How does matchmaking work?

  • I've done some minor experimenting playing with newer players doesn't seem to matter.

    If your stats and crew stats are insanely high is this why were not finding matches?

    If that's the case the matchmaking needs to change because how is it fair for old players to never find matches.
    Even if they relax the matchmaking it would help.

  • 4
  • @ajm123 ahoy matey... J0toro posted in official Tavern on Discord about this very subject last week:

    Details on matchmaking:

  • It works until the concurrent player base falls below a certain threshold, which then breaks any attempt at "fair" match making. Here's a fun experiment. Throw every match and see how you get put back into matches with the same crew 3+ times. Makes for interesting conversation at least. This has happened to me multiple times, with pc, and xbox only. There's simply not enough engagement to sustain a working system. Otherwise, you have to account for mmr with 2 wins getting matched with mmr player with 100 wins. If not, wait times would be worse than already are. Hope that helps explain.

  • Sorry for double post but forgot to address the, how will older(beginning later) players gain reputation if wait times become untenable? They simply won't, as I have had to abandon matchmaking taking 20+ min. Assuming long wait times discourages engagement, and low engagement results in longer wait times... creates for itself a spiral down death. I'm sure the brains at Rare have already discussed this as, yes, future players will need an alternative method for gaining rep towards either faction or it will be impossible. Like a punishment for not committing all your time playing the game at its peak engagement or else... risk of never completing? Naw fam. Can't let that just go. Change is needed.

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