please let us kick people

  • There is a lot of people lately joining crews and going afk. they are doing it so the get the cash and rep for not doing anything. Please let us kick them or at least if there in the brig they cant get cash or th e rep.

  • 18
  • Which one is worse:

    1. People getting rewarded for afking.
    2. People being kicked / brigged and denied the loot they earned.

    It's quite difficult issue.

  • @archaell 2 is worse

  • That's the most annoying thing ever haha I wish there was some way to kick someone that is actually afk so people don't just kick everyone all the time.

    Trying to do open crew is hard enough with people that have no clue what they're doing and don't take advice. I don't mind helping new players if they're open to the help, but when they just ignore me and make everything 10x harder I just get over trying.

    Someone is smart enough to figure this out haha but not me at this very monent

  • if you are so concerned about it, put all the loot in a row bow, stash it somewhere out of sight, and just continue gathering loot until that person leaves

  • @dreadzepp thought about that, but sometimes I don't have time to wait untill someone is kicked by the game. ain't no one got time for that

  • @bonko40 sounds like you are not that concerned about it if you cant spare 15 minutes for an afk timer, or 30 or more to deny someone loot. i can honestly say i dont blame you, it's not that concerning to me either.

  • They need an in-game report system, then you would be able to report them for afking and a pop up would appear on their screen if they don't answer they get booted.

  • @dreadzepp the 15minutes doesnt matter they get around the afk timer by moving every now and then or simply rubber banding there controller or putting in a movement macro. There really does need to be some kind of way to deal with this.

  • @archaell how often do you think someone would kick you if you earnt it. if someone earnt it wouldnt they be like ok this guy is good to keep on the team. maybe I have to much faith in humanity

  • @d4m0r3d In my opinion they would be like "our gamer girl friend just finished playing Fortnite so we kick you to open up the slot and give her your loot" or "you just scolded me for doing something wrong I am gonna get my revenge by kicking /briging you to "steal" your loot".

    The vote kick would also make the brig almost pointless, because most of the people would just kick others instead of trying to resolve the issues and it would make the player stories less interesting.

  • AFK farming is a bannable offence, just report them people want progress and having them lose it because they were too lazy to actually do it themselves is karmic justice ^_^

  • @hynieth Thing is I have seen people afk farm and even harass others and they got reported by multiple crews and never got banned. Idk how or why but its pretty bad. I am a part of 2 large discord groups and one individual has been banned from both for inappropriate play and has been reported numerous times but he still plays the game. All he does is join peoples games and then afk's on their ship and tell them "you cant kick me now go get me my money". Its really bad.

    P>S>- I myself have reported him along with screen shots, time stamps, and video evidence and hes still not banned.

  • @monger-of-war That's bad, I never play outside of friend groups so I only report those (somehoe always full legend outfitted) AFK'ers who spin in place or are otherwise preventing AFK kicking in any way on the ferry.

    I've often got the message that they're working on it. And to me that's fine (they are not really bothering me, I'm just helping out others)

    I can see them doing bans in waves (as they have done in the past). I hope justice will get this individual repremanded. Maybe they have other punishments for these kinds of people, more fitting things like locking up the ability to play with others or grouping AFK people together, that would be a way better punishment then a ban to be honest.

    Rare's pretty new to the whole online thing so give them time, they'll figure it out ^_^

  • When I was on the athena grind this was a constant issue. Eventually I sailed a boat full of skulls and chests into the red sea hoping they would leave. It's one of the main things that make galleons unpopular.

    What we need is a vote kick for people who haven't contributed in 10 minutes. Contributing being defined as anything productive in the game. Moving a sail, moving the wheel, putting a banana in a crate, patching, bailing, touching treasure that isn't on the boat, doing damage to anything that isn't a merchant animal.

  • I think the trick to get them banned is recording them doing the rubberband thing in the Ferry of the Damned and show a timer and or time lapse

  • As for kick abuse, I'm not worried, it'll be bad at first cause it's a new function and people will go crazy (Side note, tried using the word b.onkers and apparently it's a bad word?! Are you kidding me Rare?!), that's not new
    As for the argument that it will leave the brig useless, I don't think so, I hardly use it as do people in the discord group that I'm apart of, though we do use it for laughs, not on randoms, but on each other
    Example, we were playing hide and seek, we couldn't find him and he was boasting on about us not finding him, so we all immediately had the same idea, he wound up in the brig, it was a good laugh

  • @archaell the way I would counter that is I wouldnt play with someone like that. obviously to kick someone you need majority vote. sloops cant do it, same way as you cant brig people on a sloop, you just have to accept the abuse on a sloop. rips sloops the poor peeps. also maybe when you get kicked from the crew it keeps you on the server and you can fight back. honestly I think people would be honerable and wouldnt kick someone who worked hard. me personally im not gonna kick a dude who worked hard i would just tell my friend to wait

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