomorrow......

    I'll grab my coat

  • @m1sterpunch said in sword on hip:

    Or some flex emotes or something that leaves weapons equipped for screenshots. Emote aim down sight or something.

    emotes change depending on whats equipped. like your chat wheel changes.

    For cutlass add option to duel (similar to add friend emote but will temporarily enable friendly fire on two crew members until health reached 5% or something or x time has elapsed

    @geekster-t said in sword on hip:

    I've been dying to see this added. I agree with the toggle option as well. We look so underprepared not having weapons on our hips.

    add costmetic bundles. etc. 1) treasure hunter: select to display ur shovel on your back and a compass on your belt
    2)skeleton hunter: sword and gun displayed on person
    3) merchant officer: pocketwatch displayed on belt and spyglass hangs from neck. idk just some options like that so you dont HAVE to display combat items.

    I also had another post somewhere it suggested the camera switches to 3rd person when working the sails or on the capstan (maybe cannons and wheel, might change combat meta) or at least be able to toggle between the options

  • @widdly said in sword on hip:

    I also had another post somewhere it suggested the camera switches to 3rd person when working the sails or on the capstan (maybe cannons and wheel, might change combat meta) or at least be able to toggle between the options

    This would be a sweet option for sure. Especially since there's really cool animation for trimming the sails that we never see our own character doing. They really need to do this for the screenshots alone.

11 out of 17