What about reducing all ships speed ?

  • @nabberwar a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :


    I think devs should add sounds as some small animated ropes on sails for players to understand they are going really fast, for I understand in wide open sea one can't really tell his actual speed.

    I mean their is already some ways to tell if max speed relative to wind is achieved. The sails will Billow and a sound plays.

    There's also the map which indicates how fast your ship goes, yet looks like it's not enough for most people, including you, to have the feeling they are actually sailing real fast.

    Maybe some single birds, flying fishes or whatever other non aggressive sea life events to catch the player's attention in order for him not to be bored during travel time.

  • @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    This is a ridiculous statement for if a ship have more time to shoot, the other will have the same time to shoot either. Ships willing to evade will be able to the very same way as currently : turning and going away which bytheway negates shots for they tend to all end as miss.

    Actually reducing max speed would more likely facilitate escape since players would have less occasions to engage but engagements would last a bit longer, leaving more time for shooting.

    You probably need to practice shooting more. I've not had a problem aiming even at top speed. You just need to remember to aim ahead of where you want to hit.

    I think devs should add sounds as some small animated ropes on sails for players to understand they are going really fast, for I understand in wide open sea one can't really tell his actual speed.

    The ship's sails will give a "woosh" sound and clearly billow at top speed. This is accompanied by a musical note cue on a Brig or Galleon when all sails are optimised and getting a full billow.

  • @meurtrisseur The problem is not that nobody understands you. The problem is your arguments make no sense. We understand perfectly. We simply disagree. Getting defensive and resorting to personal attacks isn't making your argument any more sensible. Quite the opposite.

    I agree this thread has run its course. @Deckhands

  • @realstyli a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    This is a ridiculous statement for if a ship have more time to shoot, the other will have the same time to shoot either. Ships willing to evade will be able to the very same way as currently : turning and going away which bytheway negates shots for they tend to all end as miss.

    Actually reducing max speed would more likely facilitate escape since players would have less occasions to engage but engagements would last a bit longer, leaving more time for shooting.

    You probably need to practice shooting more. I've not had a problem aiming even at top speed. You just need to remember to aim ahead of where you want to hit.

    I think devs should add sounds as some small animated ropes on sails for players to understand they are going really fast, for I understand in wide open sea one can't really tell his actual speed.

    The ship's sails will give a "woosh" sound and clearly billow at top speed. This is accompanied by a musical note cue on a Brig or Galleon when all sails are optimised and getting a full billow.

    @meurtrisseur a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    This suggestion has always been about making sea battles more about canon firing rather than attempt to board, evasion, fire a few shots, evasion to repair and so on.

    This is not about making sea battles easier but to change the current meta which is stupid.

  • @meurtrisseur

    There's also the map which indicates how fast your ship goes, yet looks like it's not enough for most people, including you, to have the feeling they are actually sailing real fast.

    Mate, don't lump me with whatever your talking about. I have zero problems determining how fast my speed is with what the game provides as indicators. It isn't difficult to figure out.

    Little to no one thinks your idea is good. They have provided reasons as well as suggestions to make up for it. I am not trying to be rude, but every time someone tries to decipher what your talking about you swing it back with insults or passive aggressive comments. Face the reality, your idea isn't good.

  • @Meurtrisseur
    If anything an argument you could make instead of lowering top speed overall (Which no one wants), is slowing down ship acceleration. This way, you still extend that window of engagement. However, I still think the state of sailing is fine. Simply because that window that the crews trade cannonfire, can be extended through proper sail management/Ship angles. Good crews know how to capitalize already during these trades.

  • I don't know what boat speed has to do with the current meta. If you want boats to sink more through cannon fire and other damage, you need to reduce the effectiveness of the bucket as it removes tons of water per bucket load.

    Whether the boats are faster or slower, any break in combat is going to allow the other ship to repair and empty all the water before you get another angle on them so boarding them is still going to be the best method because it stops them from doing those two things.

  • Is this argument still going on?
    OP wants something - vast majority of responses seem to disagree with the reasoning, citing the ease of which the same thing is accomplished with raised sails. What do we get... lame responses based on our intelligence?? REALLY?

    Glad I've been at home ill today and didn't see this sooner...

  • @sshteeve all of the arguments are still going on. It's tiresome. I'm hardly blameless though. Might go stoke fires somewhere else for a while.

  • @meurtrisseur I don't think I've ever heard a worse suggestion shy of PvE servers or safe zones. If you want your ship to be slow keep some of the sails up.

  • @nabberwar a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :


    There's also the map which indicates how fast your ship goes, yet looks like it's not enough for most people, including you, to have the feeling they are actually sailing real fast.

    Mate, don't lump me with whatever your talking about. I have zero problems determining how fast my speed is with what the game provides as indicators. It isn't difficult to figure out.

    Little to no one thinks your idea is good. They have provided reasons as well as suggestions to make up for it. I am not trying to be rude, but every time someone tries to decipher what your talking about you swing it back with insults or passive aggressive comments. Face the reality, your idea isn't good.

    So that's me insulting now by just answering to your own comment, maybe you should try to take responsability of your own comments or mere not commenting at all :

    @nabberwar a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    Their is so much open water here, having to take longer to get from island to island sounds really dull. It already feels like a crawl when their is no wind.

    @nabberwar a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    If anything an argument you could make instead of lowering top speed overall (Which no one wants), is slowing down ship acceleration. This way, you still extend that window of engagement. However, I still think the state of sailing is fine. Simply because that window that the crews trade cannonfire, can be extended through proper sail management/Ship angles. Good crews know how to capitalize already during these trades.

    I already did actually :

    @meurtrisseur a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    If you insist I wouldn't mind devs to slower acceleration too anyway.

    Yet that wouldn't be enough of a change on it's own to help changing the current meta

    @sshteeve a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    Is this argument still going on?
    OP wants something - vast majority of responses seem to disagree with the reasoning, citing the ease of which the same thing is accomplished with raised sails. What do we get... lame responses based on our intelligence?? REALLY?

    Glad I've been at home ill today and didn't see this sooner...

    I will correct you here because this is totally wrong of a summary : this is actually most of you (some people expressed their support towards more realism) blatantly not understanding the reasonning (to the point I have to explain with many examples) but disaggreeing with the suggestion by principle only because you want ships to keep being lightning fast for pve purpose. Take responsability of your comments guys, bytheway nobody asked you to spam the same "opinion" other and other again without understanding the topic of this thread.

    The ones disaggreeing made themselves clear despite me taking time to explain the concept many times, no need to spam, so just leave others able to read and comment.

    Stop lobbying, thanks bye.

    @d3adst1ck a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    I don't know what boat speed has to do with the current meta. If you want boats to sink more through cannon fire and other damage, you need to reduce the effectiveness of the bucket as it removes tons of water per bucket load.

    Whether the boats are faster or slower, any break in combat is going to allow the other ship to repair and empty all the water before you get another angle on them so boarding them is still going to be the best method because it stops them from doing those two things.

    Any break in combat will allow the other ship to repair, yes, but skilled crews will react accordingly and position their ship for other salvos. This change would allow to fire canons for longer time and more frequently before one ship is far enough not to be shot, then chasing will be harder because slower speed allows less mistakes in navigation than the current high speed.

    Changing bucket load would penalize small crews, meaning sloops as solo players, which is not a good idea imo compared to nerfing max speed as propably acceleration for even better results.

  • @meurtrisseur I just want to ask, do you realize that it only takes a single person to keep a galleon afloat even if it has most of its entire lower deck filled with holes from front, left, right, and back? Because it does. So even if ships move very slowly to allow one ship to sit right next to the other and trade blows for minutes on end, that simply won't change the fact that it would only take two people to perpetually bucket and keep the galleon completely dry. One person alone can handle every lower deck hole, but a second will be necessary if there are mid deck holes (and there will be). However, in that experiment, this is a hole in every orientation of the galleon. If there is a straight up broadside fight, then there will only be top and bottom holes on a single side. One person on a galleon can endlessly outspeed that water-filling with their bucket. Boarding or finding a way to knock-off or kill potential bucketers is the only real way to win fights with how strong the bucket is.

    If you want ships to be able to catch others that are fleeing and take them down without trying to just ram them from behind and board them using the bowsprit, then there are better ways of doing that than lowering ship speed in my opinion. I think a chase cannon at the front of a ship that can launch things like anchor balls at them would do the trick, but that would also be kind of dirty. I like the cursed ball that raises sails the most as far as game balance goes, and something like that on a chase cannon would be really appropriate for accomplishing this goal.

  • @natsu-v2 a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur I just want to ask, do you realize that it only takes a single person to keep a galleon afloat even if it has most of its entire lower deck filled with holes from front, left, right, and back? Because it does. So even if ships move very slowly to allow one ship to sit right next to the other and trade blows for minutes on end, that simply won't change the fact that it would only take two people to perpetually bucket and keep the galleon completely dry. One person alone can handle every lower deck hole, but a second will be necessary if there are mid deck holes (and there will be). However, in that experiment, this is a hole in every orientation of the galleon. If there is a straight up broadside fight, then there will only be top and bottom holes on a single side. One person on a galleon can endlessly outspeed that water-filling with their bucket. Boarding or finding a way to knock-off or kill potential bucketers is the only real way to win fights with how strong the bucket is.

    If you want ships to be able to catch others that are fleeing and take them down without trying to just ram them from behind and board them using the bowsprit, then there are better ways of doing that than lowering ship speed in my opinion. I think a chase cannon at the front of a ship that can launch things like anchor balls at them would do the trick, but that would also be kind of dirty. I like the cursed ball that raises sails the most as far as game balance goes, and something like that on a chase cannon would be really appropriate for accomplishing this goal.

    I wouldn't mind more balance between ships either, like mecanically galleon suffering more holes to fill in more water, this way bucket load wouldn't be touched thus sloop wouldn't be impacted.

    Also I don't know if making balls barrels explode is still a thing, couldn't manage to do it yet since I came back to the game, but if it is then galleon should suffer a greater explosion (for having more canons thus theorically more balls) than the brigantine which should suffer a bigger explosion than the sloop.

  • @boxcar-squidy it's not really an argument at this point though is it? It's like the cat chasing it's tail over and over not realising it isn't going to get anywhere.

  • Terrible idea. If you want to slow down then just raise your sails. Suggesting to force everyone else to go slower because you can't handle your ship is ridiculous.

  • @sshteeve Yeah, that's the thing. These arguments, or discussions or what have you, just circle the bowl endlessly, making all participants come out smelling like they've been swimming amongst the floaters.

    I'll be the first to admit that I get drawn into arguments, occasionally provoke people, am slow to apologise when wrong and generally add to the discontent. Then I mope around feeling sorry for myself and lamenting the atmosphere on the forum. I'm trying to be the change I want to see, but I'm as petty and argumentative as anyone else.

    I think the forum needs more jokes. Can we have a day of jokes today? Yesterday was clearly forum PVP day.

  • @realstyli What did the pirate say on his 80th Birthday?

    Aye Matey!

  • As a general reminder to all, please refrain from personal arguments, baiting other users, and engaging in derogatory remarks against those whom you disagree with.

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