Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!

  • I don't know how many times I have encountered players on my crew that want to sabotage the ship or throw off hard earned loot into the sea. Don't get me wrong, the current system of having a brig is great and adds a passive-aggressive approach, so either a bad player can leave or they can make a plea and be allowed to join the crew again. However, when you have players joining your crew and intentionally taking skulls, chests, and other hard-earned loot and throwing it into the ocean, or crashing your ship into rocks... that's where the brig system fails. A kick system would be extremely beneficial to counter players that want to ruin the gameplay for others.

    Also, what about those pesky players that you put in the brig and they don't leave and a friend wants to join? Or you're doing a skeleton fortress or voyages and that person in the brig doesn't leave and just bandwagons for loot? That needs to be addressed.

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  • @the-gewehr-98 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    I don't know how many times I have encountered players on my crew that want to sabotage the ship or throw off hard earned loot into the sea. The current system of having a brig is great and adds a passive-aggressive approach so either a bad player can leave or they can make a plea and be allowed to join the crew again. However, when you have players joining your crew and taking skulls, chests, and other loot and throwing it off into the ocean that's where the brig system fails. A kick system would be extremely beneficial.

    It's a pirate game!

    Sense everybody loves hide behind that comment for everything. I'm going to start using it myself.

  • @dirtysecrets

    I really want you to elaborate. This game is about teamwork, not about new crewmates joining your crew and throwing all your hard earned loot off the ship and logging off afterward. If you hide behind "It's a pirate game" that's ridiculous... this is still a video game where fairness and teamwork counts.

  • @the-gewehr-98 So true and someone needs to fix the problem of trolls in your crew. But then a new problem forms from adding a kick system, joining a crew of trolls. That could get annoying.

  • @the-gewehr-98 I agree. There needs to be a kick option. Luckily they're adding private lobbies from what I heard, so that's something.

  • @the-gewehr-98 sagte in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    I don't know how many times I have encountered players on my crew that want to sabotage the ship or throw off hard earned loot into the sea. The current system of having a brig is great and adds a passive-aggressive approach so either a bad player can leave or they can make a plea and be allowed to join the crew again. However, when you have players joining your crew and taking skulls, chests, and other loot and throwing it off into the ocean that's where the brig system fails. A kick system would be extremely beneficial to counter players that want to ruin the game.

    I agree and i disagree. Just look around the forum how many threads there are about crews abusing the brig. They wouold abuse the kicking system in the same way, which would be even more frustrating for players wanting to join a random crew.
    On the other hand it seem fair to get rid of sabotaging player in your crew.

    btw: isn't the Gewehr 98 completely out of duty nowadays, maybe besided some representative occasions? ;-)

  • @penguinman2002 if they troll you by kicking, just try again. No loss

  • @the-gewehr-98 said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:


    I really want you to elaborate. This game is about teamwork, not about new crewmates joining your crew and throwing all your hard earned loot off the ship and logging off afterward. If you hide behind "It's a pirate game" that's ridiculous, get a grip... this is still a video game where fairness and teamwork counts.

    Pirate betrayed other pirates of the crew right?

    As for a kick function, no! That adds griefing, Destiny went through that early stages of their game.

  • @dirtysecrets Im guessing you are either a solo player or some1 who plays with a full crew 24/7 othwewise you would know this is a problem. Its a detriment to the game in the long run that you cant even trust your own crew

  • Maybe it could be a strike system, suppose you had a troll crew-mate who kept dumping your crew's stuff and you put them in the brig, but then they get out and do something again; make it something like they get 3 chances in the brig and then you can kick them.

  • @GlaceFrostclaw

    @penguinman2002 if they troll you by kicking, just try again. No loss

    There could very well be a loss, what if the crew had been nice up to the point where they kicked you, before the kick, you would have been helping them quest, or find treasure, and before you all gained the money/exp., they kick you and you get none of it, I'd say that's a pretty big loss and a bigger waste of time.

  • @penguinman2002 ok I hadn't thought of that. fair point.

  • @dirtysecrets Oh, so I'm just going to have to deal with immature players that come into SoT just to mess around? Am I going to have to deal with them throwing off the loot I rightfully earned into the ocean? Am I going to have to deal with them taking the helm of the ship and crashing into a rock on purpose? Am I going to have to deal with them when they backtalk me over voice chat and jump onto an enemy ship we're versing and they start firing on mine? Seriously, it's ridiculous, and if you don't think it is I have no clue what kind of gamer you are.

  • @the-gewehr-98
    If there is no other solution a kick vote system will work well in the majority of the situations, the troll group scenario will be the minority.

    The best solution will be to have private lobbies and private serves with admins and moderation but this is not a PC game, so, unfortunately, no clan servers, rp servers etc etc.

  • @psyelf When you say that this is not a PC game do you mean that it is not mainly PC? Because I play SoT on PC. And I feel like more servers will just mean more stress on other servers meaning more lag. And this game so far for me has little to no lag and I'd like it to stay that ways lol xD

  • Yeah, I don't understand why this game is without a kick system.

    Brig just ain't enough for griefers and most of all when you want a fourth FRIEND to join but the fourth random guy is too stubborn, mostly because he/she knows it is fun to be inconvenient.

    I know by adding a kick option would make the brig redundant, but the powerless cases of getting someone out at last to move forward with your today's gameplay is just bothersome usually.

  • I know that this is not the correct place for this, but my computer is being dumb and it wont let me switch windows. I pre-ordered SoT but still have yet to receive any notice whatsoever about the Black Dog Pack any news about this or am I not getting it?

  • There must be a way to protect someone from getting trolled by the crew with regards to the Brig system. Just yesterday, I was alone in a galleon I piloted to an island myself. When I got there, a new crew joined me and locked me in the brig. It was frustrating, because it took a bit of effort on my part to get there. I logged out afterwards. :(

  • @jajaalex said in Brig is NOT enough, SoT needs a KICK system!:

    @dirtysecrets Im guessing you are either a solo player or some1 who plays with a full crew 24/7 othwewise you would know this is a problem. Its a detriment to the game in the long run that you cant even trust your own crew

    You just gave the solution. Play with a full crew of friends or solo it. Kicking just adds element of griefing.

  • @dirtysecrets that there is a problem, first of all, I need friends, second they need to be on the same time as me most of my friends are from other parts of the world making that kind of difficult. Sometimes, I just want to play with someone and not solo

  • @dirtysecrets That doesn't solve the problem at all, not everyone that has friends on SoT play on the same timezones, or maybe one of your friends have to get off and do something and now all of a sudden a random comes aboard and it's a 50/50 shot if it will be a good player or a toxic player. That's why there needs to be a system implemented to prevent immature and unfair players from ruining gameplay experience.

  • Also, the proximity chat has a HUGE range at times, just yesterday I was docked at Sanctuary Cove and could hear a crew on a brig that I investigated, they had been on cannon cove when I heard them lol it confused me so much

  • @penguinman2002 You can go to your settings and lower the proximity range

  • @the-gewehr-98 Oh really? Sweet, I'll have to investigate that.

  • Completely agree also for the fact you can kick someone when a friend gets on.

  • Yesterday I had just joined a random galleon and all of a sudden I was locked in the brig, they didn't say anything to me they just locked me up i was confused and assumed it was an accident so I stayed on till I was released. After that one of them said "Hey, **** you leave the game my brother wants to join, you ****" and I was like woah sorry, could have just asked me nicely, I'm a nice dude I would have left and that was it.

  • @sirliborius I can see abuse with a kicking system implemented, but that would be the minority. There are far too many toxic players as of now and something needs to be done to combat this and a good first step would be to have private lobbies and when a friend leaves a random doesn't pop in and ruin the gameplay experience, instead, you can just invite someone else. I have heard private lobbies are coming, so that is very good news.

    And yes it is out of duty lol. It's my name because I'm #1 with the Gewehr 98 sniper on Battlefield 1 and #2 with headshots.

  • @penguinman2002 Sadly there are too many toxic players in SoT and something needs to be done, it especially doesn't help when your the one that joins a crew and is placed in a brig because everyone else is friends. Also, in your situation, the players you were dealing with were saying derogatory things towards you and it shouldn't be like that. I think more moderation needs to be taking place in SoT as well, an in-game report menu should be created.

  • @the-gewehr-98 YES that is what we need, a way to report others other than here on the forums that is perfect.

  • The Brig system is also glitchable now. Something to do with being drunk and spamming jump in a corner, a guy joined our game and after telling him politely to leave he would not then we caught him dropping random pieces of our loot off into the sea while we sailed - we Brigged him immediately and what do you know , he’s out in under a minute and the menu SAYS he is in brig. We vote to release and rebrig him several times and I watched him pull out his tankard and slam jump in the corner and clips thru it to get out. If there is no vote to kick option this NEEDS to be fixed. He grieved the living hell out of us with anchor pullls, throwing loot everywhere, and just walking up to people to puke on them. Fun.

  • @search-n-donte Yes, this is a glitch I am aware of, but it has helped me out of sticky situations with troll crews but i agree it needs to be fixed

  • There is usually a way to overcome any frustration in this game and I love that about it. After you enjoy playing with somebody then add them to your list and eventually you will have a lot people that you can invite. You can also join a clan and friend them if you enjoy playing with them.

  • Definitely not. I've had people brig me before they turned in because they wanted to invite their friend and give him the reward. I ended up staying in the brig, reporting them for being against the pirate's code, and got my reward after an hour passed.

  • so how to make someone leave: brig them; then make a hole in your ship to bring the water level above the low deck. they will die over and over again and will leave after 2 or 3 times.

  • @the-gewehr-98 As someone who had a day in the brig while joining random matches, I am completely against a kick system. I had join a few matches where I would be voted into the brig instantly for no reason with the crew grieving me between islands while they looted. I was also voted to the brig after spending several hours helping loot and quest. Before we went to turn stuff in, I was brigged without explanation. No doubt to make me leave so I get no reward. I also was with a crew who all had mics, but I did not. We quested for several hours until one of there friends came online and they told me to leave without turning in rewards. This lead to them sending messages over XBL and a trip to the brig. All they had to do was turn in the booty and I was out, but everyone wants cake and to eat it too.

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