Interested in buying....

  • Im interested in buying Sea of Thieves but i had a few questions about it, hopefully this is the correct forum to ask. i have 3 other friends i may be able to get the game with me and become a crew. But each of us has separate schedules, if we created a crew, could i also play solo in my spare time?

    Would i have my own solo ship for when im online by myself and my crew ship when all my mates are online?
    Would we be able to play with just 3 crew members or 2 crew members when my other friends aren't online yet?

  • 4
  • Aye matey, you can play 1,2,3, or 4 man crews.

  • @Gozmitlexi they won't get any share of the spoils or experience if the are offline you make a crew when logging on with friends by inviting them to the game and dispsnds when you log off but yes you can play solo/2/3 or 4 member crews

  • As of now, you can sail solo or duo in sloop. This a smaller ship that is manageable for a small crew. You also have a crew of 3 or 4 people in a much larger ship.

2 out of 4