Increasing Cheaters... What the Punishment System?

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Please dont throw dirt to a thread that doesnt affect you. 15 suspects? none confirmed.
    That is Your server, NOT BRASIL!

    Please read well before writting.

    And no matter you have 0.5 second ping you obviously kill fastly someone on a corner that doesnt block and receives a full combo slash from two pirates, he dies in about 1.5 seconds. LAG doesnt count when the target is static.

    No, most of the posts I see here want to try Troll this thread and make it useless, YOU ARE TRYING TO NOT HELP!

    Having you questioning me if I really saw real hackers is not the point!

    Im calling for help:
    Brasil needs better monitoring or a good reporting system, NOT THE XBOX.

    And If you REALLY want to ask if im reliable at checking hackers, you must be there everyday. Its very HYPOCRITE to say Venus is beautifull from so FAR!
    (check google, its a hell there.)

  • @boomtownboss never have I ever encountered a cheater..... Why is no one drinking?.... Oh wait😏

  • @el-kape So I'm guessing there is a language barrier so I will try to make the sentences easy to use with google translate.

    LAG counts for everything. Not just moving targets. It counts for static targets as well.

    My whole post was not dirt. I was trying to help you see that the issue you are coming across is normal. It is not hacks. We all have been telling you this and you seem to be ignoring it.

    I said 15 suspected cheaters. Only 5 confirmed after watching the videos. They are not playing anymore and were banned. I play on servers all over the world.

    What you need to know is that the HIT REGISTRATION, the program that says when you hit someone is messed up right now. It is not hacks, it is messed up period.

    WE ARE ALL EXPERIENCING THIS. It is not cheaters. Same thing with teleporting, it is LAG.

    First figure out how the servers fill up and how they work. You will understand what is happening.

    They already have a good team to check for cheaters. You need to read what we are telling you.

    If you are reporting lots of players and none of them are getting banned, then that means that they are not cheaters.

    The problem is with hit registration and lag not cheaters.

  • @closinghare208

    I think that is a bogus statement.

  • @psychomyth why?

  • @closinghare208

    It's always funny to me that the average gamer sits at home thinking they have the slightest clue about what actually goes on within a company, such as Rare.

  • @el-kape "Things that make them 200% health"

    FYI that's the broken hit registration meaning the game didn't count it as a "hit" but gave you a hit marker anyways. Rare has yet to even address the issue even worse is it can happen when hitting skeletons... Ever put 3-4 bullets in a skelly and it not die? Ya, broken hit reg.

  • @psychomyth ok do you work there?

  • @xultanis-dragon
    Ok, seems you know what is lag, since you are talking about just lag... it has very low variations... 100 ping means you have 100 milliseconds to comunicate with your server, that is 1/10 of a second. if you want to calculate the signal back there are 200 milliseconds to return.

    If someone stay still and receiving damage over 5 seconds, you got a winner. Explaining: 5 seconds are 5000 milliseconds. If you have 250 ping, then the signal takes a half second to go there and get back to you. half second versus 5 seconds... the guy cannot be dead 4.5 seconds ago, its too much time! Give him a big lag jump... it may be in extreme cases, half second.

    @ClosingHare208 ok, this guy dont even read...

    You CANNOT directly contact Rare to report.
    That is the main problem I propose here.

    You must contact Xbox, not rare, to report, Its not the same company.

  • @el-kape ok no caps ok

  • @el-kape said in Increasing Cheaters... What the Punishment System?:

    @KattTruewalker Your answer is the same link that I shown before... but in english...
    Close to get a solution, but... it only shows you how to report to Xbox =(
    Im sure Non-Brasil servers may be very clean, but I live in South America.

    Apologies, but if you scroll to the bottom of the page, where it says 'Still need help?' You're able to access the Support website, give it a minute or so to connect and you'll see a box with drop down options for a variety of reporting.

  • @el-kape Dude I'm in networking. I know what lag is and I know how to read Ping rates.

    Just because you are at 50ping does not mean the other person is at same ping as you. They could have a bad connection or you could have a bad connection.

    It is lag and it is the server hit registration causing issues.

    Even in a game where both players have 50 ping the server will still give you a hit marker when no hit happened. It is not cheats. It is lag and server issues. Myself and a lot of other players are telling you this is a known issue. It is not cheats.

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