Sea of Fools

  • Our play yesterday again struck me that some ( not all ) dont seem to get Sea of Thieves at all. We had a load of treasure on our Sloop, including an Athena Chest. We were done playing for the evening, so we just wanted to sell our treasure and be done.

    Along comes a sloop to attack us, we fight them off, they retreat to repair while we continue to head to the port, my crewmate jumps off with the Athena chest while I sail around the island ( not docking with enemies about ) he returns and by then the sloop is on us again, we put a few cannon balls into him, but mostly we are just trying to sell our stuff, so my crewmate keeps jumping ashore with our treasure selling it and returning while I continue to circle the outpost ( getting some occasional distance so he gets a mermaid )

    This entire time the other crew are taunting, telling us what cowards we are, how they are beating us at every turn.

    We dont respond ( we hardly every respond to enemy ships vocally ), but can hear everything they say.

    After selling the last of our treasure we are done, they are claiming victory. We achieved all our goals, they achieved nothing ( did not even sink us ) we are just laughing at them, as we log off.

    Remember that a ship battle may be your goal, but that may not be the goal of the other ship. We literally beat them at every turn ( using their words )

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  • @dwight1833 aye what stupid pirates

  • @dwight1833 to be honest that happens most of the time with me solo slooping as well XD
    I had an enemy brig that was just firing cannonball after cannonball into my sloop while I completely obvious just went back and forth at the dock to sell my cargo which I put on land to not break the rum XD
    Kind of hilarious how THEY called me the "nooby girl" (the word "girl" states for words starting with s and b so you know what I mean :/) and I made 5k of it (devils material and they did not even break one rumbottle, their aiming was magnificent to shoot my sloop down) ;)

    Most people (maybe pl or people who do not care about rep or gold) just sink for the sinking and not even for the killing....but if they happen to spawnkill you before you scuttle then that adds a little more fun to it.

  • @shikia-caeleaum i just had a great one, was solo slooping and got attacked by a 2man sloop. Soon became apparent they werent great so i just started circling and ramming them. They kept trying to board me and kept failing. So in the end i got the speaking trumpet out and said they really shouldve sunk me by now being as im not firing, i then started giving them tips on aiming. They got so wound up. So then i offered them some help. I dropped my anchor and sat on the floor. They then boarded and killed me, when i respawned they had shot a few holes in my ship and were sailing off. Presumably thinking id sink as they had taken my wood too. Out of principle, i now had to get my revenge. They had docked at an island and were now doing an oos. I sailed up near them, scuttled my ship, got on theirs and sailed off, made sure i shouted hello to them first so they new who had done it. I then smashed it into some rocks before disappearing..... 1 nil solo sloopers!!!

  • I wouldn't say I'm great at PvP. Anything but. Nevertheless, I did sink an enemy brig yesterday.

    I was anchored at an outpost, loading some plants and other cargo on my sloop as a two-man(?) brig opened fire. I fired some shots back at them before they killed me with a cannonball. Upon respawn, my ship had just given up.
    I swam to their brig (one of them jumped off as I boarded them) and raised the anchor. I set full sail, rammed the pier and sailed away untill the brig sank. I managed to get most of the plants onto a row boat and deliver them. Only the little rum and cloth that was there was worthless....
    I think they had tried to sell one of my plants to the merchant I just picked them up from. I suspect they were beginners.

  • I just LOVE it when they call us noobs, while we sell all our treasure, and they get absolutely nothing at all, and waste all their time for zero gain.

  • @dwight1833 said in Sea of Fools:

    I just LOVE it when they call us noobs, while we sell all our treasure, and they get absolutely nothing at all, and waste all their time for zero gain.

    Aye, a drive by or two is always worthwhile, especially when being chased. Love how they called you out for being "beaten" by them (which you weren't as you didn't sink and handed in your treasure!)
    Time permitting in these instances I always turn the tide on them and take them down when I'm done with business and if my crew is willing.

    Can work the other way too - we had a crew pinch a couple of our pieces of loot once whilst were handing in cloth on an island - we chased them for a good while as they were heading for the fort and I knew they were going to do a driveby - we got close to the island as they went wide as if to circle and I managed to sword-lunge over and sneak in the back way - he was shocked to be greeted at the Gold Hoarder tent by my blunderbuss!

3 out of 7