The Hidden Ones - Recruitment ( Level 518 )

  • Ahoy !!

    Seeking a crew to call home on the high seas of Sea of Thieves? Look no further than The Hidden Ones! We're a friendly guild with a mission to hit Distinction 10 and we're on the lookout for three new members to join with us and help secure our goal

    To set sail with us, we ask that you've logged at least 50 days of playtime in the game. While we understand life's obligations, we do expect our crewmates to be active a few times a week to keep grinding towards our common goal
    It doesn't matter what you do while you playing as long as you contribute to the guild's XP .

    Joining The Hidden Ones means gaining access to some of the rarest sails on the seas, including the Brave Vanguard, Wondering Reaper, Arena sails, Lord Guardian and many more ! . By pledging your ship to our guild, you'll be part of a loyal crew dedicated to our shared goals.

    Join Us:
    Ready to embark on this mission with us? drop a message and let me know if you would like to join . Fair winds and smooth sailing await you with The Hidden Ones!

  • 15
  • Hello! I am Nbro in game I am looking for a guild that is active all the time like I get on and dont have to use lfg or discord to get a boat together... Im tired of trying to reaper server hop and end up with pve guys on the ship who cant do pvp or just dont know how to play in general now dont get me wrong I love helping new players learn but not when im trying to flag hunt... lol but I play everyday from 5-10 CST and im not just pvp I know it sounds like that but I like pve too I just dont want to have to keep trying to scrounge together sailors from the docks ya know? I dont quite have 50 days time played Im like 30+ Im a returning player from about 2 months ago and most of those days are from the past 2 months litteraly all I play is SOT really... so I need a guild with guys who only play SOT as well so I have friends to play with when I log on. From what I understand is your looking for people who are active and thats what Im looking for too.. to put it this way I have leveld 3 friends guilds from 0 to 15 and left them in search of active guilds... sooo I deffently put forth exp for the guild. Im good flex,tdm,helm, and I dunno bilge ive never had to do it in HG exclusively but I know most of the tips tricks and winning strats to boat combat so I probably do ok at bilge too. if this sounds good shoot me a DM at kurro9995 on discord or msg Nbro on xbox and I will get back to you soon as I see it!

  • Hey I'm deegan, long time player and looking for a crew which you guys seem perfect for, I do a lot of things but my favorites are fishing, order of souls, and stacking loot. @SerHeruvim I'd love to join if you still have positions open! :)

  • I'm looking to join a guild. Solo slooper but happy to help the guild level up. I generally play a couple of times a week, but been on everyday recently.

  • hey, i would really like to join your guild. I play about 40 hours a week and have played a total of 40+ days

  • i have 150 days in the game, I'm a 4-year player, I'd like to join. ıvnirite me thanks

  • Hi , I'm " yann9k " , I have 58 days of playtime , started playing in 2021 , I'm a solo slooper in EU and I'm looking to grind in a guild.

  • I am looking to join a 3rd active guild. My other two guilds are already Dist X so I would like something I can sail on to progress.
    I have 2.2k allegiance, 16.8k hours, every commendations except kings loot and legendary hunter of shrouded ghost. SoTShot winner and BMP hat owner. I own the entire emporium so I can pledge any kind of boat.

    my discord is v7z12 or you can invite me directly @v7z12

    alt text

  • Very interested!114 days ingame will be very active.

  • Hello, im 450+Alli 60+ days
    Mostly play Hourglass, Galleon enjoyer!
    Would really like to get a active crew for hourglass

  • Hi can I get invite I’m a very active player

  • Hi all,
    Let me know if you are still looking for more ppl.
    Im 28 years old, PC player, who have 2000+ hrs in this game playing mostly solo pvp/pve.
    I dont see a problem with grinding some gold/rep for guild.
    My discord parablo
    My microsoft Parablo

  • Looking to join!

  • Hey there I’m looking to join returning player psn silvergunnner discord suoh/silver#9804

  • I'm an OG PL from just a few months after the game came out. Coming off of a two year hiatus of the game due to my duo quitting. Looking to respark my love for the game. I'm a genuine grinder when my mind is set to it and come from a competitive FPS background so I can guarantee quality fights. I'm not one to expect to lose my ship, I'm more of an expect to make the other guys lose their ship kind of person. But i promise I'm a chill dude who will helm the entire ship if I have to with no help, I'm a team player.

7 out of 15