Storing some items in your own ship until next session

  • It would be cool, if we could store some items in shelves in our own ships for next session, items like Coral message in a bottle or Ashen key. I could think of few more items.. For what purpose you ask? Because sometimes when you want to log out you still have these items/quests and so they dissapear after logging out.. I'm not talking about chests just some small items.

  • 11
  • @mindaugas1991 I don't think this is needed.

    Though it would be cool if we could post picked up Voyages to the Quest Board to pass off (or let them be stolen from Map Bundles). That would add more variety to the Quest Board and might prompt more people to post things on there. I still do, and I tend to do it with decent Loot mostly, but it would be interesting to see how that option might impact usage.

    The Ashen Key is Loot, you can sell it if you don't use it. Pretty much anything you can pick up is Loot that you can go and sell if you haven't used it to make a little more Coin.

  • @redeyesith said in Storing some items in your own ship until next session:

    @mindaugas1991 I don't think this is needed.

    Though it would be cool if we could post picked up Voyages to the Quest Board to pass off (or let them be stolen from Map Bundles). That would add more variety to the Quest Board and might prompt more people to post things on there. I still do, and I tend to do it with decent Loot mostly, but it would be interesting to see how that option might impact usage.

    The Ashen Key is Loot, you can sell it if you don't use it. Pretty much anything you can pick up is Loot that you can go and sell if you haven't used it to make a little more Coin.

    Fun fact you can get back maps you posted, specially if it was recently, a good way to deny persecutors your loot by burying them and then posting the map in seaposts, though haven't seen much persistence between sessions.
    Also haven't seen that many player posts cause the only good excuse to post it is you need to leave early and burying the treasure and posting it in a seapost is faster than just going to an outpost and sell it there.

  • Each session/login is an adventure.
    Each time you logout, you end that session until you start again.

    No need to hoard those unused items when you can get them back just as easy

  • @astralenigma I post stuff cause I am loaded with coin and have my Factions maxed. So I don't care that much. I tend to just bury a random amount of stuff and keep a random amount of it to sell. And the stuff I do bury tends to be the top Tier stuff from the Factions, Cursed Chests, etc. About the only stuff I keep for sure is Athena since I don't have them maxed yet. The rest I that I end up keeping I drop at Reapers, the other that I don't have maxed yet. But I have no qualms burying stuff and leaving it for others on the Quest Board.

  • Ya and all of our supplies!!!! LOL NOOOOOO! you can get an ashen key in 10 seconds at any outpost.

  • Ashen keys... Probably not since they are a treasure item, but i could maby get behind storing a coral message in a bottle because so many times i get one mid journey and tell my self, "i will do this just after!" then when im done i just need a break and never get to it.

  • @astralenigma If i ever try to do that, i just burry loot in an obvious spot because unless you are looking for the splotches in dirt or sand its hard to see, then i just hide the map bundle in a difficult to find spot, you dont need the map if you remember where you buried the loot.

  • @goldsmen

    Huck the map bundle overboard...

    This would be op specifically for coral bottles. Oh look. I have 5 coral bottles in one shrine...

    Gonna have to scuttle this idea for y'all.

  • @pithyrumble I was thinking specifically only for 1 coral bottle, just as a way to get strait to it if you didnt have time before.

  • Stools would be great. Honestly Rare should just make them buyable from merchants.

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