Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc

  • @acid182 what about people who would rather use a controller and pay a subscription to play with people on a even playing field. as xbox players who pay a subscription , it should not cost us one cent more to be able to play on a even playing field

  • @th1rtystone "So in order to compete against PC players I have to go spend another $100+?"

    No, you can compete against them just fine with a controller... But if you want them to stop having a slight advantage over you, then sure.

    "Just give us the option to turn off crossplay and let people choose who they want to play with/against."

    You want to choose who your enemies are? This is PvP, you don't get the luxury of hand-picking who you get to bully... If you wanna be good at the game, GET GOOD! : /

    "It’s literally only PC players that don’t want the option added."

    I couldn't care less if Rare actually disables crossplay or not, i'm a PC player... I only care if someone is whining just because they don't want to put in the EFFORT to win or get better at the game.

    This isn't Skyrim, you can't take your time and still expect things to work out, this is the fantasy pirate version of TF2.

    Git gud or git stomped... Those are your only choices.

    I've also seen three xBox players today argue against the removal of Crossplay on different posts, one of them even linked this video right here:

    Just to make his fellow xBox players stop whining... This dude can only play games with his mouth, and he still manages to play good in pubg... That's like playing SoT with only 1 hand... And he could STILL beat you! xD

    There aren't any more excuses, it's time to stop whining about crossplay, and grow up, gentlemen! :)

  • @acid182 Can you stop whining about people whining please.

  • @mo7airborne said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @acid182 Can you stop whining about people whining please.

    Son of a..... thats my favorite past time.

  • Lol fact of the matter is it shouldn’t cost me anything more than it already does to play against people on an even playing field. I don’t get why we don’t have the option to play solely with the people on our platform.

  • @blackbeard-lufy

    Well I agree something has to be done, escalating issues by intimating authority isn’t a smart thing either, it’s why on other communities, doing so often is a bannable offense as well.

  • @pugmie That's against the rules here as well, and it's not what I'm doing.

    Impersonating a Rare Employees, Global Moderators, Deckhands

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  • @blackbeard-lufy
    Oh impersonating and backseat moderating are 2 completely different things! But yes, impersonating staff is how people get scammed in communities, good rule to have for sure

  • In a game where we’re already seeing the population drop if you add the option for crossplay I see this game dead real fast segregating pc players and Xbox players is not the answer for an mmo

  • @ricklames02 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    In a game where we’re already seeing the population drop if you add the option for crossplay I see this game dead real fast segregating pc players and Xbox players is not the answer for an mmo

    Ding ding ding! That's why folks, that's why there's no option. Splitting a dwindling player base is bad for business. Even just looking at reviews it's clear where this game stands. They dont need to "rock the boat" if you will.

  • @xi-am-vengencex I'm a Xbox player I have Xbox live I have Xbox game pass, I also happen to have a pc for playing world of Warcraft. like I've said before there is never a level playing field on these games people only have a illusion that there is there has and always will be products out there that some people own and others don't but no one complains about these as its not so blatantly obvious as a whole different system. you only need to browse somewhere like the Razer website to see these things.

  • @capn-daxio firstly I'm not arrogant I'm stating a fact nor am I well off with disposable income I just know how to manage and save my money.
    secondly: at my level of playing its hardly relevant which I play on, skill level still plays the main factor. And I do regularly play the game on my Xbox when I play it with my partner I just prefer mouse and keyboard as I play more mmorpg games on pc so I naturally find a KB/M easier to use.
    thirdly. they may not be official but they are also not banned products at no point has Microsoft said they cant be used so there is options there for console players should they want them without needing to change this game one bit.

    this game does not support optional play anywhere but they have also not stopped the use of adaptors to use mouse and keyboard on the console so the option is there for console users if they so choose.

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  • @acid182 i have XIM4 and it’s not the same at all we have limited sensitivity it’s not like pc at all especially in this game

  • @acid182
    first off all:
    Microsoft can detected 3rd Party Hardware, because they don't use to send the same fingerprint as one the the original from M$.

    2nd off all:

  • @lord-sphinktus said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    The difference between Kb/m and controller are minimal, especially in this game. I Merc PC players just as often as console players. The people complaining about PC/console parity are just bad at strategy.

    Agreed, I get murdered by Xbox and PC players alike. Can't even tell what system I'm being killed by ;)

    I may just not be very good.

  • @acid182 The easiest solution is to eliminate K&M support for PC players.
    PC's already have Xbox controller support.
    Only third party manufacturers offer feeble K&M devices for xbox.
    I would only by a fully integrated K&M offered by Microsoft.

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