Alliance Not What I Expected

  • But, still welcome imo. Glad Rare is taking a chance and trying things out. This can lead to really great stories and great times. Flip side gents is that it can lead to some nightmares and all out bad times.

    Either way its good to try something new out. Only upset that Alliances wasnt more of a guild system though. But, hopefully we can keep this alliance thing going if it works great and one day Rare will put a awesome guild system in the game. One that can lead to some great rewards for being part of a guild.

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  • I feel like I'm missing so much. How do so many people know what the alliances are all about? I only know very vague facts and I sure haven't seen it in game yet. Are these Pioneers posting what they have tested?

  • Guilds are groups of people that are expert artisans. What guilds do you want in the game? Clockmakers?

    This idea isn't really bad. It will be the same as it is now. When I team up with other ships and we run missions, we share the loot. It's the same thing except you get a dumb flag over top of the ship.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo They posted a video about it!

  • @edemardil said in Alliance Not What I Expected:

    @pumpkinkangaroo They posted a video about it!

    They posted a video giving vague information. They have not said how they will work. All these threads about the split of gold and xp are all speculation. People claiming entire servers will be taken over are all speculating. I'm just saying that we shouldn't get so invested until we actually know.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo They said in the video that the other crews will get a % of the gold from missions.

  • @edemardil said in Alliance Not What I Expected:

    @pumpkinkangaroo They said in the video that the other crews will get a % of the gold from missions.

    So you really believe that the video gives you enough information? You understand how the gold will be split? What percentage? You know how alliances will be broken? So much information isn't there. It's vague!

  • @pumpkinkangaroo said in Alliance Not What I Expected:

    @edemardil said in Alliance Not What I Expected:

    @pumpkinkangaroo They said in the video that the other crews will get a % of the gold from missions.

    So you really believe that the video gives you enough information? You understand how the gold will be split? What percentage? You know how alliances will be broken? So much information isn't there. It's vague!

    Fair enough. They gave a little info, I'll wait for the rest. 7 days right?

  • Nothing is ever “official” till it’s in the game. That is what I try to live by so I won’t ever get hyped or upset about things.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Evolving is good, and necessary. But forsaking the core design elements of the game is not a good idea.

    We'll have to see what kind of effect this change has but I'm currently worried about the direction it's going.

  • @xcalypt0x I am both extreme for and against it. I have good days in the game and bad. good days it would be great, a group of ships running missions and (speculation on shared rewards) leveling up and or earning gold and commendations with minimal confrontation. A bad day... 4 ships allianced up, one in each "corner" of the map waiting for a fort and killing every other ship on sight. You sink and spawn in a different corner? Guess what an alliance ship sinks you straight off. no thanks. I'm just hoping it brings out a lot of good days.

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