Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4

  • What are my favorite parts of the patch? Why, let me tell you!

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Patch Notes - 1.1.4

    The Skeleton Thrones themselves will also remain part of the world, along with both the Commendations and Titles, so if you encounter a new pirate to the world of Sea of Thieves don’t forget to point at the Thrones and let them know how many attempts it took you to reach Marauder’s Arch!

    It took us 47 minutes to complete Marauder's Arch (now renamed Arch Nemesis) so best believe I will tell that tale for years to come!

    Bilge Rats Adventure - Gunpowder Skeletons

    Vigilance, a loaded gun and your best running shoes are all critical for this explosive Bilge Rats Adventure!

    • Bilge Rat Doubloons – Each Gunpowder Skeleton Commendation on the progress screen details the number of Bilge Rat Doubloons it rewards. Players have until the 10th of July to complete the Commendations and earn up to 150 Bilge Rat Doubloons.
    • Bilge Rat Cosmetics – The Bone Crusher Sword, Pistol, Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach, priced at 15 Doubloons per item, are available until the 10th of July.
    • Letters of Recommendation – Letters of Recommendation now grant a full level in the chosen Trading Company. Opting to spend your hard-earned Doubloons on reputation with the Trading Companies? This just got better!
    • Legendary Commendations - Earn an additional 50 Doubloons by taking on the challenge of the Legendary Commendations.
      These Legendary Commendations have been added based on player feedback requesting longer-term goals and replayability.

    This whole section is a BIG yes from me. I knew saving those Doubloons would be a great idea!


    • Skeleton Accuracy - Skeletons wielding a blunderbuss or pistol have had their accuracy reduced.
      This was tweaked due to player feedback.


    • Joinable Status - Players can now make themselves unjoinable from the new Crew Management tab within Settings. This will mean that even friends can no longer join your session.

    No more random joiners? WAHOO! (Sorry friends. Sometimes a pirates gotta do what a pirates gotta do.)

    Fixed Issues

    • Being poisoned by a snake no longer shows the VFX a second time.

    This was honestly what i was looking forward to the most!

    GREAT Patch, RARE! Thank you for all the hard work and I look forward to seeing what is to come!

  • BOOM! Here comes the BOOM! Ready or not? Here comes skeletons from the south. Can't wait to play bomberman with these skeletons. Thank you Rare, you guys are awesome!

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Wait, there is a way to join your friends without invite? HOW?????

    If they are showing online and they have space, you were able to join. Rare fixed that so people can't join uninvited.

    Personally I hope it’s a toggle whether they can join without an invite or not, otherwise this isn’t much of a fix for me but breaking a very handy feature. Being able to join a game or rejoin if disconnected without pestering your crew for an invite was a step forward.

  • @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @dragonsire2016 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @captain-vvulpes Just noticed in the patch notes...which sounds will respawn on ships? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of collecting supplies?

    I think that's listed as a bug?

    Ah yes you are right. Thanks. The site I read them on didn't have it broken down properly.
    I feel much better lol

  • Looks like a great patch, excited to dig in! Why is the cannon glitch such a difficult thing to fix? Or has it not been a priority?

    Also, would love to see an improvement to the ladder prompt when up in the crow’s nest. Sometimes I find it hard to grab onto the ladder when I’m up there. Not sure if it’s an Xbox only issue or not.

  • Argh Mateys! I just had a heart-stopping moment I thought I'd share in case others might see it. I just logged in and chatted with Duke...and low and behold 'all' my dubloons and all my gold was gone! Both at ZERO! That's right '0'! I kept me head and logged out and logged right back in...and they are back. So...keep a stout heart should it happen to you mateys and give the log-out and log-in a try. Worked for me ;-)

  • @specialadvisor

    thanks for letting us know and don't forget to report it :)

  • Looking forward to it

  • @tre-oni said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    150 doubloons, 30 per level, regardless of level.

    Wth is this? Lol

    Guess I can use these for Athena then too right? Oh, of course not...

    No scaling cost, full level no matter your current level, currency to buy handed out in large quantities... what even is this lol

    I quality of life improvement for those who have been grinding as and when they can, to get just a little leg up once per fortnight.

  • @sshteeve useless to those who have already grinded plenty, hit PL and still need to grind though which is funny.

    Do we need to wait until those who complain about the grind to PL hit PL and then complain about the same grind during athena to get some QoL there?

    Hardly a QoL for all, as much as this already doesn't make much sense anyway to have events turn into power leveling.

  • can't wait to get from work to the sea XO

  • @khaleesibot Yarrrr I can't wait to get back home from work to play :D

  • Good patch, good work !

    but, the Kraken and Megalodon must give rewards, in this state they serve unfortunately nothing. It's one of the most important thing things to improve

  • Ive been told the xannons werre supposed to be fixed today. I'm super disappointed that that hasn't been fixed.... again

  • Looking forward to all the new changes! Best of luck out there folks!

  • Getting ready for an explosive two weeks out on the sea...

  • Watching some streamers now and it looks like a blast, pun intended. Good job Rare, and even a little thing like the fuse on the kegs make for a HUGE increase in quality of life. Keep up the great work!

    Also thanks for the double snakebite fix!

  • Where do I buy the The Bone Crusher Sword etc?

    I can't see them in the shop or find the guy in the tavern??

  • @musicmee


  • Please for the love of God. And this game give us a flag with a banana on it. And please please let us pick and choose our own servers. My crew calls ourselves the banana republic. This flag would make us happy.

  • I don't think i will have a chance to play until tomorrow, but this does indeed look to be a brilliant patch. And great to see a extra little treat for Legendary Pirates, of which i am not currently one. But i'm glad their hard work is rewarded with something extra.
    Proper Job!

  • @fishst1ck what Replayability of event we have with this new one?

    I thought the rewards ended when you complete the commendation(?)

  • @x1-two They did just announce a new Battletoads game at E3. Although no studio was attached, I assume it's going to be Rare

  • @needsmokes said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    I don't think i will have a chance to play until tomorrow, but this does indeed look to be a brilliant patch. And great to see a extra little treat for Legendary Pirates, of which i am not currently one. But i'm glad their hard work is rewarded with something extra.
    Proper Job!

    not legendary specific, anyone can earn them, although the active skull fort one will be a bit of a joke

  • Excellent work rare keep up the great work

  • So I tried to get the update...went to "My games and Apps", to Sea of Thieves...nothing there to update...I thought ok...try to start it...ok now there is the update...and now I can't start the game anymore...

    Right now I deinstalled it and install it I hope it works...but a question for you Rare: What have you done?

    Edit: So it works now...anyway, I hoped I could have played yesterday 😢

  • @r3b3lspy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @fishst1ck what Replayability of event we have with this new one?

    I thought the rewards ended when you complete the commendation(?)

    There are legendary ones that you have to do multiple times in order to get a reward. Which probably means that more people will probably be around to do them.

  • alt text

  • @tre-oni less than 2% of the player base is Legend.
    Why would Rare boost their progress??!

    Makes sense to make things a tad easier for other people. Plus it's nearly 3 and a half months in... the game has every right to change and develop.

    Not everyone else's fault if folk got to Legend sooner and aren't happy with the continued grind. I'm happy I waited and get more to do to build rep

  • @khaleesibot how can you guys stand to let players play such a broken and frustrating game?? Every update fixes little and screws up more. I work at a game store and used to push this game to customers because I thought it was great but now I dis-recommend it to customers and everytime I play now the only words that come out of my mouth are “ I hate this [mod edited] game so much” because of the bugs glitches and overall unfairness of this mess. Why release it when it seems like you’re only halfway to a decent game?? Please please someone from Rare respond.

  • @khaleesibot I ant even do any of the new events because the only time I can actually see a gunpowder skeleton I’m already chased down by six pistol wielding skeletons that kill me in a matter of seconds, I have no chance to aim at the gunpowder skeleton and the only way he’ll explode is if i suicide and go near him and kill all of the skeletons around, but wait that somehow doesn’t count, even though I hit him and caused the explosion which killed 3+ skeletons the game said nope, doesn’t count. This game is nothing but frustration and I don’t even think you guys care that the players are angry frustrated and most importantly, NOT HAVING ANY FUN. Why play a game if it just aggravates you and p****s you off??

  • Couldn't play this morning due to Kiwibeard, so I took a nap to wait out the maintenance. Then I woke up only to find out that I'm now getting Lavenderbeard, and there's apparently an awesome update that I now have to wait for despite leaving my console on with auto-update the entire time I was asleep. Say what!? 😔

  • Dear rare, just got sails up and looking thru the challenges. As far as the active forts go, I think you are missing a huge opportunity. I understand. The point of those challenges is bring crews together. But by the same token. I think it could have been more of a community effort to have them spawn more frequently/ constantly on, but not have a captain on it. That way crews could stay at an island for as long as they want and have the chance to interact with more than one other crew. And then the hassle of either splitting the loot or turning against crews you may have made friends is eliminated. This current set-up feels like it can only get done server hopping to get a skull fort :/

  • @specialadvisor was that from the controller purchase?

  • @thepeterparker7 why, indeed?

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