Allow players to spawn at New Golden Sands without a ship.

  • Would love an option to sign into New Golden Sands without a ship - the port town would act as a social hub for players to meet live.

    The solo player would need to crew up with a Captain and their crew. Maybe solo players can crew up and choose their ship size to be launched from port.

    I know there are terrible tech constraints here but I had to make this suggestion as I've been thinking about New Golden Sands - it's a lot of hard work and the place is GORGEOUS. I wish it to be a bustling port with interesting people to meet and stories to tell.

    As I currently see it, NGS is a ghost town of sorts (no pun intended). It's empty - I keep running to the tavern to see if anyone is at the bar or up on stage playing a shanty...

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    generalfeedbackcommunityjust for funevents
  • It really is, only thing is are the servers busy enough for a social hub? It would be cool if it could be made available for multiple servers but I'm not sure exactly how that would work tech wise.

  • This game could really use a good social hub. A place away from the adventure map where dozens of pirates could gather and just goof around....drinking grog, getting in bar fights, playing music...heck sing along to the chorus. What would be awesome is to sit around and play dice and card games.

    The old Arena Lobby was great. But now, an instance of only NGS would be perfect.

    This is a daydream. I don't have to worry about how much work this would take, or if it even doable. I guess it could be doable since the Arena Lobby worked.

  • Social hub would only work in a separate server, not connected to the game. The servers can't support enough players to make it worthwhile otherwise and if it's on a separate server then it can be nearly anything including a copy of Golden Sands if you wanted.

    I'd just hope there would be a way to skip it completely so I didn't have to load into that, get my ship/crew ready and then load into an actual game.

  • @hijack-hayes So make one! There's an option for adventure or pirate's life, set aside a stamp for "spawn on NGS without a ship" and load absolutely nothing else onto it to fit 20-30 pirates. The only real problem is it'd be like a real tavern, everyone on voice chat shouting over each other and you can't hear who you want to talk to. I know there are was a lot of criticism about arena's tavern but I really do want a social/RP hub for this game...

  • Its a nice area, but i really dont think that a place to sell would work too well as a social area unless they just made an isolated server with golden sands. At that point tho i dont think very many people would log into the golden sands server unless it was used as an area where you could recruit crew through better means than the normal open crew and set sail from there, however im not sure rare would go through the effort to make a separate server for recruiting if enough people didnt get behind it.

  • @rikjaxx - I love all those ideas - exactly what one would expect from a bustling pirate port. Setting up a few gaming tables would be awesome. I wish the speaking trumpet on stage amplified your voice.

    I do know it's a dream - but if not in the Sea of Thieves then where?

    I'm afraid this big beautiful asset sitting empty, or not having a reason or purpose, so I dream about what it could be...

  • @lordqulex - Love that idea - 24 players only and then they have to sort themselves on to 6 ships.

    I too, would be concerned about profanity and all the cons that come with an open social space. Muting other players is the only solution I can think of - hey, it might ever help weed out bad actors quicker since they are spawned into a room full of people that could report them and earn the ban hammer.

  • the port town would act as a social hub for players to meet live.

    Just use the Arena building. We already got the inside blueprints.

  • @burnbacon I've thought about that as well - that is a great idea, however it's not on the map as of yet and might not be clear to newer players. But yeah, make that a social spot too - use the enchanted pistol the twins had to keep folks from firing on one another...

  • @rikjaxx said in Allow players to spawn at New Golden Sands without a ship.:

    This game could really use a good social hub. A place away from the adventure map where dozens of pirates could gather and just goof around....drinking grog, getting in bar fights, playing music...heck sing along to the chorus. What would be awesome is to sit around and play dice and card games.

    The old Arena Lobby was great. But now, an instance of only NGS would be perfect.

    This is a daydream. I don't have to worry about how much work this would take, or if it even doable. I guess it could be doable since the Arena Lobby worked.

    Yeah something like that is really what the game needs.

    We have all these taverns, plus milestones and commendations for interacting with other crews in taverns, except that's not something that ever happens organically.

generalfeedbackcommunityjust for funevents
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