If you had to recommend someone play 5 games to really get a feel for you/your tastes, what five would you pick?

  • I’d have to go with the non-casual games such as.

    Battlefield 4
    Elite Dangerous
    Fallout: New Vegas
    Titanfall 2
    SW Battlefront 2, the good one from 2005

  • Thats so hard theres so many good games just on the N64 alone. But if I had to choose 5 they would be

    Halo 3
    Zelda Majoras Mask
    Smash Bros.
    (Pumped for the new one!)
    Kind of cheating but the whole Metroid series. Super pumped for Prime 4!

  • @katttruewalker
    Borderlands 2
    Elderscrolls Oblivion
    Fallout 3
    Fallout New Vegas
    Sea of Thieves

  • The top 5 games that represent myself.
    The more I thought the more games I can write down. This wasn’t easy :P

    Age of Empires
    Halo 2/3
    Sea of Thieves

  • @lord-pharqwad AH! How did I forget about Smash Bros? So good! Well played!

  • Only 5...Allow me to cheat a bit ....What!!!??? , i'm a pirate after all...Prosecute me if you want , it won't change my mind.

    1. The Elder Scrolls/ Fallout series...Because they are single player games that never turned boring and where adventure , exitement and amazement lied around the next corner .

    2. Baldurs Gate / Icewind Dale / Torment Planescape...Very great RPG's that kept you playing for humongous amount of hours .

    3. Jagged Alliance 2: My old time favorite, you ran and hired a crew of mercenaries who had to liberate a country ruled by a dictatorship ( * Hmm, sound a bit like yer workplace...When are you going to take the piggies down, yokel?). Some mercenaries couldn't stand eachother while others became upset when their friends got killed...It was dancing on a rope to let them work together and then you still had to liberate a country in wich you were totally outnumbered...

    4. The Settlers, from 1 to 7, all great games...It's strange to see how you could only order a building and were dependant on the Settlers to finish it with the resources they made...i could lose myself for hours in watching them fabricate all the stuff needed to drive your village , and sometimes went searching for hours in order to get the distributing ran faster and smoother then it did at that moment ( * Wow , that was a "very" clear explenation, moron, now "everybody" get's it ....dufus).

    5. And the best game i kept for last, Sea of Thieves ...The pirate game that makes you able to make Friends, not only on Sea but also in real life. A game where you can talk and mostly don't get welcomed with a f you.A game that has so much space to make thy own story, from pure mockery and fun to pure Role and Cosplaying depending on the various people's characters and intelligence you are bound to meet...
      For me it has something revolutionary, it still grows , and it keeps you wanting for more , all the time...Purely listening , watching and dreaming away by that marvellous made Sea is something that i have never seen nor felt in a game...Never have i called a game my second home but if a human brain could be altered in an A I anomaly presence in this Sea, after death, then please put that contract before my nose so i can sign immediatly...

  • this is interesting because certain games don't really express me but I tend to go to them when I can.. sadly, i'm turning to more solo games as of late

    Jewel Academy
    Number Brick Breaker
    Disney Magic Kingdoms
    Sea of Thieves
    Lord of the Rings Online

  • @weedstar-deluxe

  • @xbreadbutterx yes?🙂

  • So discounting the Sea Of Thieves as that would be at the top of the food chain right now.

    1. Conkers Bad Fur Day (funniest game of all time in my opinion)
    2. The Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time (the first ever 3d Zelda adventure.)
    3. Star Wars Battlefront (battlefield with a Star Wars Skin but that's okay.)
    4. Alan Wake (like a Stephen king novel with a cool soundtrack)
    5. No Mans Sky (more recently)
  • To know me you would have to play

      1. SOT
      1. Destiny 1&2
      1. Fat Princess
      1. Super Mario 3
      1. Overwatch
  • Blood Bowl 2 - allways liked Blood Bowl and just was not on the seas for several days playing with a friend and try to teach him about the Game and Rules.
    One of the best Strategy Games imho.
    I just love the Turnover Rule and many more about Blood Bowl.

    TT Isle of Man - sometimes i like to ride the Snaefell course with a Honda :)
    I usually dont like Racing games that much, but this game has all street courses and looks and feels more like an after work ride than a race on a stadium track.
    Oh and it has sidecars and i'm a real life sidecar driver :-)

    I'll maybe like the upcoming Space Hulk Tactics. Looks damn good.

    Many more games that impressed me, but tbh i never played them to the end or more than 20 or 30 hours.

    Most games are too difficult to me, or too grindy or not casual friendly or just dont fit for what i'm looking for.

    Freedom in games often leads to more restrictions you believe, because it means you want and sometimes need to do it all alone.
    I like Sandboxes, but i dislike if i am forced to be omnipotent or just need to master stuff i dont like.
    Crafting for example.
    Too grindy, too repetetive, but often essential.

    Survival Games *puke * what create a constant need and stress and grind, grind, grind. Not for me, although i'm in Love with the Conan Setting for example.

    I just discussed progression Systems, levels, items and such with a friend.

    I dont dislike it in general, but devs often exxagerated about that.

    Nothing against some leveling and progression system, learning the game and smoothly make your way to endgame content, but i only remember one game in the last 20 years what hasn't exxagerated about this.
    Guild Wars 1.
    20 levels, took me 4 weeks and from that moment on i was part of the world, fully equiped and competetive in pve and pvp.

    On all other games i exhaust on grinding, because i'm a player, no dedicated (addicted?) gamer who goes for efficency, exploit and game the system.

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