Will Atlas inspire SOT?

  • There are a couple of things in there that I and others on these forums have always thought would be a good fit in SOT. One is water spouts out at sea, tornadoes. That'd be another awesome environmental/storm threat I'd love to see added. Also flying boss monsters. While I don't like the dragons in Atlas and feel they're out of place, having giant eagles or something that come in and maybe even grab and pick up your boat would be pretty amazing. Etc.


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  • It will not. Complete different ideas of game.

  • I hope Sea of Thieves gets some cool stuff that we saw in the Atlas trailer, but at the same time I hope SoT never become a survival game or that it mixes things up by putting dragons (sea dragons ok) in the game. I quite like the essence of the Sea of Thieves.

  • The giant Eagle boss is kinda already cannon in SoT. I forgot what island but it talks of a giant eagle. If they add it to game only time will tell.

  • I think a lot of people are still waiting to see if Atlas has the cool things that Atlas showed in the trailer.

  • A little competition can be a healthy thing. I’m sure Rare will do their best to stay on top of the game. But I honestly don’t believe Atlas poses a serious threat to Sea of Thieves. In fact, it will likely help by spurring more interest in pirate-themed adventures. After getting hooked on the genre, some folks may be inspired to play a real pirate game done right, ala Sea of Thieves.

  • Rare has more ideas than to simply copy some game ingredients from other games...Have some faith, the last update Shrouded Spoils have proven that Rare can make the game thrilling , exacting and yes ,it 's not always easy but it keeps you up to the tip of yer seat...

    What i find a bit sad is , that nowadays , there aren't much developers who walk off the threaded safe path through the Forest , and start to explore the Forest...Sure , they sometimes make mistakes , what they admit ,but they keep searching for that thing that has never been introduced in a game before...Let Rare be simply Rare , don't ask them to become the thirteenth in the dozen , and follow the flock of sheep that keep on chewing the same meadows over and over again...Let them follow their unknown path , and be amazed and suprized , just like me and so many others , on what the future may bring...But simply stealing or copying ideas ...Nah, this may be a pirate game but Rare aren't Pirates , they don't need to steal from others , they have a healthy workenviroment that motivates and inspires people to grow out of their boundaries...For me, they stand above all other developer , because they thrive to keep their staff , as mentally free as possible and we all have tasted and played the fruits of this huge investment in the sanity of the staff...

  • its hard to compare both games because Atlas is particular just seems to be another fantasy MMO with conveniently more water in the world than land with knights, horses, dragons, hydras, Minotaurs, and fire demons. Sea of Thieves just seems to be going all out with a consistent pirate fantasy similar to Pirates of the Caribbean.

    i also think its extremely unpolished and awkward. more so than even Blackwake, dare i say.

  • Competition will be good I think. It will be healthy for SoT to see what Atlas has done right and wrong. But personally I think Rare has been inspired by the idea of SoT for a long time

  • Atlas will more than likely be left behind by wild card to work on there new pitch, leaving it broken just like all the rest of there money grab dlcs. But you never know, could be wrong.

  • Im honest I would try it when Atlas launches on Xbox, but never ever I’m stop playing SoT! And I think most of the Ideas in the Atlas Trailer, Rare had years ago but you’ve seen the newest Developer Update as joe Neate said, they’re looking which features fitting best in which Content Update and not throwing everything in the Ocean and dont caring if it’s fitting or good polished Content!

  • I’m looking forward to it, to be honest. I’m hoping it will be a great game and keep me amused.

    But I’m not setting my expectations high due to it being Wildcard and I’ve been burnt by them before.

    But I never understood this whole SoT VS Atlas thing? I personally think I will enjoy both and I don’t see that as a problem or like I should pick one over the other.
    They both will have there pros and cons.

  • @tedakin

    Hmm, maybe, but they both seem to be very different games.

    Atlas appears to be a world full of content... so much content... so many things, but there doesn't seem to have been so much of a focus on the player's experience - they haven't done any beta testing for example, or perhaps experimented with how these various mechanics will work altogether with the 40k players in the world.

    Sea of Thieves on the other hand is experimenting with a new type of game, is very much focused on the quality of interactions between players and how content or tools affects these interactions every time something is added.
    Sea of Thieves also started from a very solid base game, the world, the water, the sailing - it's been rock solid for a long time - Atlas is everything in the pot from the start....

    I'm sure Rare devs will be watching with interest though :)

  • @tedakin said in Will Atlas inspire SOT?:


    Well looking at the trailer, I'd say a fair bit of SoT has inspired Atlas .
    And won't be the other way around, at first look SoT is doing it better. ( Different visions, different game )
    Movement appears jerky & not as smooth for one, it may end up as Diamond... but it's somewhat unpolished in appearance.
    Should be interesting to see how it is widely received... once it is finally released.

    edit: to be honest the one I'm more interested in seeing is "Skull&Bones" in 2019.
    Agreed... a completely different game yet again, to both SoT & Atlas. ( A Pirate Ship Game ). In the same genre as such, but less in common.

  • I have to agree with @PirateCraggy that Atlas has been inspired and even stolen ideas from Sea of Thieves. It also looks like they went through our community ideas looting some of those ideas as well. I do not see any of what Atlas will offer coming our way. Sea of Thieves is its own game with its own sea to sail. Safe bet though that what new shiny things comes our way will be pirated as well. There is only one true sea a self respecting pirate should sail on and it is called the Sea of Thieves.

  • @katttruewalker I only wish that Atlas had a wave of all the gamepass memberships and the people playing for 1$. SoT was the first game to be on gamepass the same day they were released and Rare doesn’t get enough credit.

  • @piratecraggy Oh totally, Atlas looks like a straight up SOT knockoff, but that's not to say it doesn't have some cool things on its own I'd like to see brought over.

  • @tedakin

    I can't say i dislike it. That plainly would not be fair, as it's not even out.
    Does the look of interest to me... well... no.
    I don't do dragon/dwarves etc.
    Could SoT take things from it?
    Personally I doubt it, reason being their vision from day one, even back in beta & before has always been transparent.
    They are blazing their own path, in a typical RARE manner, & very well.
    I believe the ideas they have, and those that come from the community are enough to continue the creation of new & unique content.
    That in itself...... is very SoT. It's a journey that RARE & it's community has established and is making together.
    Just IMHO.

    edit: However, they would be foolish not to take note. They are far from fools.

  • Atlas have the same goals than Ark and even uses the same assets and gameplay mechanics. I don't doubt that it will be a mess of bugs and a rushed product like WC is always delivering.

    SoT and Atlas are very different, they have nothing in common gameplay wise and the scope of both games is very different too. Even the audience targeted isn't the same. While Atlas is attractive for it's possibilites, I do fear bugs and instability issues that will make the game unappealing and run poorly during the upcoming months. (If it gets released soon)

    The recent delay also shows that, once again, WC is pushing the team to work harder and harder with a very tight schedule on a very ambitious product. These companies are a fine example of all the negative effects of capitalism and early access financial model, rushing out products to deliver as fast as possible and take advantage of a well built hype.

    I do not support this kind of behavior at all.
    That's why my money will stay in my pocket for this one.
    Ark is far from being stable and yet they want to release an even more ambitious product. I will not be baited.

    Finally, on the Art side of things I will just stay polite and say that it's a pile of Fantasy elements all put together in an attempt to satisfy everyone. Like literrally everyone. We have Golems, Dragons, Dinosaurs, Pirates, Airplanes, Boats, Basejump, Mermaids, Vikings, Mythological Creatures, Gods and i'm sure anything you would think of when it comes to Fantasy. I mean... they just took everything and put it all together in a world without trying to build quality Lore and coherence around it. I'm sorry but it's a lazy move and clearly an attempt to take every possible sale from any gamer profile, whether it's a passionate or casual Fantasy enthusiast.

    Thanks, but no thanks.

  • First 5 min of gameplay already surpasses all SoT's "hard worked" content easily...And I don't see that much bugs

    You see wildlife, lots of animals and stuff to do from the start, not just promised and never released like in SoT

  • I'd like to think both games will gain inspiration from each other.
    Even though they are two completely different games, i'm sure the developers of each will take a look at each others games and possibly gain an idea or two to bring into their own games.
    I have always wanted to see stone fortifications enter the sea of thieves, giant forts and heavily fortified bays that would be almost impossible to attack from sea.
    (Come to Plymouth to gain inspiration Devs)
    Perhaps one day i will get my wish! It's not even a year old yet, so i'm excited about what's to come.

  • I hope it inspires them to keep working harder, right now this is the only pirate game available and they've bin racing to catch up and deliver content, they've finally got the game great and there's no fear of them becoming complacent a d slowing down with the threat of similar competition, hopefully drives them to keep delivering what they've bin doing all year long.. Although my faith in rare is that even without atlas they would of continued working hard anyway

  • Symbioto is an Atlas dev confirmed lol... TBH i watched some Atlas and yet to see any piracy going on... Just collecting shrubs, wood, rocks and killing animals? Pirates much? If anything this should remind SoT to add fishing in the game lol

  • flying monsters are not needed here, magic is not needed here

  • @korsair178 said in Will Atlas inspire SOT?:

    flying monsters are not needed here, magic is not needed here

    agreed. but water spouts and a kraken 3.0 would be cool.

  • it’s good that there are no riding bears and idiotic mutants in our game

  • @symbioto sagte in Will Atlas inspire SOT?:

    First 5 min of gameplay already surpasses all SoT's "hard worked" content easily...And I don't see that much bugs

    You see wildlife, lots of animals and stuff to do from the start, not just promised and never released like in SoT

    Yeah wow I’m seeing it, 230k viewers and it happens...nothing :D loading screens over loading screens with „No Server Found“ Issue...But wait one good stream is there in the Atlas Section...Summit is streaming Sea of Thieves:D

  • if you're into farming and grinding resources then atlas might be your bag. but it doesn't really look like pirate life to me. but it has brought more attention to SoT because of the obvious comparisons. the games are really nothing alike and will appeal to different types of gamers. those visuals though... rough.

  • #notmypirategame

    :) Atlas

  • Atlas is the biggest garbage in 2018. Boring and slow af. Survival trash, which no one needs. If you grind for 3 months to get a sloop and you beeing killed by someone else, you have to grind again 3 months to get your sloop back. Wow. Nice. So much fun. The beginner content is nothing special and every game got it. Mechanics are slow and weird af.
    If youre someone who wants to spend 24/7 on grinding and loves to die the whole time by animals which are bugged, then you can play atlas.
    If you like competitive/ranked and fast paced action go play SoT.
    SoT still is the best and nothing can be compared to it.

  • It might give Rare some ideas to bring islands alive with more wildlife and threats but, beyond that, I really rather they didn't take too many ideas from Atlas.

  • well i do love ark,but Atlas is going to have alot of problems at the beginning, im downloading it atm with knowledge that it will be frustrating but still i want to see how the game will go in the future, so i will go and play, leave the game, come back later, leave, untill its in the path i feel that i can play it, but will have some fun with it :)

  • after what i saw so far of atlas, there is no way SOT has anything to worry about. unless you are totally into rpg, then you may like it, but atlas is way to boring in my opinion. Plus its clunky movement, sub-par visuals and if its anything like ark, it wont last long at all.

  • @enticed-malice

    I think many of us knew that Atlas was just smoke and mirrors. Everyone should have known better and seen behind the curtain giving Ark and it’s dev history. Survival games on Steam have always been a failure.

    The big secret that is not a secret is Atlas is a poorly made and a awful playing pirate skin of Ark. It was intended to be a DLC for Ark. Like many developers today they saw a many grab opportunity because they could not squueze out any more revenue worth their lack of serious effort. They definitely cannot make money at selling great games, because they cannot make any.

    Everything you said is true. It has all the flaws of Ark and more. A total failure that started at launch with over 30,000 viewers in Twitch watching streamers do nothing waiting on servers that have nothing good to offer when they finally got to log on.

    There is only one true pirate game worth playing. That is why no one that cares was ever going to leave the port they have called home.

  • As a pirate I'm not at all opposed to stealing, but Sea of Thieves must've been a major inspiration for the developers of Atlas. Bucketing water, digging for treasures, the way the map is held in the trailer and especially how that mermaid looks and sounds is 100% SoT.

    Competition is good of course. But I'm quite certain that Atlas won't own up to its promises – which is actually another VERY piratey thing to do – and will eventually lead more players to SoT.

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