Suggestions on Outposts Infrastructure Expansion

  • Hey there, fellow pirates!

    I been thinking of how could outpost infrastructure be expanded, besides regular shops with merchandize & quest givers.

    I think it would be cool to add something like a poker club or even a whole casino with Blackjack & h*****s, ya know, for pirates to play and chill.

    Feel free to drop your ideas below if you got any. Hope the developers team will take note of that and one day make it real.

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  • It would be nice if we could just sit down at tables in the taverns. Then we could drink, play cards, roll dice, and play five finger fillet with our crews and other crews.

    We would need a neutral tavern where crews would not be hostile for this kind of interaction with other crews to work best.

  • @x-crowheart-x I would love to play liars dice

  • It's an interesting idea. I'd be willing to bet though that the devs prefer players are out in the world pirating rather than playing a casino type game - a game within a game. I'm not against it. I think it could be fun, but might take away from the main game is all.

    I would love to see some kind of infrastructure expansion though. I don't think the outposts are explored and used enough. An actual village would be cool.

  • @starship42 написал в Suggestions on Outposts Infrastructure Expansion:

    I think it could be fun, but might take away from the main game is all.

    Well, I don't think this could influence the gameplay that much. It could be just an addition to all in-game activities besides pirating in all its glory.

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