Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL)

  • Lets get sails customization in this game where we can use in-game symbols to create our own sails. Lets get some legend stuff going so we can be feared (yes, I am asking for the ducky symbol as well, the Large Ducky Sail, feared by all). Then let me know when this is in the game so I can get it.

  • 20
  • I'm sure it coming in the future.
    I really would like a customization feature for the entire ship actually.

  • I'm on the fence for this. ANY game I've ever seen to date that allows custom emblems with random shapes, ALWAYS turns into ponies and phallic objects. I'd hate for immersion to be ruined by people thinking they are cute and clever adding something immature to sails. They might like it but it would ruin my immersion and game.

  • @ve111a As always Ve111a I agree with you. Customization of ships would be a welcome addition, but only in terms of onboard accessories. I've read people asking for more color choices, but the WHOLE point of buying different hulls and sails is that they are different colors.

  • @ve111a
    Perhaps only serious symbols should be allowed?

  • @ve111a said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    I'm on the fence for this. ANY game I've ever seen to date that allows custom emblems with random shapes, ALWAYS turns into ponies and phallic objects. I'd hate for immersion to be ruined by people thinking they are cute and clever adding something immature to sails. They might like it but it would ruin my immersion and game.

    True, idk man. I just wan't the opportunity for my crew to have a sail that I know nobody else in the game has.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    Perhaps only serious symbols should be allowed?

    Lol, trust me if someone wants to put a whilly on their sails, They will take hours and find a way to do it.

    @enginefear said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    @ve111a said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    I'm on the fence for this. ANY game I've ever seen to date that allows custom emblems with random shapes, ALWAYS turns into ponies and phallic objects. I'd hate for immersion to be ruined by people thinking they are cute and clever adding something immature to sails. They might like it but it would ruin my immersion and game.

    True, idk man. I just wan't the opportunity for my crew to have a sail that I know nobody else in the game has.

    I agree, I just want more options but they will come in time.

  • @ve111a said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    @sgt-palooggoo said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    Perhaps only serious symbols should be allowed?

    Lol, trust me if someone wants to put a whilly on their sails, They will take hours and find a way to do it.

    @enginefear said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    @ve111a said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    I'm on the fence for this. ANY game I've ever seen to date that allows custom emblems with random shapes, ALWAYS turns into ponies and phallic objects. I'd hate for immersion to be ruined by people thinking they are cute and clever adding something immature to sails. They might like it but it would ruin my immersion and game.

    True, idk man. I just wan't the opportunity for my crew to have a sail that I know nobody else in the game has.

    I agree, I just want more options but they will come in time.

    Lol, Yes, I think.. I just want exclusive rights to the large "DUCKY SYMBOL" XD

  • Even if they just gave the option to add the already existing symbols to be interchanged and the color changed without the option to move them around. I would be okay with that. Just not free range whatever on the sails.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    I'm sure it coming in the future.
    I really would like a customization feature for the entire ship actually.

    I am on board with customizing the entire ship a bit more. It'd be awesome to see looks like the black pearl (kinda raggedy sails and creepy deck) over the ship. Also looking forward to when they give people the option to change the ship lanterns to the blue Mystic lantern style, where you see a creepy blue lit ship in the distance.

  • @ve111a said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    I'm on the fence for this. ANY game I've ever seen to date that allows custom emblems with random shapes, ALWAYS turns into ponies and phallic objects. I'd hate for immersion to be ruined by people thinking they are cute and clever adding something immature to sails. They might like it but it would ruin my immersion and game.

    Yep. The games industry actually has a tongue-in-cheek metric called "time-to-p e n i s" which is how long it takes between a developer giving creative tools to its players and one of the players using those tools to make a p e n i s.

    It's inevitable. And not what this game needs.

    However, they could adopt a system a la Diablo III where you pick your trim style/color, pattern, sigil, and accent. You can get pretty unique without allowing full customization.

  • @ve111a what about the halo way of customization? i think the worst I've seen out of that is something to resemble a pot leaf, but the devs could always test the combinations before release 🤔

  • @kyros-in-exile

    yea even 3 shapes 3 colorsout of a list ofvsay 30 lots of fun to be had with that. then you could start rivalries too, possibly

  • @maquark said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    @ve111a what about the halo way of customization? i think the worst I've seen out of that is something to resemble a pot leaf, but the devs could always test the combinations before release 🤔

    Oh there were penii aplenty in Halo 3.

  • @kyros-in-exile my memory is garbage, but i don't doubt it lol

  • @kyros-in-exile said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    @ve111a said in Sails Customization: Yes, we do want this. (DUCKY SYMBOL):

    I'm on the fence for this. ANY game I've ever seen to date that allows custom emblems with random shapes, ALWAYS turns into ponies and phallic objects. I'd hate for immersion to be ruined by people thinking they are cute and clever adding something immature to sails. They might like it but it would ruin my immersion and game.

    Yep. The games industry actually has a tongue-in-cheek metric called "time-to-p e n i s" which is how long it takes between a developer giving creative tools to its players and one of the players using those tools to make a p e n i s.

    It's inevitable. And not what this game needs.

    However, they could adopt a system a la Diablo III where you pick your trim style/color, pattern, sigil, and accent. You can get pretty unique without allowing full customization.

    Idk man, that would be annoying I guess. But there's still workarounds for stuff like that. Make each new submission cost $100,000 gold. And to deter players from doing offensive stuff, do one of the following

    1. Make it so it has to go through dev approval or something and you can only submit one every few weeks or something.
    2. Or create a report system (which needs to be added to the game anyway and is only a matter of time): Report Sails, etc.

    Even if the above is not implemented, I definitely want to see some sort of uniqueness added to the customizable sails, so that we can get some variety.

  • Guild Wars 1 and 2 have a really great guild design mechanic

    really impossible to make obsene things with it.

    it has 3 layers that are placed on of top of the other
    background is just colors and alpha masks
    middle is shapes of all sorts.
    foreground a collection of sigils, icons, objects

    I have been playing Guild Wars since Beta Weekend #1 and i have never seen an obscene guild logo.

  • id like this, because then the uniqueness of the crews would be awesome, obviously there will be kids ruining this with giants p***s around the sails, BUT we could have a report function on to remove grotesque ones from the game.

    it would work out really well. as each crew (and ones of clans) could all sail under own flags etc

  • Ship customization has been discussed many, many times since the boards were created... The ideas of a Guild Wars or Diablo style creator has been the default creator system that players have been requesting due to the ease of use and the difficulty of "creating" something that could be deemed offensive.

    Adding to those were suggestions of having sigils, trim designs, and sail effects based on in-game achievements.

    For example: Blow up 100 skeletons with gunpowder barrels = unlocking a barrel sigil for your use.

    Could be a way for players to create something that shows their preferred play style while giving others a reason to play differently (if only to unlock new flag / sail options.)


    Your "Duck" could be unlocked by patching your ship X number of times. Basically, like a rubber duck, your ship (figuratively) can't be sunk.

    edited to add:

    In Rare's E3 "Round Table" video, it was mentioned that micro-transactions are coming; probably later this year. In that "leak" pets were mentioned but, more customization skins (possibly for ships) has been bounced around in the community as well.

    So, for those looking for more options, hold fast. The winds of change are coming.

  • @xdilligafx1974 in the round table vid, I was pretty sure that Rare is staying away from micro transactions as a whole.

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