[Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena

  • @xphelipe They're gonna be screwed. Crossplay with PC was and is a mistake, but having the option is better than having a massive disadvantage and no way to deal with it.

  • @wkd1337 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @sshteeve said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Joe's favourite thing about arena. "It's about the intensity and heart rate, someone is going to be competing against you getting the same treasure as you.


    • contested skull forts mean nothing?
    • contested skull ships mean nothing?
    • 6 ships per server mean nothing?
    • Reapers mark means nothing?

    The actual game, plus Rare's amazing server merge system and their ability to throw you towards other ships wit quests was all designed to give you that thrill of excitement.

    This is development time that could have been spent on other full content. It could've gone toward bug fixes, keyboard and mouse support, text chat for xbox, better servers, faster loading times, more cosmetics, implementation of pets/fishing/new weapons/new treasure/legend content.

    Waate. Of. Time.

    The empty servers and boring cargo runs beg to differ.

    This game needed something like the Arena... those of us who want to just dive in and enjoy high intensity combat situations without investing 2 - 4 hours to only maybe get what we want out of the game have been begging for something like this for months.

    I do enjoy all of the end of the world sentiment from some of you forum regulars... but just like 2012 the Arena mode will be introduced and the Sea will continue to churn. :)

    Where's my end of the world sentiment?

  • @musicmee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @wkd1337 What if I said... Early 2019 ;D

    Eagerly waiting to test like everyone else :D

    You guys need a hand with that testing? Hmmm? Where's that NDA I'll sign it I promise.

  • @personalc0ffee Well that's where I come in :D Will try to get the juicy details posted ASAP!

  • @wkd1337 for sure, a treasure hunt is a classy way to open this up in my opinion. Good ole fashion treasure hunt!

  • @personalc0ffee

    I agree, it is sadly going to overtake the main game, sometime down the line.

    Yep and as Rare is only focusing where the players are, when this PvP mode will overtake the "adventure mode" they won't be focusing on it anymore. We all know so well they needed more Pirate Legends to justify development time for end game content.

  • @personalc0ffee are you on Team Criticism now? :D

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @musicmee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @wkd1337 What if I said... Early 2019 ;D

    Eagerly waiting to test like everyone else :D

    Yeah, but this is PVP based, forced cross-play better become an option or no one will play because of PC advantages. Open crews will get destroyed. It's already a mess and it isn't even out yet.

    The only positive is the PvP rewards... And I hope it's something new, not just more of the same.

    You don't force crossplay for arena you have to also not force it for adventure.

    But hey - no splitting of the player base remember? Oh right... they just did by giving folk a PVP mode!

  • @ant-heuser-kush Not gonna lie, those that know me well know that I much prefer the friendlier side of pirating... but you know, when duty calls, I will be there with my trusty cutlass and pistol, all in the name of being crowned champion!

    And... back to reality...

    I will be just as nervous about the game as you all are, and would love for both modes to succeed. I am sure Rare will be taking this approach very carefully and monitoring all the data to see how best to deliver this update.

    Only time will tell!

  • @d3adst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee are you on Team Criticism now? :D

    @PersonalC0ffee is super excited for the Arena. It's his new favorite thing he told me.

  • @acebead40319154 I can't see how a satisfying PvP experience could work in the regular mode outside of a small area where either 1v1 or 2v2 fight on foot. This was the best option IMO. I just hope that they take PvP balance seriously because this game mode is gonna really show how broken it is right now. If they don't address it, it will likely ruin the mode. If they do address it, then the entire game(arena and normal mode) will be MUCH better for it.

  • @betsill said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @acebead40319154 I can't see how a satisfying PvP experience could work in the regular mode outside of a small area where either 1v1 or 2v2 fight on foot. This was the best option IMO. I just hope that they take PvP balance seriously because this game mode is gonna really show how broken it is right now. If they don't address it, it will likely ruin the mode. If they do address it, then the entire game(arena and normal mode) will be MUCH better for it.

    In the trailer they showed multiple ship types. I think it should just be six galleons, or x number of the same ship type but that's just my opinion. Let's see what they do with it!

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @skulliah said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:


    I agree, it is sadly going to overtake the main game, sometime down the line.

    Yep and as Rare is only focusing where the players are, when this PvP mode will overtake the "adventure mode" they won't be focusing on it anymore. We all know so well they needed more Pirate Legends to justify development time for end game

    It's not going to happen immediately. It's going to be a slow process but eventually, yes it is going to happen.

    Trickle down, doesn't work.

    Meaning: Enjoy the "Adventure mode" until you won't be able to play it.

  • @betsill True. But I think they will organize the game in this new mode (Maybe Xbox only??). The game that is now will be the same. (This is what I think)

  • So does this mean updates for adventure mode will be taking longer while the new pvp mode gets tweaked?

    I’d much prefer updates to the existing world - more than pigs, snakes and chickens plus crafting for starters.

    Very meh for me but I’ll give it a go

  • @wkd1337 ya, be really funny if they give a solo ship option... it would just be a bunch of 1 man crews sinking each other... this is a jk btw... but I'd play it.

  • I mean, I understand where they are going with this. Some players want to have a relaxing season where they do their voyages and maybe have a fight once in a while. Others want a game where they go straight into action, fighting others and getting fast loot.

    Thing is, other than farming gold and rep in an efficient way, why play in adventure mode after this? Why as a legend with level 10 athena would you waste your time there? Arena has a smaller map, packed with other players and has all the rewards and action.

    Why not just improve the main game so both groups have enough to do? This is supposed to be a shared world after all.

  • @d3adst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee are you on Team Criticism now? :D

    We all have more in common than many of us realize. At heart most of us are the same pirates on the inside with the same love, hopes, and dreams for the sea we all sail on.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    "Competitive mode Turned on since Launch"

    I don't understand what are you talking about.
    Crossplay per se didn't do a game competitive,this game isn't build to be competitive,otherwise they did not understand what is a "Competitive mode".

  • @blindnev More players = more money
    More money = more investment
    More investment = better updates, bigger work team, more hiring.
    All that = a high quality game.

  • Okay I'm done my victory lap. It's a Saturday night, I'm going to head out. See you all in the Arena!

  • @musicmee

    Don't forget to tune into the live stream over at mixer.com/xbox tomorrow at 5pm GMT/11am CT

    What is "tomorrow"? Here, it is already Sunday, 11/11. When you give a time, it is best to include the date. Is it 17:00 GMT on 11/11/2018?

  • @personalc0ffee I can't even imagine what they will do. Sea of thieves is about crossplay, but c'mon man, a only pvp mode can't have crossplay

  • Since we are now separating the player base between Arena and Adventure, why not throw in Console / PC as well :?

    EDIT: Looks like this was brought up shortly before I posted, lol.

  • @surveyorpete What time you on matey? The stream is on Sunday 5pm GMT...

  • @xphelipe said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @betsill True. But I think they will organize the game in this new mode (Maybe Xbox only??). The game that is now will be the same. (This is what I think)

    Yup, because development will stop if more folk play adventure.
    Look at Fortnite - that name can finally be sensibly uttered here now it seems - when did "save the world" or what I bought as "fortnite" last get some attention over BR?

  • @personalc0ffee Not at all, that mode uses exactly everything already created in the normal mode, they will always improve the normal mode and they will use that for the PVP mode.

  • @musicmee

    Australian Eastern Standard (Summer) Time. Here, it is 10:16 AM on Sunday. It is already "tomorrow" here.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    I told you lot. I've been critical of this game and decisions. I was never a fan boy.

    Calm down, it was a joke. Using "you lot" like that reads in a pretty derogatory tone.

  • @d3adst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    I told you lot. I've been critical of this game and decisions. I was never a fan boy.

    Calm down, it was a joke. Using "you lot" like that reads in a pretty derogatory tone.

    He's not being derogatory trust me, he's being playful.
    He's had some stick for being a fan boy and he has, genuinely been critical of decisions made. Anyone who sails with him knows this and knows that post was playful.

  • Wow... I hope you didn't just kill adventure mode...

  • @surveyorpete said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:


    Australian Eastern Standard (Summer) Time. Here, it is 10:16 AM on Sunday. It is already "tomorrow" here.

    You were right and @Musicmee six corrected himself Pete.

    11/11/2018 17:00 GMT

  • @tossico94 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:


    "Competitive mode Turned on since Launch"

    I don't understand what are you talking about.
    Crossplay per se didn't do a game competitive,this game isn't build to be competitive,otherwise they did not understand what is a "Competitive mode".

    I was speaking to the fact we already compete to dig up our own treasure and steal it from each other. We already have sword fights, shoot ourselves out of cannons, and fire cannonballs at each other like in The Arena trailer. Bet that you will eat bananas to heal your pirate when he or she is injured as well.

    Same game, just a condensed version of it. The new faction and any mechanics to make player encounters more frequent and the sea more competitive could have been added to the game we already play.

  • @personalc0ffee This isn't a crossplay tread but the new mode is going to be (Mod edit) ( and not competitive like they called It)if the crossplay thing is forced like in current mode. I'm not OT if you doesnt want to discuss why you replied me?

  • @sshteeve @PersonalC0ffee well if that's true then that's on me. My bad.

    At least now I know why it's taking so long to add anything substantial to improve the adventure game. They've been working on this instead.

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