Your new update

  • Hey guys I love your game but this update has made alot of my friends quit and not for the reason some may think.
    The changes to double gun was definitely needed but when you did this you also caused problems.
    For example, when I pull out my gun I have to wait for an animation which is great but why when I already have the gun pulled out do I have to wait three seconds to shoot after sprinting, it doesn't make sense. Also when I'm fight with a sword I literally have no drawback from it other than the fact that I have to wait a good 4 or 5 seconds after attacking to pull Out a banana. So I literally can't heal in a fight like I'm suppose to be able too. All the potential for fighting bigger ships in a sloop is gone as well in the update because the swords are just too op. Like at least when someone came on my ship with double gun I could Dodge then attack them while reloading. There's needs to be a change with the sword your losing a lot of community over it I literally have no one to play with now. Please fix the game.

  • 52
  • I see the update as a reason to play more to get used to the new combat mechanics so I can continue owning the Sea. The game changed, you need to play it differently. We should not run away from things just because they changed.
    That being said I do agree with some things going too far. Do we really need to be delayed every time the gun is pulled out (after sprinting)? The problem was double gunning, not sprint gunning!
    I imagine some of the changes were not intended or realized. I have faith the game and guns will continue to change and balance.

  • @naughty-dog65

    Ahoy there, the current changes to combat will be followed up with further tweaks and this will be an ongoing process.

    You might like to read Mike's post about these changes and to get some idea what the intent is, which can be found here -

  • @naughty-dog65 I have only had one play session since the update, which is a shame, but I totally didn't realize the new animations affected sprinting. I agree, that is kind of stupid IMO. Sprinting can interrupt a reload animation, why can't it interrupt the draw animation? As long as the draw animation starts over when you stop sprinting, it can't be abused.

    I'm also 50-50 on the sword changes. Moving freely does feel nice, but I liked all of the little complexities of swordplay. There was a technique for blocking right before the slash to keep your movement speed. That's now rendered useless and players can just mindlessly slash.

    Definitely some good stuff in the update but it brought a few negatives along with it. Hopefully the devs are looking at everyone's feedback.

  • @naughty-dog65 said in Your new update:

    Hey guys I love your game but this update has made alot of my friends quit and not for the reason some may think.
    The changes to double gun was definitely needed but when you did this you also caused problems.
    For example, when I pull out my gun I have to wait for an animation which is great but why when I already have the gun pulled out do I have to wait three seconds to shoot after sprinting, it doesn't make sense. Also when I'm fight with a sword I literally have no drawback from it other than the fact that I have to wait a good 4 or 5 seconds after attacking to pull Out a banana. So I literally can't heal in a fight like I'm suppose to be able too. All the potential for fighting bigger ships in a sloop is gone as well in the update because the swords are just too op. Like at least when someone came on my ship with double gun I could Dodge then attack them while reloading. There's needs to be a change with the sword your losing a lot of community over it I literally have no one to play with now. Please fix the game.

    I quit the game after the last update...and I have been at Athena 10 for a good long while. This update, I don't care. As a long-term (since the early days of first-person shooters) FPS gamer I realize without a doubt that this update punishes anyone for any amount of "combat skill" they had. The best thing I can do now is leave and hope for a return to "normal" video game-styled combat.

    If combat gets tweaked appropriately then fine. If not, I could care less. I have ridden this roller coaster enough to know that most of it was slow and up-hill.

    Double-gun needed to go. I reported it as a possible exploit the first week the game was out. You can go back and search for terms like "Debounce" and "hot-swap" on these forums and see that I even talked about it here multiple times many months ago.

    It definitely needed to be fixed, but the rest of combat did not need to be broken.

  • @naughty-dog65 Because you don't have the gun pulled out when sprinting. When running (default movement speed), you have the weapon out and there is no delay.

    And, as someone who has run with a sword since the get go, I'm not having any issues. Adapt to using the sword... it hasn't changed as much as people let on.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @naughty-dog65 Because you don't have the gun pulled out when sprinting. When running (default movement speed), you have the weapon out and there is no delay.

    And, as someone who has run with a sword since the get go, I'm not having any issues. Adapt to using the sword... it hasn't changed as much as people let on.

    not everyone does or wants to run with a sword. a lot of people sprint with a gun and the delay to fire once you stop sprinting is way to long.

  • @enticed-malice Well, each weapon now has it's place and if you choose not to use one... there are consequences for that now. I'm having a blast swapping out weapons rather than simply running with a single loadout. Up until now, it was possible to use every weapon in any situation... that's not the case anymore and that is as it should be.

    And, the reason the delay is there is because it occurs whenever a weapon is put away and then brought out - when switching between weapons and when coming out of a sprint. I have yet to experience an issue with this. Just requires an adjustment in timing. I still kill folks and have no problem with gunpowder skellies.

  • @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

  • @bran-the-ent When people say "sprint delay," are we talking about having to wait for the draw animation to finish before you can start sprinting, or having to wait for the draw animation to finish before you shoot after you stop sprinting?

  • @xcalypt0x i am talking about the draw animation after a sprint to complete before being able to fire, but even after the animation is done, there is still a slight delay after that before you can fire. its to much.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Your new update:

    @naughty-dog65 I have only had one play session since the update, which is a shame, but I totally didn't realize the new animations affected sprinting. I agree, that is kind of stupid IMO. Sprinting can interrupt a reload animation, why can't it interrupt the draw animation? As long as the draw animation starts over when you stop sprinting, it can't be abused.

    It can't be abused anyway, and wasn't being abused to begin with. There were a lot of people doing it because they saw their favorite streamer do it. The same people are likely gone from the game at this point. Still though, I think hot-swapping never should have been a game, and in almost every other game I have ever played (and I mean ever) weapon-swaps carried a delay that matched their animation timer before they could be fired. The technical name for it comes from electronics and is called a "debounce". It is the introduction of a progammed delay to prohibit actions from having an effect too frequently.

    The funny thing about "double-gunning" is that the people that were doing it rarely ever hit a shot. They almost NEVER hit both shots. The only time it was bad was when you had an entire galleon crew doing it at once, because if two people managed to hit one were dead. If two-out-of-eight bullets fired at the same time made contact with you, you were done.

    I'm also 50-50 on the sword changes. Moving freely does feel nice, but I liked all of the little complexities of swordplay. There was a technique for blocking right before the slash to keep your movement speed. That's now rendered useless and players can just mindlessly slash.

    Swordplay has literally been redone for people that have no idea how to fight in the game. Period... end of story.

    Definitely some good stuff in the update but it brought a few negatives along with it. Hopefully the devs are looking at everyone's feedback.

    It doesn't matter when the bad things totally ruin the game...and I don't care what people are saying, this is the worst-feeling combat system I have ever experienced in a game now.

  • @enticed-malice Ah okay. That explains why I never noticed not being able to cancel the draw animation by sprinting... because it doesn't exist lol.

  • @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

  • You lost me at three seconds.

  • @naughty-dog65 I agree this needs to be patched, so annoying. Other than that the EoR just needs a bit more tweaks in the hipfire and add a bit of knockback, then the guns are pretty well perfect Imo.

  • @ticklepantzz

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems.

    It isn’t a slow non-PvP game, and I never said it was. This isn’t CoD or PUBG or Fortnite. Does that mean it’s non PvP? No. So, just because you can’t easily spin around and get off a shot in a millisecond, doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the game.

    I engage in PvP and have zero problems with this update. The problem is more expectation than reality.

    I didn’t read the rest of your post because it appears to be an emotional rant based on a faulty premise.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:


    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems.

    It isn’t a slow non-PvP game, and I never said it was. This isn’t CoD or PUBG or Fortnite. Does that mean it’s non PvP? No. So, just because you can’t easily spin around and get off a shot in a millisecond, doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the game.

    I engage in PvP and have zero problems with this update. The problem is more expectation than reality.

    I didn’t read the rest of your post because it appears to be an emotional rant based on a faulty premise.

    Its not even close to being an emotional rant but in none of your posts have you ever adressed anyones actual issue you come back to the same lame argument. Which if im honest i would agree with if not for that fact that only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

  • @ticklepantzz Nah. I’d say when someone starts off with how much I must hate everyone else... that’s an emotional response. I’ve been playing the game since before launch; I’ve read up a ton on the game; I’ve listened to the devs discuss the game. My responses are based on what I’ve learned by doing that.

    To say that the movement is different is to state the obvious. The valid question would be “is it better for the type of game this is” and not “is it better for the type of game folks who refer to twitch shooter games like Fortnite and PubG want it to be.” This isn’t that kind of game. Could the combat system still use tweaks? Yes. I think the blocking mechanic could use some love. But generally, I feel it is headed in the right direction. I like that each weapon has a situation in which it excels and where it becomes a disadvantage. I like that I have to consider that in this game. If you think this kind of response means I must hate everyone else, sorry. Take a breath.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz Nah. I’d say when someone starts off with how much I must hate everyone else... that’s an emotional response. I’ve been playing the game since before launch; I’ve read up a ton on the game; I’ve listened to the devs discuss the game. My responses are based on what I’ve learned by doing that.

    To say that the movement is different is to state the obvious. The valid question would be “is it better for the type of game this is” and not “is it better for the type of game folks who refer to twitch shooter games like Fortnite and PubG want it to be.” This isn’t that kind of game. Could the combat system still use tweaks? Yes. I think the blocking mechanic could use some love. But generally, I feel it is headed in the right direction. I like that each weapon has a situation in which it excels and where it becomes a disadvantage. I like that I have to consider that in this game. If you think this kind of response means I must hate everyone else, sorry. Take a breath.

    This guy gets it...

    As for the rest of this discussion....

    This game is not going to be a cheap streamer following pony. I have heard many times about how you need to be validated by having large followings of streamers to be successful. Yet, this game survived through some very rough patches last year, without streaming popularity.

    Why, because it has a very strong core of followers that love the openness of the game. The sandbox mentality that anything can and will happen on any game session.

    Now, they made some much needed changes to combat that now force you to use weapons the way the dev's wanted them to be used for all along. It is a big change, and sadly a change that should have happened quite some time ago. But, thanks to exploits used, and even many streamers that put those exploits front and center for all to see, they had to deal with it. Especially now with Arena coming, a separate game mode meant to please the PvP crowd that felt they were not getting their due, which is understandable given how much attention Rare was giving content for the PvE crowd.

    Rare introduced these changes, and said, they will continue to make more adjustments. This first round was a way for them to force you to know your weapons more, force you to understand what role they play in each situation, and force you to start to adapt now.

    Someone in another post pointed out the blocking as an issue. And I agree, the speed up with the new sword play has had an adverse effect on blocking. Rare sped up swords, but didn't adjust blocking to compensate. This is a very fair point. And is something that Rare should address.

    However, all I have seen so far is rather than make valid points about this issue and actually discuss it and spell it out is rants and personal attacks from a very select few. Some of which continue to make claims that the majority of the player base hates the new update. But I see no evidence showing the majority agree. In fact, I see way more upvotes and people posting their support for the changes made.

    So rather than continuing to go on the offensive and attack each other because you disagree, why not try to actually discuss what you don't like, then generalizing the discussion and devolving it to, the majority of players hate it.

  • "If I don't like it, then it is bad"

    People who complain about the combat haven't adapted yet. Rare has also said multiple times that they will update combat over time, similar to Barrels 2.0.

  • @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

  • I play for a year now and i cannot understand that people stop playing because of this.
    To me it's exagerating par excelance.
    I agree that it's harder now to run and gun a powderkeg skellie, but it's still doable and not a big issue, like barrels 2.0 were not that big issue and people complained over that the game now is unplayable and thousands of players will leave.
    Sorry if your friends have left.

  • @bugaboo-bill I so don't understand the issue with gunpowder skellies. I'm still able to deal with them the same way I always have - and I love dealing with gunpowder skellies - I even do sail-by's and snipe them just for the fun of it. (I just love watching them go boom). This change hasn't adversely affected the way I deal with them at all.

    We have all had to adapt to changes in this game - Barrel 2.0 being one of them. I hated it at first. Now, I don't know what the game would be without it. (Though, the MS faux-fullscreen/taskbar issue on PC is still a problem).

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz Nah. I’d say when someone starts off with how much I must hate everyone else... that’s an emotional response. I’ve been playing the game since before launch; I’ve read up a ton on the game; I’ve listened to the devs discuss the game. My responses are based on what I’ve learned by doing that.

    To say that the movement is different is to state the obvious. The valid question would be “is it better for the type of game this is” and not “is it better for the type of game folks who refer to twitch shooter games like Fortnite and PubG want it to be.” This isn’t that kind of game. Could the combat system still use tweaks? Yes. I think the blocking mechanic could use some love. But generally, I feel it is headed in the right direction. I like that each weapon has a situation in which it excels and where it becomes a disadvantage. I like that I have to consider that in this game. If you think this kind of response means I must hate everyone else, sorry. Take a breath.

    Pretty sure you are a troll. If it was in any way emotional I would have resorted to doing what you are doing aka trying to accuse you of something or insulting you. I mearly stated the obvious that in no thread on any of these topics have you added anything meaningful to the discussion.

    Continue trying to pove that it's an emotional response but the fact of the matter is the thread is not about me its about the changes that many people dont like something you brought 0 alternatives or solutions to the conversation.

    I take breaths all the time its how i breath lol. Fact of the matter is you as well as I are on every single one of these "complaints threads" as some of you like to call them and you basically resort to making people feel like they should not complain because they are just wrong because you said so.

    The thing is many of the people gave you the same arguments I did and everytime you came back with the same response, thus I pointed it out.


  • @ticklepantzz

    @Bran-the-Ent is not a troll, he is a player with an opinion.

  • @muffinstuffingu Yeah.... good luck trying to get anything going on here basically you will be told RARE's vision via the text of others, others will say you are emotionally responding and agressive. Then others will tell you its because its not a "Twitch Shooter" There is never any hint of a discussion or the admission that its been simply dumbed down even thought brutally obvious it has.

    @nofears-fun said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz Nah. I’d say when someone starts off with how much I must hate everyone else... that’s an emotional response. I’ve been playing the game since before launch; I’ve read up a ton on the game; I’ve listened to the devs discuss the game. My responses are based on what I’ve learned by doing that.

    To say that the movement is different is to state the obvious. The valid question would be “is it better for the type of game this is” and not “is it better for the type of game folks who refer to twitch shooter games like Fortnite and PubG want it to be.” This isn’t that kind of game. Could the combat system still use tweaks? Yes. I think the blocking mechanic could use some love. But generally, I feel it is headed in the right direction. I like that each weapon has a situation in which it excels and where it becomes a disadvantage. I like that I have to consider that in this game. If you think this kind of response means I must hate everyone else, sorry. Take a breath.

    This guy gets it...

    As for the rest of this discussion....

    This game is not going to be a cheap streamer following pony. I have heard many times about how you need to be validated by having large followings of streamers to be successful. Yet, this game survived through some very rough patches last year, without streaming popularity.

    Why, because it has a very strong core of followers that love the openness of the game. The sandbox mentality that anything can and will happen on any game session.

    Now, they made some much needed changes to combat that now force you to use weapons the way the dev's wanted them to be used for all along. It is a big change, and sadly a change that should have happened quite some time ago. But, thanks to exploits used, and even many streamers that put those exploits front and center for all to see, they had to deal with it. Especially now with Arena coming, a separate game mode meant to please the PvP crowd that felt they were not getting their due, which is understandable given how much attention Rare was giving content for the PvE crowd.

    Rare introduced these changes, and said, they will continue to make more adjustments. This first round was a way for them to force you to know your weapons more, force you to understand what role they play in each situation, and force you to start to adapt now.

    Someone in another post pointed out the blocking as an issue. And I agree, the speed up with the new sword play has had an adverse effect on blocking. Rare sped up swords, but didn't adjust blocking to compensate. This is a very fair point. And is something that Rare should address.

    However, all I have seen so far is rather than make valid points about this issue and actually discuss it and spell it out is rants and personal attacks from a very select few. Some of which continue to make claims that the majority of the player base hates the new update. But I see no evidence showing the majority agree. In fact, I see way more upvotes and people posting their support for the changes made.

    So rather than continuing to go on the offensive and attack each other because you disagree, why not try to actually discuss what you don't like, then generalizing the discussion and devolving it to, the majority of players hate it.

    A cheap streamer following pony? Yet.... It was designed to me very streamable. This was even said by the devs. Yet... It gets an arena mode when.... wait its the age of battle royals. Yet... The devs stream more than any dev I have ever seen? Strange man seems like the game was quite designed to be streamed. Also personal attacks? where? Someone telling you, you added nothing to the conversation which by the way you never have in the whole post unlike many who has is not an attack.

    Some of you just get on here claim you know what rare wants like you just did. Even though clearly the direction they are going in encourages being " a stream pony" what ever that means.

    Blocking was pointed out during the whole discussion, so was hit markers as well as the glaring issue with movement but at no point did you add anything of substance and now you are claiming there has been "attacks".

    You know these forums are heavily moded? If you had been attacked it would have been dealt with.

  • @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

  • @ticklepantzz Where did I accuse you of something or insult you?

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz Where did I accuse you of something or insult you?

    You're accusing me of having an emotional response. Please re-read what was writting didn't say you insulted me. lol.

  • @ticklepantzz "I would have resorted to doing what you are doing aka trying to accuse you of something or insulting you."
    ahem You were saying?

    I accused you of having an emotional response? That's an observation, not an accusation.

  • @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent i guess if you and others are into slower combat then thats cool for you all.

    I think it's good to find an average for the most players what arent only progamers, but also kids and casuals.

    @ticklepantzz sagte in Your new update:

    ... only 2 weeks ago movement was wildly different in this game. This then brings me back to the point that the excuses are just terrible.

    "wildly different" sounds like we ran backwards before and used a sling and throwed stones.

    Seriously i cant get it. When i came back and played i didnt even get it there was a change in the very first minutes.
    You people min maxing every move you do exagerate about minor stuff it's amazing and i hope if all who "hate" it that much just take a break or stop playing at all like they often say, but still argue.
    I learned if a game does not appeal to my playstyle i just quit without Drama and telling the world i do so.
    That often sound as if a kid try to blackmail his parents emotionally.
    I wont love you anymore if you dont buy me that aka i leave the game if you dont change it back :-)

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in Your new** update:

    @ticklepantzz said in Your new update:

    @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @enticed-malice This game isn't intended to be a twitch shooter, so... yeah, I'm cool with that. Frankly, it hasn't slowed me down. If you drop to a run, you will pull the weapon out as you move and you won't have the delay when you stop. Adapt. And, be thankful we don't have more realistic reloads with flintlocks.

    Same lame excuse every thread. This game was not meant to be a slow non PVP game so get better responses to the actual problems
    . You have 0 idea what the game is suppose to be as you are not the DEV. You have gone in every thread saying same thing.

    Fact is people HATE it. I mean if you are all for the update you must actually hate the people you play with because the quantity of people not liking this in the forums is quite staggering. Not to mention on Reddit and the silent ones who basically just up and quit.

    This game is meant to be a PVP experience (please don't tell me its not as we are even getting the addition of an arena mode.) The fact that after a whole year they change the whole combat system as well as movement is just unaccepatble and its quite normal people are quitting. People like you however are not helping. You add 0 in the way of any response that may help anyone or add to the debate.

    Even if its not suppose to be a twitch shooter lets look at the fact right now:

    Sword play is way to easy all tactical sword play is now gone and has been substituted for basically spamming the slash button.

    Blocking is hit or miss and works when it feels like it.

    Hit box registration on target is not working well as most of time you get a hit box and yet the target does not take damage.

    Eating a Bannana and then trying to ADS (aim down sights) or Shoot does not work it has a half sec to 1 sec delay. Thats unacceptable.

    A sprint in order to get away or find tactical position is now punished by a 1 sec delay in getting the weapon out.

    Walking up the ladder when trying to board is also now punished when trying to use a gun by a 1 sec delay.

    The EoR having bloom added to it meaning that a 0.5 m shot can go 45 degrees away from the target is TERRIBLE. If they wanted to fix it they would have put a damange modifier on it making it so at close range it did less than a pistol and at long the now changed 70. Not this I shoot and bull goes where it wants nonsense.

    This is the only game I have ever played that after one whole year of having a very solid combat system (double gun & EoR issue aside) takes the whole thing wrecks movement and then dumbs it down to levels unheard of especially when wanting to add a competitive pvp mode that is obviously catered to the streaming scene. If you tell me its not its a coincidence that in the age of battle royals a mode is being added like this in the game right?

    Seriously, The excuses you guys come up with are terrible, they are not at all intelligent and show a basic lack of empathy and interest for your fellow player who by the way fills the seas and makes it so you can play the game. These people who loved and have dedicated a lot of time to the game are now walking away and you are praising it like its a good thing I guess you would like the new game to be called. Sea of Empty so you can join all the players who cry everytime they get loot stolen off them no?

    Spot on, to bad nobody wants to engage this on a meaningful level and just wants to nitpick around it without addressing the core of his arguments. Sad.

    I don't even want to touch the game after the combat changes I hate it with a passion but i dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater some changes i found good like swap between weapons so people don't double gun but this not being able to aim after sprint and the spamfest swordplay was just cater to people who are bad at the game when the complexity of a game gets dumbed down this much we all lose

    Aha! Again insulting others as a solution to find compromise?

    I think if they simplify/ fix things and make combat easier for those who are "just bad at the game" they may have their reasons and the reasons for sure is not to get you hate it that much.
    Maybe ask for the reasons first before rant?
    To me it's crystal clear like it was about the discussion about vertical versus horizontal progression.
    This game is mainly made for casuals playing for fun and not for hardcore progamer type of player!

    And as long as people come up with
    Insults torwards casual gaming and new players, beginners etc... and talk about them like casualisation etc. ruins the game i'm happy those players may leave and we have way less toxicity in the forums and on the seas.
    The way many express themself alone show how they may be as human beeings. Too much of a dog eat dog approach if we consider we talk about playing a game!

    Where do you see an insult here? Please enlighten me as to what you see here as an insult? We asked for reasons and everyone has in every post. No one insulted casual gaming we said the changes clearly catered towards it and were damaging the hard core community. It is a FACT. You literally just claim you are being attacked on everything.

    I'm not going to bother responding to further posts from you because at this point you claim everthing is an attack...

    I editet that a second after posting, because it was wrong.

    But you cant disagree that there is always a little bit of a disdain torwards casualisation.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Your new update:

    @ticklepantzz "I would have resorted to doing what you are doing aka trying to accuse you of something or insulting you."
    ahem You were saying?

    Can you read the or? .....seriously?

    Also why you still on about this you're flooding the post with nonsense. Id like to know from other people what they think about it I don't really care about arguing with you over petty nonsense.

17 out of 52