What do you do when things get awkward in-game?

  • @personalc0ffee I know what you mean, it's not the issue itself, it's the attitude of the individual, the way they dealt with the issue and how that resonated with you and your prior experiences. To call any specific thing a "trigger" issue is a gross simplification of the psychological processes involved, it's really all about context.

    Still though, the point I was trying to make was that I don't believe that I would have handled that situation as well as you did.

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  • @danish-crusader said in What do you do when things get awkward in-game?:

    I was one in ship combat with another sloop, we were both equal in skill and we ran out of supplies at the same time. We both just stop firing our rifles, looked at eachother and sailed in opposite directions.
    Like, it was understood that any damage done to either ship would result in it sinking, so we would both lose, so it was just understood that there was no victor here =P

    That sounds more miraculous than awkward (8'D

  • I know I, for one, have often been in crews where things get awkward and uncomfortable. You wouldn't believe the things I've had men say to me....knowing that we are in a crew with my father!

    But even outside of father/daughter bonding time, sometimes guys can be creepy. Or downright disgusting. I typically request politely for them to knock it off. If it continues, I have no problem utilizing that nifty little report feature and buzzing off (usually after waiting until a critical time...like after their legendary chest magically got dumped overboard.... Or after I've told them I'm on repairs...)

    I come to sail.... please let me do that without it getting weird!

    Thank you!
    Happy sailing!

  • @lt-swag-johnson I really dont want to sound like someone who ruins the fun and is inexperienced. But, ive noticed this, and its a big problem in the community, that whenever people here a squeaky voice they instantly assume its a noob and that they suck at the game. While they could be very experienced and great at the game. Its a stereotype, and not a good one at that.

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