Allegiance levels scaling is a bad idea

  • By the time i've hit around 34th allegiance level ive noticed that it requiers a lot more wins and struggles to go through to get much higher. There's one question i want to ask, WHY? I think this scaling is a very bad idea for a SBMM, because every win and loss you get influence you, so every time you win you get a chance to meet "THIS" kind of crew that will wipe the floor with you, and you'll have to get restocking once again.
    -With allegiance levels scaling up it makes getting levels really tedious, especially considering that the minimum level you should get is 100, which is just unreachable for an average solo players like me, just because we cant steamroll the enemy and get an easy win as brig and galleon crews do. And im not even going to mention how time consuming collecting decent amount of supplies may be.
    Game has been trying to encourage solo players and make their life a bit easier, even doing a solo sloop queue, yet making the system itself so anti-solo player.
    Sweaty crews are gonna rush the maximum levels anyway, there's no difference for them, but with such a rough scaling it really feels like a slap to the face to the decent but not sweat level type of players. You can get the amount of exp you should get for the pve factions, but pvp should always give you the equal amount of exp for winning the battle.
    By the way, cant wait to see the sweaty galleon or brig players that havent played solo and saying that its a skill issue.
    Anyways, what do you think about reducing such harsh level scaling?

  • 17
  • @sanyanevskiy442 пишет в Allegiance levels scaling is a bad idea:

    You can get the amount of exp you should get for the pve factions, but pvp should always give you the equal amount of exp for winning the battle.

    what i meant by that is that pve amount of xp is reasonable, but considering all stocking up for the pvp makes it much more annoying with pvp system

  • It is not intended to a be quick race to level 100. Much like all Reputation, it is intended to by a long-term goal.

  • @triheadedmonkey Still, I personally feel like the scaling is a little too rough for the first 100 levels, you already have to grind to either PL or 75 reapers which can take some time I would think a healthy amount of time to grind to 100 should be the equivalent to reaching level 50 in the normal factions. It's the level 1000 grind that should be longer and more tedious and the level 100 grind is more of a mid-level grind imo. Top that off with sbmm wait times you can be waiting 20+ minutes to get into a match that can take upwards of an hour, sure you can say long term it's something to grind for, but realistically the queues are only going to get longer and longer as people either lose interest in the update as it grows older, get tired of the queue times and stop trying, or actually get the initial curse and just stop queueing all of which will make the queue timer take even longer for the players that do actually want to grind this. Personally I'd been fine if the first 100 levels require roughly 100 wins (1 level per win) and level 1000 could be something like 800 wins and also do away with the win/loss based matchmaking to reduce the queue times (it's already being proven to be easily reverse boost-able in another post anyways making the system pointless).

  • Sounds to me someone wants the end rewards quickly and easy without much troubles and issues. No grind

  • @navillicious said in Allegiance levels scaling is a bad idea:

    @triheadedmonkey Still, I personally feel like the scaling is a little too rough for the first 100 levels, you already have to grind to either PL or 75 reapers which can take some time I would think a healthy amount of time to grind to 100 should be the equivalent to reaching level 50 in the normal factions. It's the level 1000 grind that should be longer and more tedious and the level 100 grind is more of a mid-level grind imo. Top that off with sbmm wait times you can be waiting 20+ minutes to get into a match that can take upwards of an hour, sure you can say long term it's something to grind for, but realistically the queues are only going to get longer and longer as people either lose interest in the update as it grows older, get tired of the queue times and stop trying, or actually get the initial curse and just stop queueing all of which will make the queue timer take even longer for the players that do actually want to grind this. Personally I'd been fine if the first 100 levels require roughly 100 wins (1 level per win) and level 1000 could be something like 800 wins and also do away with the win/loss based matchmaking to reduce the queue times (it's already being proven to be easily reverse boost-able in another post anyways making the system pointless).

    Couldn't have said it better my self.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Allegiance levels scaling is a bad idea:

    It is not intended to a be quick race to level 100. Much like all Reputation, it is intended to by a long-term goal.

    if 100 is meant to be a long term goal then how did Mixel and the rest of the sweats get to it by now? looks like you've even failed at making it a long term goal for some, because you designed a system that would only benefit them.

  • @mewds-d-jolly ...because some people decide to "no-life" it?

    Again, a few people 'grinding' something doesn't mean that it is meant to be.

    Some folk just like the attention.

    Most games are not designed to be 'speedrun' but it doesn't stop people doing it.

    The vast majority of people that play games are not super speed runners or super slow. It's always a bell curve where most people are kind of somewhere in the middle. There will always be outliers on either side of the norm.

    In my personal opinion, games are supposed to be games, not work.

  • @triheadedmonkey the sink streak system only benefits the sweats and people with the same skill as Mixel, that doesn't have anything to do with "no lifing", the streaks only helps them out and it does nothing to the rest of the players, if you've made a system that would benifit the rest of the players no one would've batted an eye, but yeah, you had to appeal to your content creators/sweatlords and alienate the rest of your playerbase.

  • @mewds-d-jolly Not my me, you don't want me anywhere near the actual production of the game! 😂

    Again though, there will always be some that are one side of the Bell Curve and some the other, MOST are in the middle.

    As matchmaking evens out and beds in, the majority of people playing will experience a fairly even playing field.

    But there will always be that subset, edge case group that will either be super quick at finishing stuff and those that are super slow at it.

    “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time”

  • @triheadedmonkey may I ask you, when do you think that the match making system is going to settle? because today me and my friends spent 6 hours playing pvp straight and it was the worst hours spent playing a game in our lives, we kept queueing against WAY tougher opponents than us and kept getting steam rolled, so please if you have any idea tell me, because we don't want to repeat that same experience again.

  • @mewds-d-jolly As someone that has no insight into such things as an entirely volunteer Moderator and not Staff...I couldn't honestly tell you. The Matchmaking is still merely days old and will take a while to sort people into the correct places.

    With most Matchmaking systems (once fully bedded in) no one should be getting 'Steam Rolled' and should instead be finding themselves in consistently close matches (barring any unfortunate Kegs or accidents etc on either side).

    It should (at least theoretically) be a case of near 50/50 wins vs losses as you win (go up in ranking) and then lose to better crews (thus going down in ranking), until you end up in a place where you are going against equals.

    Obviously, if crews/individuals learn from losses they can then get better and end up going against better crews and the cycle starts again.

  • @mewds-d-jolly The fact that the system rewards better players is the best part about it. In a game with horizontal progression cosmetics should absolutely be worked for, otherwise, they become worthless. You're not entitled to any of the new cosmetics "git gud" or prepare for the grind.

  • @xzodeak said in Allegiance levels scaling is a bad idea:

    @mewds-d-jolly The fact that the system rewards better players is the best part about it. In a game with horizontal progression cosmetics should absolutely be worked for, otherwise, they become worthless. You're not entitled to any of the new cosmetics "git gud" or prepare for the grind.

    I honestly don't recall cosmetics that are considered worthless in their previous updates (whether they require grind or not), you see, its subjective, but they happen to have released a system that happens to cater to that toxic "git gud" mentality.

  • It also seems that as the win xp required increase the loss xp required to level is increased 2x over winning. Like lvl 1-2 = 4 losses. I think at lvl 10 it was still like a win =1 lvl but 12 losses to gain 1 lvl

    Considering the lvl cap is 1000... It seems they really wanted to make sure this system lasted but instead people are just going to get bored. The only people who are grinding this out are people who literally play sea of thieves as a job. IE streamers and unemployed people living in moms basement.

  • @triheadedmonkey

    @triheadedmonkey пишет в Allegiance levels scaling is a bad idea:

    @mewds-d-jolly As someone that has no insight into such things as an entirely volunteer Moderator and not Staff...I couldn't honestly tell you. The Matchmaking is still merely days old and will take a while to sort people into the correct places.

    With most Matchmaking systems (once fully bedded in) no one should be getting 'Steam Rolled' and should instead be finding themselves in consistently close matches (barring any unfortunate Kegs or accidents etc on either side).

    It should (at least theoretically) be a case of near 50/50 wins vs losses as you win (go up in ranking) and then lose to better crews (thus going down in ranking), until you end up in a place where you are going against equals.

    Obviously, if crews/individuals learn from losses they can then get better and end up going against better crews and the cycle starts again.

    The reason why matchmaking systems are working in other games is when you lose a game in competetive you can just log back in, while in sea of thieves you need to go through tedious process of gathering supplies, which makes it way worse than in other games

  • In my personal opinion, games are supposed to be games, not work.

    But now Its look like a work for players, who cant play like Mixel.

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