Don't be rude to your shipmates

  • Guys if you're in an open crew, don't be calling people dumb just because they're new to the game. If you’re an experienced player, you should be helping the noobs, not judging them for not knowing what to do.

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  • never really a good time to insult people based on intelligence or anything else personal, it's not a productive approach to much of anything.

    everyone that plays has value on the ship if they are willing to do something like bucket water and/or repair holes, cook, sort, gather.

    leadership that leads to consistency is based on building the crew up, establishing confidence and trust, sharing experience and gaining it as a crew. Putting a person down on the crew is putting the crew in a position to fail.

    Whether the crew is session based or longer term the objectives are the same, hold it together, focus on the goals, offer support to those involved, learn together a team. Everyone learns differently but very few perform their best in a situations where they are ridiculed and/or demeaned.

  • Couldn't have said better myself mate

  • I tend to bark orders at other crew, mostly because I'm on mic but mostly because I'm usually on helm with a commanding view of the sea around us.

    People I regularly play with have gotten used to me, open crews often think I'm being rude.

  • Platinum rule: treat others the way they want to be treated.

    I will put up with a lot more abuse than others and I have to remember that lol.

  • @ancientbeast434 said in Don't be rude to your shipmates:

    I tend to bark orders at other crew, mostly because I'm on mic but mostly because I'm usually on helm with a commanding view of the sea around us.

    People I regularly play with have gotten used to me, open crews often think I'm being rude.

    When leading a team clear communication is vital and so is delivery.

    When direction/communication during some form of team operation is harsh that becomes the focus. It creates distractions that bring down performance. Not many respond well to repetitive yelling/barking/criticism, it leads many to fear, nervousness, being intimidated, anger, confusion and leads some to reacting rebellious. All of this puts the team in jeopardy.

    When tested the team will likely not perform to their full potential.

    A strong team has a lead but essentially it's a process of building everyone up to have the tools to take the lead if necessary. That way people aren't reliant on being micromanaged.

    It's not only the team learning it's also always the lead, every session bringing in new information and new experience to examine and mine the lessons from, a resource for improvement.

  • @wolfmanbush said

    When direction/communication during some form of team operation is harsh that becomes the focus. It creates distractions that bring down performance. Not many respond well to repetitive yelling/barking/criticism, it leads many to fear, nervousness, being intimidated, anger, confusion and leads some to reacting rebellious. All of this puts the team in jeopardy.

    I assume you’ve never served in the military 🤣

  • @pumpa-cat said in Don't be rude to your shipmates:

    @wolfmanbush said

    When direction/communication during some form of team operation is harsh that becomes the focus. It creates distractions that bring down performance. Not many respond well to repetitive yelling/barking/criticism, it leads many to fear, nervousness, being intimidated, anger, confusion and leads some to reacting rebellious. All of this puts the team in jeopardy.

    I assume you’ve never served in the military 🤣

    Building a team/crew with random people (that have no obligations) to complete objectives over a day or a few days or a few weeks of interactions is nothing like basic training. Entirely different scenario and an entirely different approach is necessary.

    Basic training is designed to break someone down first which isn't the productive strategy in a video game or many situations involving day to day teamwork and leadership principles.

    Breaking people down through mistreatment as a rebuild strategy is largely inappropriate in a large majority of scenarios.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Don't be rude to your shipmates:

    @pumpa-cat said in Don't be rude to your shipmates:

    @wolfmanbush said

    When direction/communication during some form of team operation is harsh that becomes the focus. It creates distractions that bring down performance. Not many respond well to repetitive yelling/barking/criticism, it leads many to fear, nervousness, being intimidated, anger, confusion and leads some to reacting rebellious. All of this puts the team in jeopardy.

    I assume you’ve never served in the military 🤣

    Building a team/crew with random people (that have no obligations) to complete objectives over a day or a few days or a few weeks of interactions is nothing like basic training. Entirely different scenario and an entirely different approach is necessary.

    Basic training is designed to break someone down first which isn't the productive strategy in a video game or many situations involving day to day teamwork and leadership principles.

    Breaking people down through mistreatment as a rebuild strategy is largely inappropriate in a large majority of scenarios.

    I know. My comment was an attempt at light-heartedness. 😁

  • @wolfmanbush said in Don't be rude to your shipmates:

    When direction/communication during some form of team operation is harsh that becomes the focus. It creates distractions that bring down performance. Not many respond well to repetitive yelling/barking/criticism, it leads many to fear, nervousness, being intimidated, anger, confusion and leads some to reacting rebellious. All of this puts the team in jeopardy.

    Yeah, no. Management mistake number 1 makes not for management material.

  • I think it depends on the team. If everyone is used to communicating this way within their network, that's okay. But with strangers you definitely have to be polite and courteous.

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