Sad news but time to show your appreciation and gratitude for a fine Dragon Queen - Khaleesi!

  • Good luck for the future

  • @closinghare208 said in Sad news but time to show your appreciation and gratitude for a fine Dragon Queen - Khaleesi!:

    @katttruewalker aye this is the time to play becalmed

    No one does it better than Freya:

  • @sshteeve Awwww man that gets me in the feels everytime...

  • @khaleesibot You have made such a big impact on the Sea of Thieves Community! Deckhands, Boatswains, and the Community will miss you greatly! Even though our interactions were limited because I know you keep the dragons big and small tamed. Just know you will forever be the Khaleesi of SoT.
    I wish you great happiness on your future endeavors!

  • I did appreciate the discussions we had as she offered valuable insights into Rare's veiws and positions.

  • We will miss you! I hope you will have fair wind wherever it takes you.

  • Nooooooo :(

    Good luck on your new adventure what ever that may be =)

  • @khaleesibot Will miss you and your tacos around here! Smooth sailing on your next adventure :)

  • @murkrage said in Sad news but time to show your appreciation and gratitude for a fine Dragon Queen - Khaleesi!:

    @khaleesibot Will miss you and your tacos around here! Smooth sailing on your next adventure :)

  • i came home from work last night , sat down , read a bit Forum while eating a bit ...And i almost choked in my food...Talking about a bombshell...This could count as one...i don't know how or why ,because i'm in no place to ask but i'm totally suprized and that is not meant in the good way suprize is sometimes written down...

    Since the decision has been made and seems irreversable , then there is nothing else to say that i wish you the best of luck in any new adventures that will cross your path...You have been sailing this ship through sometimes massive storms and that while you still carry the Young Flame inside of you. Sometimes it must have been hard while at other times you must have had fun too...

    Well, Miss Khaleesibot , i wish you Fair Winds and Fortune but above all , whatever your new adventure will be , make sure you always have fun while doing yer job...And remember , you may had to leave the Helm of the Forum but you can still handle the Helm of your Ship on the Waves of the Sea of Thieves...Good Luck, Captain.

  • @katttruewalker Good luck and hope the best for the rest of your adventures.

  • @kondrites It's Khaleesibot leaving matey, not KattTruewalker, I hope! :O

  • Also, make sure you pop by the stream tonight guys and gals as @khaleesibot will be joining Joe Neate and Gulliblegambit!

  • you will be missed and you did a great job!

  • @khaleesibot wish you the best where ever the strong winds and seas take you next!

  • Fair winds and following seas @khaleesibot !

  • @sshteeve ok

  • @musicmee arr the feels and as I said time to play becalmed

  • @sshteeve I was tired and knew it wasn't kat but thought Id just reply to her post.
    But thanks for the heads up just in case.

  • First you drop the arena bomb on me... then this? Twist the knife Rare...

  • Ahoy there @khaleesibot!

    So I came back from my short break due to the birth of my little pirate and was surprised by the post stating that you're leaving. I didn't realize that in order to add new pirates, the older pirates have to make room :)

    While the mother of dragons from the TV show was praised for her three dragons, you trained and educated 1000s of hotheaded individuals. Your job never seemed an easy feat to me, even with the help of the other Rare employees, the deckhands and the boatswains, it's still a job that will show how truly horrible some people can be on the internet and it doesn't involve a lot of praise.

    Thanks for trying to make these forums and the discord a better place and sticking with us for as long as you did. I hope you step away from this experience with a lot of good memories. I wish you fair winds for your future adventures wherever they may take you.


    Captain FishSt1ck

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