Now recruiting for Super 🌭 Hut Jr.'s, a level 203 Guild! Serpent Sails are on a variety of Guild ships, we also have a Discord for Guild members!

  • @brendan880 Friended you on Xbox and sent a guild invite in-game. Thank you!

  • Update: Level 310 and still 6 slots left, everyone.

  • Update: 7 slots left and the guild is now level 333. Furthermore, I should clarify that the original post's "requirements," though they are referred to as such, are more like what we look for in an ideal candidate. Even if you don't meet the posted requirements, feel free to apply regardless :)

  • Interested in joining if spots are available and if you'll have me. Friendly going all around, sadly do not have either pvp starting to put in the work for em! Play almost everyday after work. Discord is apsyduck
    Have a good one 🤙

  • @mrbtree4571 Friended you on Xbox and sent you a guild invite. You can accept the invite in the main menu of the game. Pirate Aysie is in charge of the Discord, so I'll pass your Discord name along to her. Thank you!

  • Are there any spots left?

  • @akeno2565 Yes, there are. Just friended you and sent a guild invite. Thank you!

  • any more spots left, love the name

  • @nv-swimiez89 Yes, there are. Friended you on Xbox and sent a guild invite in-game. Thank you! As an update to everyone else, the guild is now level 343 and after this invite is accepted there will be four slots left.

  • Update: still four slots left and the guild is now level 346.

  • N1ghtFlameBG hi i have 300 hours pve player can play little and pvp platform PC

  • @pirate-aysie i would like to join my gamer tag is BreckRoo

  • Xbox name: veixin, had game since day one. Both Pvp curses

  • @veixin @BreckRoo @N1ghtFlameBG Friended you all on Xbox and sent guild invites. Thank you!

  • This guild is now full. Thank you for your interest, everyone!

  • @res-ipsa5220 Ok, scratch that. We actually have one slot left now, folks.


    I play for a few hours every night


  • @young-link Friended you on Xbox and sent a guild invite. Thank you!

  • And with that, this guild is once again full. I will update this thread if/when we have openings.

  • @res-ipsa5220 awesome. I'm already joined and sailing. Thanks!

  • @pirate-aysie yoo do you have any slots available still?

  • I’m down! Send me an invite!

85 out of 92