Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?

  • @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @october said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    I mentioned it twice before but yeah, that's what I'm saying. There a tiny delay between 2 shots but that was it. THAT is how he could kill everyone and not have to aim either. we were not lined up in front of him, we were all in diff places on the deck, distance didn't matter either.

    What you are describing here is not a lack of reload, it's just switching weapons.

    But your weapons don't reload on their own after you use them.

    No, but you can shoot two weapons in rapid succession as I have already described. Every description you have indicated is that they are shooting twice, skipping the animation to pull out the second weapon. Nowhere in your description is there an instance clearly described where they are circumventing the need to reload.

  • @volantalpaca956 said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @kzoo-kid said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    @volantalpaca956 said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    it never fails. First response to these threads is always someone insisting that there wasn't a cheater. Its like there are people here that are interested in minimizing the problem (and the response to it ).

    I could just as easily have said "it never fails, someone gets outplayed hard and they take to forums and start calling people cheaters"

    No, that's not actually true, people are constantly being outplayed and the forum isn't actually awash in these threads, so that's factually incorrect, or at the very least not actually documented on this forum. What I said tho, that's actually something we can look at and document because it really happened here.

    I gotta ask, you play on Xbox?

    According to your logic, all I have to do is find one post where the first comment isn't a counter to a cheat claim with an outplay claim. Do you want to argue valid points or do you want to argue semantics?

    Not sure why it matters, but I play on PC with a controller.

  • Welcome to PC players m8y. They use Macros to shoot "twice" with their guns.

    They also use "center screening" with a sniper paired with a pistol - deadly in combination.

  • Plot twist, @Kzoo-Kid is the aim bot B)

  • @el-dunco said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    Plot twist, @Kzoo-Kid is the aim bot B)

    Download me for free and never sink again!

  • @kzoo-kid You didn't answer my question, do you play on xbox?

  • Nothing you write here sounds like a cheater. Sounds like someone good having a galleon crew for lunch.

    If in doubt then save a recording of it. Your Xbox always records. Just save it. On PC you must turn it on to automatically record while playing.

  • @sir-saltybeard said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    Welcome to PC players m8y. They use Macros to shoot "twice" with their guns.

    They also use "center screening" with a sniper paired with a pistol - deadly in combination.

    These unholy macros your mentioning, sure I suppose some use em...

    But the action is entirely reproducible on Xbox.

  • @october I have had things happen like this a few weeks ago and believe you 100 percent. This is why I do not post most of the time because there is always someone who wants to troll you and argue every point you make.
    Good luck with the reporting don't give up.

  • @blooddoll22 you can make macros on Xbox? The only way you could begin to say that is if one button push on Xbox can do what the macro does. Because we know you can replicate it that is how macros work. They automate multiple btton presses into one button. They aren't cheats they are shortcuts. Shortcuts Xbox cant do.

  • Please stop thinking that everyone that destroys you and you entire crew is a cheater xD

    Last night I totally destroyed a whole galleon myself and these guys took screenshots and reported me for cheating... lol

    They didn't even knew what a sniper was capable of and their ignorance led them straight to a report. They were using blunderbuss in the worst possible way and after 3 poor mis aimed shot they were 100% conviced that I had a health cheat with some aimbot ... lol

    A player that does not miss is not necessarily a cheater!

    People don't even doubt of themselves these days. You probably don't even know how much a sniper is devastating in this game... 1 shot only and 1 sword hit would kill you.. yes it's fast and very efficient!

    Please before reporting just change your strategies and start looking for your ladders more consistently.

  • @october Outplayed and unable to cope. Also there are no headshots and gunswapping is doable by anyone.

  • PC player here, i don't use macro or anything and i STILL get called "hacker" by anyone i beat... I don't understand why peoples are so sore losers?? When i get sink i don't call peoples hackers or names, i'm just like "well we done wrong" or "they were good". But when i sink someone it's "he's hacking" "he never miss he got aimbot" "i can't touch hit he's invicible!!"(this one is funny cause they are using blunderbuss from 10feet away, probably desync or something...). All the players i kill that call on hacks made some pretty deadly mistakes, not watching ladders or just standing still (easy target).
    For the macro thing, i don't even know how to make them and i use the switch things with swords and EoR (i block with my sword press my 2 to switch and shoot) can u guys not do that in xbox? you guys can't switch weapons?
    The general feeling i get from those threads is you are gonna meet better players than you and you sure gonna get rekt someday, when it comes admit it but don't call hacks please. There's some hackers for sure but in 4 month (500+hrs of game) never saw one. Maybe cause i'm on pc? who knows?

  • aimbots are hard to prove, but i finally met a hacker there is no doubt about this time. unfortunately the action was moving too fast to get his name, and my xbox record that setting was too short.
    we were having another awesome battle at a fort, with multiple galleons and sloops trying us. we had 150 cannonballs left and about 80 planks. finally we are boarded and I run below to confront him. he's at our cannonball barrel and runs off after I hit him with a blunderbuss. he jumps overboard so I go back below to grab some more cannonballs to repel the next attack. there all gone, planks too. he grabbed every single one we had!!! please rare, handle this bull. I love this game, but too many more letdowns like that and i'll have to move on. and as I've said before< I will never buy another mandatory cross play game again.

  • @arkhais switching items is waaaay slower on xbox m8...

  • There is NO headshoots in this game why people still claiming they got headshooted ? Billions of proof for this on youtube.
    Topic Starter just got outplayed by some good pirate and claiming him to be a cheater ...
    I'm hearing this "You are a cheater" 7 fights out of 10 coz people see hit marker but actually they missing ... and more and more stuff like this.

    My crew and I are big pvpers and do quite well in fights. We haven't lost a skullfort where we had to fight since about the 2nd week of the game. Often against 3-4 ships and their crews. This was uncanny though. The game has a set amount of time when weapons come to bare and his were skipping that time.

    Thats such a lie - those who good at pvp don't complain on forum and now how game works.

  • @sir-saltybeard написал в Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    Welcome to PC players m8y. They use Macros to shoot "twice" with their guns.

    They also use "center screening" with a sniper paired with a pistol - deadly in combination.

    Yeah sure and they using IDDQD and IDKFA coz they have keyboard and can type it ....
    They all using evil macros and they make a dot with a pen on their screen to NEVER miss again.

    Realy ? Stop accusing every one in cheats and macro-users if you are on xbox and they on PC. Why i don't see posts from PC players that all xbox players are terrible ? Why i don't see post from xbox players - We fight vs. pc player he was good and kill us?
    Know why coz people dont like to lose if they lose they think "Ohhh we was good and he for sure cheater/macro/pcEvilPlayer.

    alt text

  • @nefrit-od dijo en Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:

    There is NO headshoots in this game why people still claiming they got headshooted ? Billions of proof for this on youtube.
    Topic Starter just got outplayed by some good pirate and claiming him to be a cheater ...
    I'm hearing this "You are a cheater" 7 fights out of 10 coz people see hit marker but actually they missing ... and more and more stuff like this.

    My crew and I are big pvpers and do quite well in fights. We haven't lost a skullfort where we had to fight since about the 2nd week of the game. Often against 3-4 ships and their crews. This was uncanny though. The game has a set amount of time when weapons come to bare and his were skipping that time.

    Thats such a lie - those who good at pvp don't complain on forum and now how game works.

    I don't understand why are you raging against this user for believing he has fought one cheater.

    Cheaters exists. Deal with it.

  • @katttruewalker said in Finally fought against an aimbot. How to report?:


    Sometimes if you try the webpage link on this page, it will bring up a list of recent players for me.

    Another alternative is to be as precise as possible when describing the encounter and Rare may be able to pinpoint the relevant data from that information.

    If you encounter someone you believe to be cheating, please submit a support ticket and we will investigate.
    We have a zero tolerance policy.

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