Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?

  • What is the best way in your opinion to gather mermaid gems as a solo slooper?

    I need one more level to reach 50 for hunters call and don't want to wait the whole month for Larina.

    Please share your thoughts.

  • 27
  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    What is the best way in your opinion to gather mermaid gems as a solo slooper?

    I need one more level to reach 50 for hunters call and don't want to wait the whole month for Larina.

    Please share your thoughts.

    Shipwrecks! See one? Sail over to it. See another? That too. While you’re in the wreck, also collect the meat and fish in barrels for extra rep!

    On the way, sail close by islands and use your spyglass to check shorelines for any washed up on beaches. You’ll have a handful in no time.

    Rinse and repeat.

  • @thetwistedtaste Yeah but those aren't really guaranteed, you might sail towards birds and find nothing at all. I was looking for kind of most efficient one, no matter the cost.

    For example I noticed Athena X marks the spot will almost always give you a gem. So I feel in 1 hour putting up voyages and cancelling them would give you more than looking for random drops? As you might not find more than 1 or 2 looking for random drops in 1 hour, plus the sailing time looking for them.

  • What do those mermaid statues give you? The ones you find you defeated with their distinctive music. I’ve heard you need several gunpowder kegs to “open” them? Do they give mermaid gems?

  • @pumpa-cat Yup. The blue one is super easy, you can just do it with few slashes of sword.
    The green one will require you to unload your full clip and some slashes with sword, will leave you with low hp.
    The red one is impossible solo without preparation, like taking gunpowder kegs,ammo boxes,food. I think I have managed it solo only once and it was using ship cannons.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @thetwistedtaste Yeah but those aren't really guaranteed, you might sail towards birds and find nothing at all. I was looking for kind of most efficient one, no matter the cost.

    For example I noticed Athena X marks the spot will almost always give you a gem. So I feel in 1 hour putting up voyages and cancelling them would give you more than looking for random drops? As you might not find more than 1 or 2 looking for random drops in 1 hour, plus the sailing time looking for them.

    I see, you’re a higher level than I thought. You can buy Athena Thieves Haven Run voyages from Larinna if those are still around. You get Athena trinkets and (guaranteed) mermaid gems.

    Shipwrecks are still (in my opinion) the quickest way to get mermaid gems. Note: There will be lots more of circling birds if it’s a wreck, only a few if it’s just barrels (that usually despawn when you arrive at them)

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @pumpa-cat Yup. The blue one is super easy, you can just do it with few slashes of sword.
    The green one will require you to unload your full clip and some slashes with sword, will leave you with low hp.
    The red one is impossible solo without preparation, like taking gunpowder kegs,ammo boxes,food. I think I have managed it solo only once and it was using ship cannons.

    Awesome! Thank you for that helpful advice. I’ll use it next time I see one. 👍

  • @thetwistedtaste I'm not ancient like some people here, but I have 800+ hours and maxed in all factions (except the Hunters call, which is why I want to get it done with mermaid gems and leave fishing for occasional recreation ^^) and obviously the new pvp factions.

    I shall give it a go tonight using everything available and will post tomorrow with results if I remember to. I'm planning on sailing for shipwrecks,looking around islands,starting/canceling athenas. But this is what I was kind of doing already, but never bothered to count how many I can get in an hour.

    I know that whenever we have done FOTD or other activities requiring a crew, we had more gems than we could count ^^
    unfortunately I am not crazy enough to try FOTD or FOF on a busy server alone.

    @Pumpa-Cat No worries mate, you're welcome.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    The red one is impossible solo without preparation, like taking gunpowder kegs,ammo boxes,food. I think I have managed it solo only once and it was using ship cannons.

    Destroying the red one solo is easy if you use a disney stick. 1 stick is enough to destroy them and you will still have some of the stick left. Way better then using kegs or cannons.

    @zig-zag-ltu said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    What is the best way in your opinion to gather mermaid gems as a solo slooper?

    I need one more level to reach 50 for hunters call and don't want to wait the whole month for Larina.

    Please share your thoughts.

    You could use the round variants that you can find in the shrines and treasuries. 1 treasury often has at least 4 or 5 of them (different colours).

  • @super87ghost said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    Destroying the red one solo is easy if you use a disney stick.

    What is a Disney stick?

  • @pumpa-cat those tridents you can find in the shrines and treasuries and sometimes on beaches and as a drop for defeated skelly ships

  • @super87ghost Hey, you are right, thanks for the tip! I have not tried destroying one solo since the Pirates life update ^^. But it's super logical given how easily you can destroy Graymarrow or Ashen lords with them. Will finally have a use for them on a daily voyage.

  • @super87ghost said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @pumpa-cat those tridents you can find in the shrines and treasuries and sometimes on beaches and as a drop for defeated skelly ships

    Oh those! I often see them floating among ship wreackage. Many thanks. 👍

  • Would also recommend the Theives Haven run if you need that commendation. Shrines you might have to come back with a new ship lol.

    The red statues have been nerfed. 2 can destroy it with some food lol. Used to take 5 kegs.

  • @pithyrumble Nah I got that one, I avoid that island and Old faithful like plague unless the dig spots are on the beach. Spent like 30 minutes last time looking for Athena chest for the emissary quest last time -.-

  • Fleets and skelly ships are like a piratical treasure piñata

    they have all kinds of fun stuff that drops

    Thieves haven runs are fine if that is your preference, it's monotonous and risky, lots of time on islands and predictable voyages are a significant risk for a solo

    Skelly ships you rarely leave the ship and it's a solid source for gems as well as other decent loot, no digging, no running around islands, no leaving the ship

    add in checking small islands and water loot both of which often have gems and you can have a nice gem run without extra vulnerability as a solo

  • @wolfmanbush Yeah I love fighting skelly ships, but it feels like their numbers were reduced, no idea if back in 2020 it felt like it was more of them as I would get a mini heart attack before realizing its skellies and not pirates, but the seas feel more empty these days.

  • Don't know if it's the best way, but Ocean Crawlers also sometimes drop gems upon defeat.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @wolfmanbush Yeah I love fighting skelly ships, but it feels like their numbers were reduced, no idea if back in 2020 it felt like it was more of them as I would get a mini heart attack before realizing its skellies and not pirates, but the seas feel more empty these days.

    depends on the server and server activity

    they often eventually hang out around shrines/treasuries so those are always places to check

  • @lem0n-curry said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    Don't know if it's the best way, but Ocean Crawlers also sometimes drop gems upon defeat.

    yeah some people small island farm these

    not great drop rates but it's an option

    find a small island where crawlers are the spawns and then just kill them over and over

    one perk to this would be possibly an ancient skelly at some point because of the time spent on land in an area where it will be easy to find if it pops

  • I find siren shrines have a lot of them, and they're good for soloing in general because you can hide all your loot in a statue, and if someone sinks you you can still sail back and retrieve the loot.

    You can also sell breaths of the sea, which are basically super mermaid gems, to hunters.

  • @scheneighnay said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    I find siren shrines have a lot of them, and they're good for soloing in general because you can hide all your loot in a statue, and if someone sinks you you can still sail back and retrieve the loot.

    You can also sell breaths of the sea, which are basically super mermaid gems, to hunters.

    could turn out alright, also runs the pretty high risk of people tucc'in for content and it sets up an easy ambush for experienced pvpers

    risk/reward for a solo is off imo but it's also a preference thing, if people enjoy it they should do it

  • @wolfmanbush said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @scheneighnay said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    I find siren shrines have a lot of them, and they're good for soloing in general because you can hide all your loot in a statue, and if someone sinks you you can still sail back and retrieve the loot.

    You can also sell breaths of the sea, which are basically super mermaid gems, to hunters.

    could turn out alright, also runs the pretty high risk of people tucc'in for content and it sets up an easy ambush for experienced pvpers

    risk/reward for a solo is off imo but it's also a preference thing, if people enjoy it they should do it

    I just do my checks before I summon the loot up.
    I have been ambushed once before, but I just grabbed up the loot I could and escaped.
    Doesn't happen often, I find you're more likely to get sunk for no reason than ambushed or tucked on.

    I've robbed ships over shrines myself but never went beyond that.

  • @scheneighnay said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @wolfmanbush said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    @scheneighnay said in Best way to gather Mermaid gems as a solo sloop?:

    I find siren shrines have a lot of them, and they're good for soloing in general because you can hide all your loot in a statue, and if someone sinks you you can still sail back and retrieve the loot.

    You can also sell breaths of the sea, which are basically super mermaid gems, to hunters.

    could turn out alright, also runs the pretty high risk of people tucc'in for content and it sets up an easy ambush for experienced pvpers

    risk/reward for a solo is off imo but it's also a preference thing, if people enjoy it they should do it

    I just do my checks before I summon the loot up.
    I have been ambushed once before, but I just grabbed up the loot I could and escaped.
    Doesn't happen often, I find you're more likely to get sunk for no reason than ambushed or tucked on.

    I've robbed ships over shrines myself but never went beyond that.

    these will increase steadily over the rest of the season

    people are burning out on season 8 content they are starting to look more for random adventure activity as they burn out and as they reach that level 200ish in the new content as that is when a lot of people are going to significantly reduce their focus on diving for fights as much.

    but like I said preference is highly important, what people enjoy doing (even during loss) is worth it so if people dig shrines and treasuries they should definitely do what they are in to.

  • Ok, so in one hour I have manged to acquire 10 mermaid gems of all colours. About 3 from 2 Athena maps, the rest were from 2x skeleton sloops and 2x skeleton galleons. Did not find any shipwrecks or mermaid statues

  • ghost forts always have at least a blue, and sunken treasuries or shrines tend to have a mix of loot that includes a few gems.

    Beyond that, ship wrecks and large shore islands are where to go to gather a few gems, but if you are solo going for reds, you will want some kegs.

  • For gems, run athenas for the dig spots. Most of the islands will have that noise indicating a nearby statue to collect too. Visiting wrecks and skelly ships that are near your path (especially for the food in the wrecks) should net quite a few gems.

12 out of 27