We need to talk about Skeleton Ships....

  • Hi all,

    Recently I've noticed it feels like an adjustment has been made to skelly ships especially galleons and their movement speeds. It appears they've been ramped up? I'm mostly a pver and play with my dad and have recently noticed an increase in ships spawned in the fleet event and speed/difficulty increase to Galleons overall.

    Are we imagining this difficulty increase or can anyone provide me with patch notes where they were tweaked? I feel its just silly at this point because the skelly galleon is soo fast now you can't even naval combat with it hardly because it turns/matches your speed of a sloop which kills the fun of pve combat and is driving players like my dad away from the game because he feels the game is cheating too much to make the AI able to get an edge on players, physics and tactics. I respect giving the pve ships a bit of an edge but lately it's seemed silly how fast they can turn, catch up on you.

    Thoughts? Thanks! =)

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  • they haven't changed much other than being odd at times because of performance issues, they can get a bit goofy sometimes

    if you wanna take down a skelly galleon and don't have much experience and take a lot of damage you can work on the ram method

    Ram the side of their ship with the front of yours repeatedly, as straight on as possible. It'll do the least amount of damage to your ship and a decent amount of lower damage to theirs.

    then you can keep firebombs on them to take out their skellies

    This keeps you from taking heavy cannon fire.

    a good way to save supps for a large target.

    if you have your dad on the crew one of y'all keep on repairs and the other line it up for a few rams and then finish it off with some cannonballs when they get low.

  • @hopelessmuffin9

    Nothing in the patch notes. Skelly ships, megs, krakens etc sometimes get a little spicy. We all got excited back in S7 when the kraken was extra spicy.

    I messed with the fleet a couple days into the update. Got double galleoned ( intending to dodge around not full on fight) and they seemed about normal to me. I got one of them stuck between me and the other galley and the inside one was blocking for me because the other one was firing peaceballs.

    Skelly ships are magic and they don't need physics unfortunately...if that helps Dad feel a little better about it lol.

  • They have always been extremely fast all the time.

  • @pithyrumble lol thanks. My dad swears they are harder but I'll have to try some more to test further. I wish the Skelly Galleon turned at a more realistic speed for tactics. But magic, sure =P

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