Dear Devs

  • Hi Devs,
    I've been running the game a lot since the last update and wanted to share my experience.

    • Sharks - The shark spawning is still really rough. I had 7 spawn on 2 of us in 30 seconds of being in the water after defeating a meg. They always spawn right away normally still. Please please address this

    • Crashing - Playing Xbox Series X and Series S the game crashes often for me and my friends. Also when this happens often everything in our pockets is lost.

    • Joining games in progress - Still have many issues joining someone already in a session without them restarting the game.

    • Black Screen - The respawn black-screen is still lagging very log (30+ sec) when many players are around and battle is underway.

    • Merch items - My last session I bought every item from Merchant resource store and couldn't grab a single one

    • Ship right - Still losing food when purchasing fruit and meat at the same time (not every time, just sometimes)

    • Veil voyage - Items at the end are duplicated ending up with so many items

    • Skelly ships - What's going on with Skelly Gallys? They only need a few shots to sink

    • Skelly ship spawning - Still seeing skelly ships spawning right after completing the fleet

    I know you guys are working on alot at the moment but please don't lose focus on what isn't working vs. adding new content!
    Love the game and keep it going!

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  • Please report any bugs you encounter to support. You can find the link here.

    Providing clips and repro steps is helpful for us to log these efficiently.

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