New Level of Griefing

  • So I was dabbling around the Sea of Thieves facebook group I'm a part of and came across a very interesting post. In the post a person brought up and was bragging about their favorite "new way to play" which consisted of hunting galleons with only 2 or 3 members on board and proceeding to screen shot their gamertags and then attempting to join their crew by using their gamertag. If it works, they then proceed to tell their original crew where they constantly are and constantly harass the new crew until they leave or at least have a majority rule on the boat to brig the remaining people so they can completely take over the second boat and have more friends pile into the server on a 2nd boat. A lot of the posts that followed the post gave praise to the guy for the tactic, although I find it to be even more toxic than some of the things that have been done previously.

    I'm curious to know what everyone elses opinion, more specifically what Rares viewpoint would be, on such a new level of griefing. Should these people be punished for abusing a feature further past its intent or should they get nothing for just finding a new way to use what was presented before them?

  • 8
  • Open crew? Yes 》No

  • @tre-oni yes, galleons with not a full crew with open crew option turned on.

  • @pasha-entreri said in New Level of Griefing:

    @tre-oni yes, galleons with not a full crew with open crew option turned on.

    Yeah. Why?

    Just close crew your 3 man galleon and the problem goes away.

  • @tre-oni why? Because some people dont mind playing with randoms or would like to fill the 4th slot. I know closing the crew fixes the problem for this type of issue, but how is that fair to players who keep it open as they dont mind playing with random or new players to show them the ropes?

  • @pasha-entreri I have a screen shot of a full gallion that that was verbally abusive to my wife and I after overpowering us a fort. I search them out on a regular from multiple accounts to do that exact thing to them. 3of them are regularly open crew with slots available. there is not enough loot I can throw overboard to make them realize that the way they spoke to my wife is unacceptable!

  • That seems like an epic waste of time. As someone who frequently solos Galleons out of Boredom if a ship asked “Hey can we have your ship it could you invite one of members to your crew so we can use it after you log”

    I would happily help them.

  • @IamWilliamB Make sure you report these people and give an in depth report on the details of the abuse, hopefully something can be done about them.

    @glannigan I have no problem with going about it this was way, but to deliberately join a crew already in progress just because you see they do not have 4 members and harass them to the point they cant do anything just to get them to leave so you can get their ship is way to much.

5 out of 8