Release the Release Date!

  • @glitterqueen86 we have had one, she came 3 days after expected. :)

  • Who else pre-ordered instantly after watching "The Game Awards" event yesterday?

  • @jovialqristof said in Release the release date!:

    @glitterqueen86 we have had one, she came 3 days after expected. :)

    Already going to have a full 4 crew then. Good to start training them when they're young. Won't even need to drink grog to fill your buckets with the green stuff. Babies come in SO handy sometimes ;)

  • @khaleesibot said in Release the release date!:

    I simply LOVE that the controller has a golden tooth trigger! 👍🏻👍🏻💚

    That’s a really nice touch.

  • @wargrym said in Release the release date!:

    @jovialqristof said in Release the release date!:

    @glitterqueen86 we have had one, she came 3 days after expected. :)

    Already going to have a full 4 crew then. Good to start training them when they're young. Won't even need to drink grog to fill your buckets with the green stuff. Babies come in SO handy sometimes ;)

    AhhHaha. Soo true. :D

  • Oh darn I preordered under my husbands GT

  • @glitterqueen86

    Haha If you both share an Xbox then this shouldn't be an issue.

  • @wymerz Or a great excuse to buy two ;)

  • That controller looks amazing!!

  • @wymerz
    We have 2 xboxes we both share I just meant to put it on the other Xbox. Problems of Impulse buying .... but if we play together might have to buy it again. But I know I’m going to get that controller. Wonder if those pirate clothes are by GT not system.

  • @mad-mordechai I'd quite imagine Rare has put a good amount of thought into what they chose to include with that limited edtion controller and when it comes to items like these they generally will have something exclusive that's just for those who buy it. These inducements work at getting people to pull out their wallet. Personally, I never spend hard currency on digital extras unless it's DLC game expansions/map packs but to each their own. If it makes you happy that's all that matters.

  • @wargrym

    True, I'm waiting for a possible SoT themed Xbox One X! fingers crossed If it takes some time for Microsoft to announce I may just pick up a One X in the meantime and switch them out down the line.

  • My nap is it March yet?

  • @glitterqueen86

    Nice! Your husband could just pre-order the game for you, right? haha. I imagine the clothing DLC would be tied to your system.

  • @wolff34 Nope, time to hibernate!

  • @wolff34 said in Release the release date!:

    My nap is it March yet?

    Hit snooze and go back to sleep. You're a tiiiiiny bit early. lol

  • Hey![alt text](i![mage url)](image url)![alt text](image url)

  • @wargrym Thank you, I will.

  • I really need one of those controllers!! how limited are they? any chance of them running out if i wait for my next paycheck to get one?
    I am also curious, if i pre order the game at gamestop do i still get the pre order bonus skins?

  • Could this possibly be the costume in question...? :)

  • Spyglass anyone?

  • Is the pre order bonus available thru other retailers, Or only thru your site pre order?

  • Yes, Please!

  • @khaleesibot

    couldnt resist that controller design had to pick it up XD cant wait to set sail game is going to be epic

  • So amped for march now! one of the first things i noticed on #thegameawards trailer last night was a pirate in the crows nest with an eyepiece, and immediately said "HA there it is".

    Great trailer and even better announcement Last night.

  • That controller looks awesome.! Can’t wait for this game! You guys have done an amazing job!

  • @salem-vice in-game gold currency will work ;) I’m a smarty

  • Hmmmm I would think not?!?!

    "Black Dog Pack of select in-game items offered exclusively with pre-order. "

  • When does it open the Close Beta? I'm exciting to put my little hands inside a pirate hook... Aahrrr!!!

  • @salem-vice I think The Canadian Rocket is trying to be funny, 'cause you didn't specify what clothing...

  • I can't stop watching the release date trailer and it really gives me chills every time. Man, this game has me soooo hooked.

  • @salem-vice I understand what you were trying to say, but see, I would have made the same joke as The Canadian Rocket did if he hadn't, 'cause us smarty pantses think ourselves so funny...

    Though, what's the plural of Smarty Pants?

  • @khaleesibot please tell me if there is a play session this weekend it him to play !!!! Or an idea when there's ganna be one!?

  • If I already preordered from amazon, do I get any of the benefits. Did this last year, starting to regret it after hearing this. :I

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