PS5 players - thoughts on the Beta weekend?

  • As per the title. How did you enjoy your first experience on the Seas?

  • 27
  • Assuming that many of the PS5 players have discovered the forum yet! Could be quiet in here haha.

  • @captainwilks I'm always talking to myself.

  • @qu1etone

    Too much grog my friend?

  • @captainwilks I'm really curious, how were your interactions with other crews?

  • @captain-fob4141

    Very good in the main. Lots of battles and friendly banter. I only encountered a couple of idiotic crews.

    No doubt that will change in the main release!

  • @captainwilks nice, that's good to hear. I'm really curious how the merge is going to play out with experienced players and ps5 players. I'm nervous it'll end up mildly toxic

  • @captain-fob4141

    I fear you’re right. I’ve seen many comments from XBox players online about how they are going to “bully PS players”, and “sink anyone with the noob PS sails” etc.

    If this feeling is reciprocated we could be in for a period of mild toxicity.

    Fingers crossed that this isn’t the case.

  • @captainwilks Having watched this game over the years with some 'Pirate Fantasy Envy' I was thrilled to hear it being released on PS5. Never ordered a Premium Edition so quickly. First day of the Beta was mildly frustrating with queue times, but when I got in I was more than happy to say the least. Day 2 was even better with queues almost nonexistent and my grog drinking, sea salt spraying, cutlass swinging, cannon firing (totally off target) Pirate fantasies were a reality. Loved every second of it, even found a great crew mate and despite totally different time zones we explored and looted together with more than our fair share of laughs! Only disappointment was that the beta ended and I need to wait! Can't wait for 25th, can see myself sinking hundreds of hours into this joyous game!

  • I actually cancelled my preorder to get the premium edition after playing the beta, to play a week earlier. Played on PC (albeit briefly) years ago so have always wanted it to make its way to PlayStation.

    Played the beta with my partner and was surprised how much she got into it so really looking forward to it releasing.

  • @ely-stone

    I am in exactly the same boat (pun intended!) Loved it and can’t wait until the 25th. I found 2 good crew mates also and we explored the seas for the weekend. I’m going to set up a guild with my 2 new mates as soon as the full release hits.

    Let me know if you guys are interested!

  • @venividivici464

    Glad to hear you both enjoyed it!

    It has already taken its place as my ‘go tio’ game and I’ve only played a little bit of beta! This week will be the slowest ever…


    If any new PS5 player needs help or want some tips in the game, feel free to reach out to me in DMs. Always fun with new players and the most important thing is that you have a great time from the start!


    My friend gave Sea of Thieves a try for the first time due to them only having a PS and they loved it. Really isn't many games or at all that are similar to what SoT offers

  • That’s a kind offer to everyone Majman.

    It really is a unique game. Glad your friend enjoyed it!

  • I had a blast in the PlayStation beta, helped out a lot of the newer players, and seas felt fresh with eager pirates wanting to learn the ropes.
    I was a play station player until my homie got me into sea of thieves, bought a Xbox and been playing hard for a couple years now, glad to finally be able to go back to my home console

  • Jonesing badly for this game... seriously considering cancelling my evening plans for 25th.

    Never played SoT before and am a Solo Slooper, so still in the foothills of a pretty steep learning curve.

    Fully admit to throwing a minor tantrum first time a 3 person brig rocked up, opened fire with no warning and took my hard-earned (and, in honest retrospect, very meagre) stash of loot.

    A furious Google search revealed the session-based nature of the game, but didn't deter me from a relentless and utterly ineffectual harassment of the brig... defeat after defeat... death after death... for an hour... until I drove them off the server... like an immortal mosquito of vengeance.

    Or they had to go live their lives... we'll call it a draw.

    Didn't quite earn enough 💰 for my own sloop - hope my beta earnings and ranks are carried across.

    Finally got the Siren Skull mast event thing on my +10th (lost count) solo attempt, literally less than 60 seconds before the beta server closed. Just enough time to plonk my tired pirate *** on the edge of Marauders Arch, watch my (by now fully aflame) abandoned sloop circling back round into the bay, stifle a relieved sobb🥺 and drop off the edge as the server faded to black.

    Only found out about the Alliance functionality post-beta, same for Reapers Bones faction/hideout. Look forward to trying both out and pirating with some other PS5 sloopers.

    Got PhuzzyBond's videos locked and loaded, and I'm seethin' for some thievin'

    Sea you on the sees 🦜

  • @old-jumby

    Minor tantrum haha!!

    If you’re looking for a crew, I’m piecing an alliance together.

  • @thedawwghogg

    How do the versions compare?

  • @CaptainWilks

    Hmmmm... sloops only?

    A shame that you can't join the same server as friends but on separate ships. Fully understand why Rare have made it difficult (am aware of the workaround) especially with only 5-6? ships per server.

    Still a shame. Maybe they'll introduce 'Commodore' servers in the future for pirate captains who own more than one ship and have a party of more than 4? 😁

    Will keep an eye on your guild @CaptainWilks but it's my very official pirate policy to ally only with other Sloopers...

  • @old-jumby

    Absolutely no issue at all shipmate!

    Who knows what the future for servers holds. Perhaps the server integrity will one day hold up to allow larger servers and potentially larger crews.

  • @captainwilks said in PS5 players - thoughts on the Beta weekend?:


    Absolutely no issue at all shipmate.

    ... Captain 🤨

  • @old-jumby

    Haha apologies! ;)

  • @captainwilks so it’s hard to compare right off the bat as it was a beta version (didn’t have the 120 hertz) but overall I think it looked better than the series s.
    I missed using the PlayStation , controller felt better for me, and overall I think it’ll be better on the ps vs xbox

  • @thedawwghogg

    Happy sailing shipmate?

  • @captainwilks that’s captain shipmate

  • Haha of course it is :p

12 out of 27