Season 8 Disappointment

  • In theory, this update should be a grand slam and I'm sure it would be if things were working properly.

    The first thing to note is that the promised skill-based matchmaking appears to be non-existent. We are a good crew, but we were being matched with people significantly above our skill level. I have no problem with the idea of "you win some and you lose some" but an update focused on PvP battles is not fun when most of the fights are so lopsided. We had some battles that felt more evenly matched, but for the most part it felt extremely unbalanced.

    The second issue (which was emphasized by the first issue) is that just getting back in to try your hand at another battle is miserable. There's a high chance that you aren't going to respawn at an outpost, so you either have to sail to one or create a new ship just to be back at an outpost. Once you're at the outpost, you get to spend your gold and your time loading up supplies just to maybe get into another very lopsided battle where you quickly lose all of those supplies and go through the restocking process all over again. By the way, something is up with the supply vendors, because there were several instances where we purchased crates but could never collect them.

    Lastly, to make an already frustrating experience that much more frustrating, the queue wait times were horrendous. The alleged "1 to 2 minute" wait times were more like 10 to 15 minutes. I'm not sure if something is broken here, but the actual wait times were not consistent with the estimations provided on the table.


    Combine all of the above ingredients and you have a recipe for a nightmare.

    1. Start battle
    2. Get quickly stomped in a lopsided fight where you had no shot at winning
    3. Respawn at random island, log out so you can get an outpost
    4. Resupply for 5 minutes provided there are no glitches with the crate vendors
    5. Queue for battle, spend 15 minutes twiddling thumbs
    6. Battle Finally Starts! Go back to step 2 and repeat.

    There was nothing fun about what I experienced in this session. I hope it gets better. The restocking especially is so out of place in this system. What you have is this system that's geared toward on-demand competitive battles trying to fit seamlessly into the main gamemode where losing supplies and starting all over is a natural punishment for losing a fight - these two elements are not combining very well.

    I really hope it starts working a little better in the future, because I have no interest in experiencing this again.

    EDIT: As of 1/5/2022

    Season 8 content feels more fun when you defend rather than queue up. The time that would be spend sailing waywardly in undersea tunnels is better spend doing things out in the world and waiting for the battles to come to you.

    Stocking feels like less of a chore with the newly increased default supplies and the guarantee to respawn at an outpost - these improvements alone have gone a long way to improving the Season 8 experience.

    Queuing is still miserable as the wait times generally still pretty bad, however I'm optimistic about the improvements to the matchmaking system soon to come.

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  • It’s just stupid. This game has always been trash and will never change but that’s beside the point right now. Loaded into my first pvp game and boom, cheaters. Neither them or their ship would take damage, and also the fact that now they’re walking off certain things behind pvp walls for people who don’t enjoy this toxic environment the devs have created and catered to. Literally as I thought this game probably couldn’t get any worse, they do this. Congrats on being the biggest screw up game out at this time 👎👎👎

  • It's day 2 dude.
    The sbmm has only existed for about 2 days.
    Nobody is sorted.
    Think of it as if the game had only just launched, like right now.

    Every single player currently has the same skill rating, because no matches have happened yet.
    Time has to pass with the lesser players losing a lot, the better players winning a lot, and the average players having an essentially random experience, before the betters finally rank up and the lessers rank down away from the starting point.

    The first day of sbmm existing is pretty much the same as it not existing. The first week many people won't be able to tell it's there.
    The first couple weeks it's barely noticable.
    Get past a month, and it starts to actually seem like it exists.
    Multiple months and people are actually quite sorted, except for any new accounts that have to start dead center and deviate the same way everyone did at launch.

    You could wait until after that first month to partake yourself, if you were so inclined.

  • The update just released, it makes sense that ELO still has to settle in order for us to get proper matches. You can't expect people to be "ranked" accordingly out of the blue, I'd give it a week or two before we can judge how good the matchmaking is.
    When it comes to respawning at an outpost after a loss I think this should definitely be implemented as to not break the flow of combat and not discourage people for hopping back in. Although I'd say that it's far from miserable, just leave the server and start a new boat.
    On your last point about the queue times I definitely agree, the estimate is pretty much always a lie and "more than 10min" can turn into instant queue whereas "2-4 minutes" can last ages, that's a weird one, especially after release, I'd still give it a week tho to see if it somehow fixes itself but I do think something went wrong there.

  • They just need to rework the supply system, imo ships get double to the standard stock max and curse balls are only from player inventory. The ship supplies reset for every battle.

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    me after one day of fighting nothing but very talented and very skilled solos

  • @chronodusk

    Skill based matchmaking takes time to work. They covered this a bit in the deep dive video. They didn't want to use old stats (like a K/D ratio) that didn't reflect how the new system works. So it's effectively stats from scratch, and that'll take weeks to start having meaningful impacts.

    Your second point is valid. This is meant to exist in adventure so restocking needs to be a part of it, or it'd break adventure. It can't be a direct arena replacement. But if it's faster just to log out and log into a new server after a sink that already forced a server migration, that's also an issue they need to tweak. But I don't think that makes the existing experience "horrendous" nor does it cause the system to be disappointing. It's a minor inconvenience relatively speaking.

    I haven't had the experience with queue times you have. When we actively hunted, we always chose the side of the hourglass with the fastest queue times. And we saw that change sides several times throughout our evening. It always seemed spot-on. Most times we barely experienced the underwater tunnel.

    Once we got tired of restocking, we went passive. And we're getting matched every 15 minutes or so. So it seems even the cooldown worked as expected.

    We did experience one significant bug. We were passive slooping and got invaded. A boarder ran THROUGH my partner's blubderbuss at the top of the ladder. I was guarding the anchor and witnessed it firsthand. Frustrating yet typical hitreg shenanigans. My partner is still not used to standing back from the ladder a step to get a better backtrack hit. It's a learned skill....but hitreg is not the significant issue, so I digress....

    We were winning the naval game, but once boarded, the tide was turned. The boarder was a beast at personal PvP. Swept us multiple times and, of course, their partner was able to lay down cannon fire unabated. So we sank... No biggie.

    I had just come through the ferry door when the ship sink gong tolled. My partner was still on the ferry. Here comes the long-winded road to the significant bug. Once the gong finished, I got teleported to... A random island. And I see a mermaid. My partner goes through the door and gets.... Pinwheel of death. Somehow we got into a limbo state where we did NOT get merged away from the server we lost. Dunno if him being on the ferry played a part or what.

    I take my mermaid. Same island opposite side. We chat while waiting for SOMETHING to happen. After a few minutes of me killing snakes, taking the mernaid half a dozen times, and other tomfoolery, I suggest that I'll log out and start a new sloop.

    He suggest I try dying first.

    I've killed all the snakes and there are no environmental threats. So I start swimming out and down to drown. Proximity to the island, however, seems to have been the key. Once I get out past the island banner area, before I am even close to dying, he suddenly says "whatever you did Worked. The green wheel is gone." And moments later, I also get pulled from the ocean. It's pretty clear at this point we ARE being migrated to a new server.

    So, TLDR, is there is an edge-case migration bug on a loss that can cause a person to get stuck and need to take extra steps to get migrated. That can be significant if you have to give up voyage progress or similar by logging out.

    But bugs happen, especially with new significant mechanisms. The positives farm outweigh the negatives with season 8 and I don't find it disappointing at all. Frustrating at times (taking a loss from the jaws of victory because of a single blunder hitreg is still a sore spot for me) but overall we've enjoyed our first evenings with the system. I'm looking forward to seeing how the matchmaking starts having an impact.

    As an aside, if matchmaking DOES work as expected, I suspect a couple of le of the streak commendations will require an adjustment. The best matchmaking should make win/loss near 50/50 and thus make long win streaks highly improbable. That was my first gut-check when I read the new commendations. But time will tell.

  • The first thing to note is that the promised skill-based matchmaking appears to be non-existentr dont spend gold and just freely gather supplies from the barrels. Maybe do some prep work before hand than activate hourglass

    I kind of agree. No matter, Solo vs Solo, I seem to be very poorly pvp here. There shots never miss, waves block my view so i have to "guess" and end up missing anyways. Idk maybe I am a horrible pvper (I knew that) but dang...

    Once you're at the outpost, you get to spend your gold and your time loading up supplies

    Or dont spend gold? idk nobody forces you to do this.

    The alleged "1 to 2 minute" wait times were more like 10 to 15 minutes.

    and? Try switching Factions. :p But anyways, 5min wait or 10. Not much a big deal if you ask me. Nothing is "On demand" as they claim. It will happen, just be happy you havn't hit the "Couldnt find a match" message.

  • the way they could address the resupply issue would be give every boat a free storage create when they vote on the hour glass.its not the best solution but it would speed up getting back into the fights quicker.

  • i think 10 minutes is a big deal it just prooves there arent enough crews in the pool for a skillbased matchmaking, 5-10 minutes waiting time on the second day is a really bad sign, with the grindwall on top n gathering supplies its a over the top grind

    how frustrating u wanna design the new update , the developers :yes sir

    on the first day matchmaking worked fine 10sec waitingtime i won 3 rounds next rounds i got two really good players n lost it was fun.
    yesterday i just lost any round after battles that took 30 minutes n get a tiny bit of rep for it , even when i lose i should get rep for cannonhits killing a player and so on ,its just silly locking content behind a huge grindwall (the new area) just a mechanic for forcing players to logg in ,its pathetic . give the game 1 more month n waitingtime is on arenalevel n its good cause for this grindwall rare deserve this

  • This update was made to appease a minority of hardcore PvP players the rest of us can apparently kick rocks.

    I’ve already decided to just wait until next season to play again if they add more PvE content.

  • As others have said, matchmaking doesn’t actually exist right now because according to the game no one has any skill. It isn’t until you show the game through playing the mode that you have skill, can it start to match you.

    If you want to avoid being matched with people better than you, wait a week or 2 to play. By then the people you match with will either be: new, closer to your level, or also have waited for 1-2 weeks before trying as they wanted the ELO/MMR to have taken the sweats to their proper rank.

    As for the rest, I agree you should only ever spawn back at an outpost when you sink so that you can raise a flag if you wish and you can get supplies if you wish. I’m not sure about any given advantages though. If you don’t want to spend gold, hand loot the barrels like we did for the first 3 years of the game.

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  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    This update was made to appease a minority of hardcore PvP players the rest of us can apparently kick rocks.

    I’ve already decided to just wait until next season to play again if they add more PvE content.

    7 straight Seasons of nothing but PvE focused updates and you balk at PvP having just one update to itself. Oh my sweet lord 😂🤣

  • @mad-bomber-man Hit reg is really bad in this game. The people you came across were likely skilled players (that awful matchmaking op mentioned) and your shots were simply not registering because of this games awful hit reg. (here is a video explaining how bad hitreg is)

  • The first thing to note is that the promised skill-based matchmaking appears to be non-existent.

    I imagine a lot of people are finding out they aren't as skilled as they thought because they've mostly experienced crews that weren't at the same skill level. Equally matched crews should be challenging. Has been working as intended for me.

    The second issue (which was emphasized by the first issue) is that just getting back in to try your hand at another battle is miserable.

    So just the same as it has always been in adventure? Sounds like adventure is working as intended.

    Lastly, to make an already frustrating experience that much more frustrating, the queue wait times were horrendous.

    This has ranged from instant for me to 15 mins at my longest wait. Still better than arena waits. It could use some work though.

  • Now, here's the kicker for me. So, I honestly don't have too many issues with season 8 so far. Other than 1 thing.. At least give me 1 Allegiance point for a losing match! If I gotta be cannon fodder for sweats, cheap tactics, blunderbuss campers, and be in a navel fight for hours at least compensate us properly for the time wasted. The main reason I'm doing the season 8 update is for the Blessing of Athena. I've always wanted to look like an official member since the game first came out. I'm not shy to get in a scuff with other players.. But, at least properly reward us for it! Unless I'm just getting screwed outta points I SHOULD of gotten due to a bug in the system. But, even if it's that. Then Rare needs to get working on it. Otherwise this update won't seem rewarding enough and it'll just become Arena again and die off.

  • If rare cared about the player base they would if fixed the PVP issues before adding this in, Blunder still broken, double gunning insanely broken, sword is terrible and the waiting time is junk, this is a terrible update and idea should if just brought back the arena not this junk

  • @master-questguy

    You get about 1/4 a level (at the beginning) for invading and losing.

    Can't talk to being invaded tho lol.

  • @mad-bomber-man clearly you haven’t played many games these days. But also if you hate the game so much why are you spending your time commenting about it on the forum? Surely you could just idk, move on?

  • @ninja-naranja it's not that ppl hate the game it's the development of the game it's a decent game and has a few good things in but realases an update for pvp based and not fixing the pvp problems in the game is what makes this update terrible

  • @chronodusk I agree with some of these points:

    Also a BIG factor that people tend to forget is all things considered I think people over blow the actual ACTIVE Playerbase of this game a bit to much. Furthermore players that are queuing up for actual PvP might be in the minority compared to PvE Enjoyers as it always has been.

    im 50/50 on the MMR system, ok its better that new players don't get trashed on constantly but that also comes at a cost that higher players have really long queue times.
    At this point im not even sure if the MMR is working, seems to put you in a mixture of Sweaty teams/namers and other times against day 1 players. Weird.

    Also the Queue time is random, some times its an instant Queue into a battle, other times it takes 10-20 minutes to find a game for some reason, I fail to see a pattern as to why that is. Streaks/sinks/time of the day/night in regions etc. Can't put a finger on it.

    All that being said I still prefer this season/system then server hopping on a galleon say and not finding a single enemy galleon for the whole day.
    This system is GUARANTEED to find semi-decent fights of the same ship size which im super grateful for, glad to wait 10-20 mins then server hop for the same time + More in supping up and chasing a R5 sloop directly into wind or brig that is uncatchable unless your also a brig for 30 minutes before giving up on the game...

    As buggy as this game has always been I think its Queue times/mmr are just scuffed currrently.

  • @mad-bomber-man every update up until this one has catered to pve players. You can literally get Pirate legend in a day with all the pve things they’ve added. Let us have our fun now

  • @bloodfrenzy187 quit whining about the update pve lord. You’ve had 8 seasons of pve content. If anything it takes focus off of you and puts pvp v pvp

  • @chronodusk
    The skill-based matchmaking is going to be a little rough at the start for sure, but it's for good reason.
    Think about it:

    • The update is 5 days old.

    • We can't use past stats like K/D Ratios because it's just not accurate as stated by others.

    *So instead we make it based on # of sinks. This isn't totally accurate either so it has to just be sinks made within the battle.

    My guy, we are five days into a matchmaking system for a voyage that requires data from past experiences with the voyage. Is it going to be accurate at first? Hells to the no, of course not! However, over time it will become more accurate as more battle data is gathered on each crew.

    As for the part about sinking and getting back into the fight, I agree with ya there, that needs a huge overhaul.


  • @pithyrumble

    Aahh, okay. Thanks for the info! Idk how much better it is knowing that you essentially have to lose 400 times in order to get the Blessing. (In worst-case scenario) Seems rather excessive seeing that you have to get to 75 Reaper or PL AND go through that. I'd personally prefer at least a half point. But, I'm honestly not gonna complain that much seeing as I ran the grind for the damned sails. So it won't be anything too new.

  • Tried hunting and immediately ran into a crew of sweatlords using the cheese strat of sitting in the corner of the map so we spawn and immediately get caught in the shroud. Lots of loot everywhere in the water when we spawn in so they've been at it successfully for a while.

    The matchmaker didn't cut down on the random PVP battles in normal play either, can't go a half hour of PVE without some randoms with no loot picking a fight, and not the same ones every time either.

  • @pithyrumble

    1/4 of a level is not enough to keep people wanting to fight. If they see that level tick up after each match, they will physically see the progress and think that at least they got something out of the experience. It's like the psychology behind slot machines. The flashy lights and sounds will keep them coming back even though they are losing. Getting a full level reward for participating will entice people to return. Without those people returning, this will die off just like Arena.

  • @major-bones said in Season 8 Disappointment:


    1/4 of a level is not enough to keep people wanting to fight. If they see that level tick up after each match, they will physically see the progress and think that at least they got something out of the experience. It's like the psychology behind slot machines. The flashy lights and sounds will keep them coming back even though they are losing. Getting a full level reward for participating will entice people to return. Without those people returning, this will die off just like Arena.

    I think this makes a lot of sense, but it should not become an easy way to cheese the levels through discord communities where you would just end matches ASAP to get that level.
    I would dare to guess that once the ELO system has more data and players have more games under their belts, it will be adjusted to the player levels.

    So let's say if your elo is 1000 and you win against someone who is 500, it won't go up as much. Equally, if you are level 500 and you win against someone who is 1000 it would be a lot more meaningful and your level will increase a lot more.
    Same for losing, if you lose against an opponent who is 1000 and you are 500 it should give you more reputation for losing, but if you are 1000 and you loose against someone 500 it wont give you as much reputation.

    Other games take time into account, but we don't have this feature

  • After talking to other day one players and so on we all agree this update just destroyed the core game experience, the game has been and always will be about loot and stealing loot the pve and pvp aspect, not knowing how that ship on the horizon is going to react, this update you can't turn loot in for rep you are forced to dive and fight sink or win the rep is so little for it, rare didn't think this threw like the arena and yes overtime it will be a longer wait time for matching just like the arena it will die off, but as for the update it didn't keep the core experience for the game just took all that away cool effects nice graphics but no core experience no loot collection no stealing no adventure just the same thing over and over just bring back the arena at this point it might as well

  • @atomicfire4098 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    After talking to other day one players and so on we all agree this update just destroyed the core game experience, the game has been and always will be about loot and stealing loot the pve and pvp aspect, not knowing how that ship on the horizon is going to react, this update you can't turn loot in for rep you are forced to dive and fight sink or win the rep is so little for it, rare didn't think this threw like the arena and yes overtime it will be a longer wait time for matching just like the arena it will die off, but as for the update it didn't keep the core experience for the game just took all that away cool effects nice graphics but no core experience no loot collection no stealing no adventure just the same thing over and over just bring back the arena at this point it might as well

    It didn't destroy anything really, it just caters to partners and streamers because pvers were run off long ago and they needed action content.

    The whole weight off pve thing is accurate to some degree but it's a side effect to trying to create action for a game that had dying off action.

    It's the fast food of content creation. A lot of the substance isn't there but it'll get people through the day.

    It's not gonna drive out activity as that activity was already long gone organically, it's more of the same with (more often) less negative pvp. Which in that way is an improvement.

    The disappoint comes from the over hype. Over hype feeds into growing expectations which turns into more disappointment.

    It's an update that doesn't make anything significantly worse, makes a few things a bit better, brings down some of the pvp cheesing through hopping, and hopefully leads to content that is less negative. There will still be ego clashing but at least it might be less wrecking inexperienced crews all day.

  • @atomicfire4098 I don’t think hit reg could be fixed or they would’ve done that already. Aside from going to hit scan that is, and even then it could still be buggy

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    This update was made to appease a minority of hardcore PvP players the rest of us can apparently kick rocks.

    I’ve already decided to just wait until next season to play again if they add more PvE content.

    That;s not true, most people aren't in either of the extremes, I enjoy some good pve but this update also provided the game with a nice welcomed quick acting hype boost injection. It has its issues but so does everything else in the game. I'm satisfied with the pvp portion, they jsut need a few patches and updates to the system and it's good, then I'll like to see more tall tales type of voyages with better rewards

  • While I do believe the initial complaints were a bit quick to the update and what it entails, it doesn't sound like many people have not had the "gg" experience we were sold and the balance five days in has been just as off as day one. '

    I have personally experienced the long and daunting queue in a sloop or playing sessions where I don't get "hunted" at all. Is this update really that big of a flop that they can't find a match for players? Then when a match is made, I've discovered the new and equally frustration spawn camp loop troll. All in the name of getting the crew to scuttle so they don't receive anything for the match. I'm not as annoyed at the respawn and lack of supplies after finally losing or scuttling but I am annoyed that the matches don't seem to be regionally based. So that's super fun being a female player, getting messages after matches or in-game uniquely crude comments from very specific regions of the world.

    Day one was frustrating but I'm just as frustrated day five.

  • @hrhboudii what regain is that?

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