[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @targasbr I only know you due to the ridiculous post you made to stop begging for unnecessary feedback.

  • @surveyorpete said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Looking for Groups on Xbox (App)

    If the option to opt out of cross-play is to be a thing, can we please also split the XBox "Looking for Group" space?

    After all, we do not see posts from people looking for Fortnite buddies in the Sea of Thieves LFGs. It is going to be very annoying to respond to a post from a crew that seems to be doing exactly what you are looking for, only to find they are already on a server that you either cannot - or want not to - play on.

    There is going to need to be a way to identify which groups are locked to console only, and also which players are applying to your group that may have the crossplay option turned off otherwise the LFG setup through the XBox app is going to be next to useless.

  • @zormis said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Options are always a good thing!, I can't wait to jump back into this game.

    No they're not.


  • @lord-pharqwad said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I dont agree with dividing the playerbase. Why would a console player opt in to crossplay if its considered the "harder" option.

    Perhaps some of us took all the advice and "Got Gud!"

  • I love that this is finally being implemented. Thank you Rare! I myself will not be opting out of cross play as most of my crew plays on PC. But I'm glad the option is there for people who desire an even playing field.

  • @katttruewalker sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Xbox players will still be able to play with PC players, Rare are just adding a choice for those who prefer to play with other console/controller pirates only.

    Yeah, but given the amount of ridiculous misinformation on PC players (because, we all play 200fps with no ping and hacks etc. etc.) I expect many Xbox players to opt out because they've heard/read some weird (partly made up) stories about how overpowered PC players are.

  • @captain-nicklas

    I believe it was @JE0RGIE-P0RGIE who mentioned in another post, that after a year of playing together, it's likely that crews who are made up of mixed platforms will still choose to play together because of the friendships which have already been made on the seas.

  • @zormis said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    On a side note, this is the first time Rare ever did anything that made me disappointed in them. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, I just wish it hadn't happen on something I have been really looking forward too.

    I feel for the PC players who are going to lose Xbox friends because they don't want to do Arena in crossplay mode

    Even my sisters excited for optional crossplay for Arena :/

  • @l4chsfps This is a huge point that hasn't been mentioned much in the many threads so far. How am I, a PC player, to find a crew? The LFG app in Xbox Live app isn't going to be updated to understand any difference between controller pools.

    I am going to be denied from joining group after group except for a few rare ones that will say #PCplayers. Ultimately, the PC players who survive this apocalypse and continue playing will have to use external tools to find a crew as the in-game 'Open Crew' will be even more useless with wait times added to the process, due to fewer players in the PC pool.

  • @l4chsfps

    I think if that was me, I'd rather jump in and find out for myself than go by the opinions of others.

  • @d3monwo1fx disse em [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @targasbr I only know you due to the ridiculous post you made to stop begging for unnecessary feedback.

    Unnecessary CHANGES. Feedback is different from begging unnecessary changes. If you were one of those who took offense, I believe it was because it was one that posted (or felt like posting) unnecessary requests.

    BTW. I still can kill anyone. I play on Xbox and I will use the crossplay feature.

  • @needsmokes I play controller on pc, Ill see you on the crossplay seas lol

  • PC players are a severe minority of the playerbase, so what is likely to happen?

    If enough console players opt-out of crossplay, the PC players are going to get moved across servers more often. A lot more. There are already immense problems with this and not a word from Joe in that dev-update about what will be done about that.

    The priority is to get this change out before the Arena, not to fix problems like server migration that could arise first. So it looks like the only people Rare are listening to are easily-offended snowflakes on the Xbox who hate open-world PvP.

  • @lord-pharqwad I don't think the option will be available for PC controller players, from what Joe said, he seemed very specific at the moment - console/controller players will be able to choose matchmaking with other console/controller players, otherwise everyone plays together.

  • I myself am a PC player so I can't personally speak to any of the woes that console/controller players experience when playing against PC players, or even if said woes are even an actual issue. I do know that two people in my group are Xbox players who have held their ground very nicely against pretty much anyone we've come against, but I suppose everyone handles things differently.

    Overall I think there will still be plenty of frustration and divide. In order for this option to work for people, their regular crew must be comprised of controller players or they will be limited to random crew matchmaking, unless the official Discord creates a separate channel for "Console/Controller LFG" which would be disappointing to see.

    This option is irrelevant to players like the ones in my group whose normal crew setup is a mix of PC and Xbox players. None of us is changing the input we use to play and we shouldn't have to, so we won't be using the controllers only option. I wonder what this discussion looks like for other crews that are made up of controller and M&K users, are these crews going separate ways now?

    Here is the main concern that developers need to address first and foremost

    What percent of the player base are Xbox/Controller players, and how many of them will elect to only be matched with controller players only? Should there be concern for M&K players to be experiencing dead servers due to controller players piling in on the other side of the fence? Should PC/M&K players be concerned about a potential disproportionate/exclusionary divide as a consequence to being a PC player?

    At the end of it all, I feel like this is splitting the player base. While it is a better option than disabling cross-play altogether I don't think it is good for Sea of Thieves.

    EDIT: As @Dekeita who posted after me says, this option should only be present for The Arena. The Adventure mode would be more hurt than helped by this option and allowing it for The Arena only seems like the most sensible way to compromise.

  • I have no issue with crossplay options for Arena.

    And not knowing how exactly this is going to be implemented yet, I'm not sure how it'll all shake out in the end. But I will say now, if the crossplay servers in adventure mode end up feeling like its a vast majority of experienced gamers who want to fight always, I will quit the game.

    The whole draw of the game to me is that we're all in it together, I love running into random kids and families and all sorts of different types of people.

  • @katttruewalker Oh I know lol if given the choice even, Id play crossplay

  • BTW, Rare could have made it match-making by controller type only, not platform.

    Are we to suppose the reason they didn't do this is they actually believed some of the Cloud-Cuckoo Land arguments about '144hz monitors' giving PC players super-powers even when they're using a controller?

  • Conspiracy Theory, Number One

    I don't believe Rare did this to "even the playing field". I play on PC and I get beaten by other players all the time; many of whom I assume to be on Xbox.

    I think the real reason that Rare did this was because they are running out of disk space on these Forum servers; and they needed to quieten things down. :-)

  • @arecbalrin said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    The priority is to get this change out before the Arena, not to fix problems like server migration that could arise first. So it looks like the only people Rare are listening to are easily-offended snowflakes on the Xbox who hate open-world PvP.

    There you go, if other PC players who share this whole "only Xbox players who wanted this to happen are snow flake whining easily offended babies".....this attitude is why a lot of the Xbox Players here commenting about being happy to finally have this option...are happy.

    You are very example of why I want nothing to do with the PC community in this game, because despite there being very lovely and nice players on PC, too many share that elitist attitude who my Xbox crew and I are looking forward to not be sharing the sea with.

  • @hoosyl said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Thanks for splitting the player base Rare.

    Adventure Mode: Separate Xbox / PC Players
    Arena Mode: Separate Xbox / PC Players

    This means 4 different type of players / groups.
    How big is your player base? Can I see some numbers and percentages?
    It's time to stop hiding the player count if you want me to buy this change.

    The split is Xbox+controller option, and the current crossplay option.

    As a PC gamer, I expect this won't change my gameplay much when you have maybe fifteen players on five or six boats, or whatever, per server.

    The split between Arena and Adventure remains to be seen.

  • I’m glad the game is going to be fairer and more fun for Xbox players.

  • @arecbalrin IDK, I doubt this will be an issue. Us PC players have the official discord and subreddit discord, both of which seem to be mostly populated by PC players. Almost all of the people I have grouped up with from the two discord servers have been fellow PC players.

  • Inevitably we get to this point, sadly.
    The Xbox crossplay instead of joining is dividing, based on disadvantages? If we follow this path, maybe we should have more and more divisions?
    do not you think Rare?

    • Controller
    • Elite controller
    • Adaptive controller
    • M&K
    • VR?
    • Monitor common
    • Monitor ultra wide
      etc etc...
  • I do hope it will be some form for input device matchmaking for PC players using a controller. If Rare need help with that then surely Microsoft can get in touch with Epic for talks about their input device matchmaking feature on the most popular online game in the world, Fortnite.

  • @quietrobot disse em [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Inevitably we get to this point, sadly.
    The Xbox crossplay instead of joining is dividing, based on disadvantages? If we follow this path, maybe we should have more and more divisions? do not you think Rare?

    • Controller
    • Elite controller
    • Adaptive controller
    • M&K
    • VR?
    • Monitor common
    • Monitor ultra wide
      etc etc...

    Like @Sshteeve said:

    • XBOX One servers
    • XBOX One S servers
    • XBOX One X servers
    • PCs with low end graphic specs servers
    • PCs with mid end graphic specs servers
    • PCs with high end graphic specs servers
    • Slower internet servers
    • Faster internet servers
    • Different languages servers
    • PVE players servers
    • PVP players servers
    • SSD users servers
    • HDD users servers
    • Digital copies servers
    • Disc copies servers
    • Roleplayers servers
    • Streamers servers
    • Record breakers servers
    • Achievement hunters servers
    • Under 18s servers
    • Over 18s servers
  • @quietrobot

    I don't believe that's the case at all, if you purchase the basic Xbox, it comes with a controller, you don't have a choice about that, but you will now have the choice about where to play on Sea of Thieves - with others using only a controller and console or with everyone else.

  • I think it's really cool that they are listening to the player community. It wasn't a big issue for me, but thumbs up to Rare. Also for their reaction to discriminating players.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @arecbalrin said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    The priority is to get this change out before the Arena, not to fix problems like server migration that could arise first. So it looks like the only people Rare are listening to are easily-offended snowflakes on the Xbox who hate open-world PvP.

    There you go, if other PC players who share this whole "only Xbox players who wanted this to happen are snow flake whining easily offended babies".....this attitude is why a lot of the Xbox Players here commenting about being happy to finally have this option...are happy.

    You are very example of why I want nothing to do with the PC community in this game, because despite there being very lovely and nice players on PC, too many share that elitist attitude who my Xbox crew and I are looking forward to not be sharing the sea with.

    That 'whooshing' sound is the point(and the joke) going over your head. In the ten months since release, Rare have implemented only features which appeal to those who intensely dislike open-world PvP, they are now caving in on a long-requested and well-rebutted demand to make crossplay optional and Joe began his dev-update with a politically-correct spiel. Hence, Rare are now listening only to:

    • People on Xbox
    • Who hate open-world PvP
    • Who conform to a controversial ideology only they think is not controversial, defined by how easily-offended they are; pejoratively referred to as 'snowflakes'
  • Great update and exactly what is needed optional cross play is required the combat advantage to mouse and keyboard with guns makes it required I was a very in favour of cross play at the beginning as long as thing seems equal not matter control method but with the games twitch popularity and the influx of hyper aggressive pc players it has become obvious that is not the case you can tell when your up against pc players because they get perfect sniper shot even from distance a impossible shot with controller and the get on your ship and jump around like crazy while get perfect head shots and double gunning you and the only way I can see this working is having swords only as this won't happen the cross play optional was needed

  • @lord-pharqwad said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I dont agree with dividing the playerbase. Why would a console player opt in to crossplay if its considered the "harder" option.

    I think you meant to say "unfair" there. That's why. Challenges are one thing, and I am all for that. Sink my pirate butt fair and square and I'll meet you in a tavern to share a grog.

  • I can honestly say if I had known this was coming 3 weeks ago, I would not have purchased this game, even though it looks fun as hell on Twitch. This would have put a hard stop on that purchase.

    Optional Crossplay is not crossplay. I am one of the people who tried Sea of Thieves because certain streamers (PC gamers) are promoting the hell out of this game.

    Rare, this is a perilous road you're heading down. Your game is growing in popularity because of PC gamers promoting your game. It's working. It is unique. It is really crossplay. If you want the Twitch guys to ditch this game and drop it back down to 2k nightly viewers, then by all means, implement optional cross-play.

  • @seanethermore said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I love that this is finally being implemented. Thank you Rare! I myself will not be opting out of cross play as most of my crew plays on PC. But I'm glad the option is there for people who desire an even playing field.

    THIS. This pretty much sums up the opinion of most of the XB players I have talked to. It's nice to have the option, doesn't mean all will take it. Especially those that have PC friends that they game with (including myself).

  • @arecbalrin [mod edited]

    Im happy, other Xbox players are happy, RARE have done a good thing.....accept it. Also, Joe remarking how an abusive act that victimised a player lead to the culprit being punished and banned is some how politically-correct spiel to you says SO MUCH about your opinion on this game.

    [mod edited]

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