No Damage to Skeleton Ship

  • Newer to the game. Was playing and came across a Skeleton Galleon. Starting fighting it and thought me and my crew were doing pretty well. We'd made several hits, maybe 15-20 in total. We did a pass where we made 5-10 hits and I decided to board and take out skeletons to keep them from repairing. When I got on board there was zero damage to the skeleton ship. No water, nothing. Is there a "shield" on these things you have to get through to start getting damage? Any other mechanic I'm not aware of?

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  • with a galleon it's always about lower holes to fill it up with water

    different ways to go about it, you can ram the ship a couple of times to do some damage, being close prevents them from lighting you up during a broadside

    here is a clip I took earlier in season 7 as an example of taking on a skelly galleon

    bottom holes as much as you can

    skelly galleon clip

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