So is there SBMM or MMR at all or was that just misinformation in the videos leading up to S8 ?

  • I've seen many posts currently about there being no "MMR" at all in the new pvp system, and it sure does feel like there isnt one when playing.

    My open crews with totally new players are getting matched againts players with ghost / skelly curse already unlocked and the fights last about 3 seconds. Thats been the past 20 open crew fights I've had and I'm still only getting super sweaty crews againts us.

    So whats the deal? Is there no MMR at all? Are the opponents just random? Why were we told in the deep dive videos there is a MMR issued to every player and the average of every players MMR is the crew MMR?

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  • And if there isnt one, why? Not a single casual or "less sweaty" player will play this game mode if all they are getting from it is super sweaty crews just killing them in seconds. How is that fun gameplay at all?

    I understand if theres supposed to be a mmr system, but its just not working, but I dont understand if its just supposed to be this random.

  • And another point, why are open crews not being matched againts other open crews? Would it not be more balanced to take into account if the players are open crewing or a premade team communicatin in discord etc. ?

  • While I do believe their is some sort of SBMM system I don't actually think it makes and sense to have one. A streak system and a SBMM system cannot co-exist. If SBMM is working nobody should realistically get a streak over 2-5

  • @i-jusa-i the more I’m playing S8, the more I start to believe the skill-based matchmaking isn’t working, if there actually is one.

    Being put up against lvl 200+ players, being put up against the same crew over and over, all signs that point to either 1. A non-existant SBMM, or 2. One that doesn’t work in the slightest.

  • This is nothing new, rare cannot do any full-working update. They can't even fix hit reg after 4 years.

  • Go to Reddit.
    The top post for the SoT subreddit there has been the community manager on Discord posting several times that Rare didn't mention an MMR system.

    There isn't any. The only thing the system tracks is how many wins you have and tries to to pair you with ships that won as well. If its too long, I'm sure it pairs you with ships that are fresh starts..

    Queue times are all over the place.

    And if Rare made an MMR system, could you even believe that it would work properly? I couldn't.
    For the life of me, I can't even reload the cannon after pressing R for so many years.. and we want to talk about a complex matchmaking system in SoT? Lol Pleaaase.

    There are no stats. This is not a competitive/serious game.

  • @lord-spark-0

    Sure the reddit post has a community manager saying so. But so do the videos have senior devs stating they have a Elo variant system in their update.

    I would like to hear some confirmation on this.

  • My guess is that they were trying to do a skill based MMR but it was buggy or something so it got scrapped? The videos are likely recorded months in advance of the release so its very possible that they said something that was true at the time but didn't make the release build?

  • @lord-spark-0 Please correct me if I am wrong.

    I can vividly recall hearing in their season 8 introduction video/podcast that an ELO system will be implemented( I swear I don't have dreams about SoT or development team) ?
    MMR means - Match Making Ranking? So basically same, but different, but still same?

  • @zig-zag-ltu Basically same term but for some reason made different? I think ELO might be more complicated or take in more factors than what people would consider a Match Making Rating which might just look at simple wins vs losses. But yea they did a deep dive video on youtube where 2 developers back to back around the 4-5 minute mark i believe specifically state there is a skill based match making system in place. They the community manager posted on discord that "we never said it was skill based match making" so contradictions between the person doing their social media and the actually people who designed the system. I think its possible the MMR system they mentioned got scrapped because it wasn't working correctly or was creating insanely long ques do to the other factors in the match making system.

  • We do have skill-based match-making - it's based on a variant of the Elo system. We take into account the win/loss ratio of the crew combined, not any session's streak, and this informs who you're matched against when you opt into a battle. However, if there aren't any perfect matches waiting for your crew when you opt into your next battle, then we'll broaden the net of players you could play with over time to ensure you'll always find a match.

  • @magus104 Match making rating would normally consist of win losses + k/d/a. Elo is very mathematical so not gonna act like I understand it exactly and originally was designed for chess. I don't know how many games use it in total. The few that I know and played are - CSGO, League of Legends.

    I have written a basic example of how it works on some other post once player has some games under his belt. It's a bit like betting. Proving the system wrong will award you more points than winning against someone you should win against if it makes sense.

  • @triheadedmonkey

    Any clue if the team would be able to make a statement regarding skill based match making and allowing 4v1 alliance battles in said "skill based match making" ?

    To me it feels like a 4v1 battle has no place in any sort of "skill based" system. Bizarre.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in So is there SBMM or MMR at all or was that just misinformation in the videos leading up to S8 ?:

    We do have skill-based match-making - it's based on a variant of the Elo system. We take into account the win/loss ratio of the crew combined, not any session's streak, and this informs who you're matched against when you opt into a battle. However, if there aren't any perfect matches waiting for your crew when you opt into your next battle, then we'll broaden the net of players you could play with over time to ensure you'll always find a match.

    It's be great to get a pinned post saying this. Different folks will choose to believe this or not, given all the recent confusion. But since much of the controversy comes from a screenshot of a discord comment from Jotoro (sp?) only a couple days after launch. I don't know the context of the conversation (people specifically discussing k/d, maybe) or if clarifications and corrections to that perception was communicated in the days an week (almost weeks) since that comment was written.

    Getting this concise explanation pinned will help many people stop speculating or spreading misconceptions (session based or streak based) and help put a lot of folks at ease.

  • Just today me and my friends got matched against the same crew (who already had the ghost curse) and lost three times in a row, I'd rather have longer queues then this. If there's skill based matchmaking it's clearly not working as intended.

  • @triheadedmonkey
    That is why we've got battles 5 times in row vs same high class crew, despite we are not even close to their skill(ofc we losed every battle). Now I have 180 matches and 70 wins. Is there really so small players amaunt, if I have such horrible ratio victories to loses? And it's not the single case, when we get same crew, after series of loses vs this crew

  • @triheadedmonkey said in So is there SBMM or MMR at all or was that just misinformation in the videos leading up to S8 ?:

    We do have skill-based match-making - it's based on a variant of the Elo system. We take into account the win/loss ratio of the crew combined, not any session's streak, and this informs who you're matched against when you opt into a battle. However, if there aren't any perfect matches waiting for your crew when you opt into your next battle, then we'll broaden the net of players you could play with over time to ensure you'll always find a match.

    I am sorry,but I find that it is not working.
    I am on a solo sloop most of the time and I am playing in EU. Most of my matches are against supersweats. Some matches against people who already got the curse or ex NAL.

    I myself am at 120 sinks.
    Somehow during EU prime hours I still managed to get a match against someone who looked like a day 1 pirate who did not even know what he qued into begging me not to sink his boat.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in So is there SBMM or MMR at all or was that just misinformation in the videos leading up to S8 ?:

    We do have skill-based match-making - it's based on a variant of the Elo system. We take into account the win/loss ratio of the crew combined, not any session's streak, and this informs who you're matched against when you opt into a battle. However, if there aren't any perfect matches waiting for your crew when you opt into your next battle, then we'll broaden the net of players you could play with over time to ensure you'll always find a match.

    Can you saw how long it takes to get to the broadest net? I just spent 45 minutes in queue (the hourglass said 4-6 minutes) and ended up requeuing because I figured something had broken...

  • Hi all!

    I am going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a recent longer thread on the same topic. You may contribute your thoughts here.

    Thanks for you feedback!

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