Beta Veteran, Actual Release Noob

  • I was part of the Beta and pre-ordered the game, but life got in the way and I haven't been able to play since day 1. I'm looking for a crew that will be accepting of my inevitable blunders and laugh at my stupid puns. More follower than leader in the game, honestly, so just tell me what to do.

  • 5
  • Feel free to put me on your frinds list

  • @molikespoe

    Hello and welcome to SoT.
    If ye be interested

    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style

    Tell them Marine sent you ;)

  • @molikespoe Yo. You'll find me as Knobzila. Feel free to add me.

  • @molikespoe написал в Beta Veteran, Actual Release Noob:

    I was part of the Beta and pre-ordered the game, but life got in the way and I haven't been able to play since day 1. I'm looking for a crew that will be accepting of my inevitable blunders and laugh at my stupid puns. More follower than leader in the game, honestly, so just tell me what to do.

    Official discrod server is where you need to go or any other guild/clan on this forum

3 out of 5