Boatswain vs Deckhands

  • When the six tavern challenge showed up last week for the devs @Musicmee had a great suggestion that is not gaining much traction. Sooo, being an instigator that I am. Here is is. Who wants to see a grog challenge between the Boatswains and the Deckhands. And who out of those groups would be willing to participate. What ideas would you want to see them do as part of this challenge. Let’s have some fun at their expense. Lol

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  • @nofears-fun Wow, wow, wow!

    This IS throwing down the gauntlet... I'm up for the challenge...

    Come on everyone... come up with some suggestions!

  • @NoFears-Fun @Musicmee I had an image I was going to edit to show a sexy pirate holding up one of the round cards what they have in boxing but i don’t think it’s appropriate for the forums.

    It would have been funny, but yeah that’s the job I’m claiming! Ahaha

  • I’m game if they remove that horrible UI!

  • A challenge me hear? Sign me up!

    I'm sure all the @Boatswain are up to that! :D

  • @drbullhammer

  • There will be grog?! I'm in!!! ARGH!

  • @nofears-fun I'll do it, but only for the loot.

  • @skulliah
    Once the bootswines assemble there is nothing that can stop us!

  • What is a frog challenge?

  • @nofears-fun

    Whoa, late to the party but Aye! Sounds like fun!

  • @ecljpse said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    What is a frog challenge?

    Who can eat the most frogs. lol ;o)

  • @nofears-fun You know I'd be up for it, just wondering whether the Dh's can use substitutes... i.e. which side can a certain non-DH/shouldbeDH *cough @Musicmee be on ?

  • I'm one of the worst pirates ever so I won't participate, but I'll be cheering the deckhands on to kick @Musicmee's behind!

  • I'm good at anything that involves drinking, and when I'm drinking I think I'm good at anything ; )

  • Sounds like fun. 👌

  • @fishst1ck don't say that, with @Sshteeve you're our favourite helmsman! :D

  • I hope you stream it!

  • Exactly ^^^^ what the bot dude said.

    And remember most of all men and women, this is for honor, pride, glory and plenty of belly laughs.
    Have fun with it. :o)

  • Yup happy to partake too! The Botswines are a great group of lubbers :D should be fun!

  • It could get a bit messy....

    alt text

  • Sounds interesting!! I'm sure I could help out my fellow boatswains.

  • @admiral-rrrsole LOL, I typed this on my phone and then it wouldn't let me edit it to correct it. Thanks for noticing :-).

  • @lizalaroo We need to hear from more of the deckhands. Where are all you mates hiding?

  • How might this work? Would we need to get a crew of Boatswains in to the same instance as a crew of Deckhands? I like the idea, though it might get a little... fiddly...

  • @fishst1ck Woooooah, well that escalated quickly! Thanks for the support matey.

  • Maybe we should have a pirate mud pit battle between @Musicmee and @FishSt1ck . LOL

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    How might this work? Would we need to get a crew of Boatswains in to the same instance as a crew of Deckhands? I like the idea, though it might get a little... fiddly...

    Well @SirioNDB knows perfectly how to do that :P

  • @nofears-fun I would but me old back ain't what it used to be after all that treasure digging!

  • I imagine that we could just have a couple of crews, not necessarily on the same server. It would really depend on what the challenge is once they have had their grog. We could simply have them both live stream and do a speed challenge of some sort, where the only real requirement is they have to stay on the grog the entire time. Looking for challenge suggestions....

  • @skulliah said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    @luciansanchez82 said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    How might this work? Would we need to get a crew of Boatswains in to the same instance as a crew of Deckhands? I like the idea, though it might get a little... fiddly...

    Well @SirioNDB knows perfectly how to do that :P

    This can happen. We just need to set a time, date, and manpower to gather the ships. The tricky part would be able to gather a similar setup of ships for both teams.

  • @nofears-fun

    Grog + volcanic eruptions + geysers ? Or something with Devil's Roar could be funny! ;)

  • @Skulliah A drunken race through Devils Roar. Hmmm. We might have to wait for FS to release so we can figure out what would be a fair challenge other than simply race around some islands. But I do like that idea.

  • @siriondb well we know for certain the Boatswains can gather the manpower to gather the ships, we can do the hard work for the Dh's ;) similar setup though ??

  • A friendly game of Skullball on a Volcanic Island :)?

    Maybe a Brigatta 2.0 :) ?

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