Fallout 76 beta has more post in lfg then sot, trying to find a crew is tuff

  • basically wanted to go do some pvp went looking for a crew in lfg, fallout beta pops up and theres almost double the amount of post then sot, I guess ill solo sloop for a while :(

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  • Time of day is a big factor, but I haven't had much trouble when making my own posts. Jumping in on someone else's LFG for a certain type of gameplay (like pvp) may be tough. Be sure to start your own LFG. But I recommend a plan B because you may not get a full server.

  • @algaram Fallout beta is new so it will deffo be most popular. Try checking on both the official and community discords for crews aswell if you can.

    Official Discord - discord.gg/seaofthieves
    Community Discord - discord.gg/seaofthievescommunity

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