Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...

  • Saturday: Gold and Glory

    Been doing more solo reaper 5 brig sessions.

    Got sank 4 times today against 4 different player galleons.

    Finished out the night as a solo brig reaper 5 vs an experienced solo athena.

    At one point he had me locked down with tdm a couple of times and dumped all of my supplies. All I had was what was in my pockets and we had a naval shoot out.

    As he sank he said "Wolfmanbush, solo on a brig with no supplies.."

    A gentleman pirate he is.

    It is likely that I will hit 10k Sunday during gold and glory battles.

    I think I will continue on with solo reaper brigs for the challenge to finish up g&g and cross 10k.


    I also lost most of an ashen winds event to a duo sloop tdm crew.
    I escaped with the skull and found a rowboat on kraken's fall and rowed it to ancient spire, then I came back and fought the sloop. Got some pressure on them and was able to board and kill them a few times but didn't get enough pressure to seal the deal.

  • Started last night out by forming the league of doom

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    The brigs decided they wanted to stack for FotD. We told them that in a few hours when our most aggressive member gets on, we would be hostile.
    Later, we finished Legend of the Veil, and just as we were finishing up a FoF the brigs finally got FotD started.
    Initially the plan was to steal the FotD from the brigs, but it took them so long that half of our crews were wanting to just log off.

    So we sold everything, a few logged off, and the rest began our ultimate quest:

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    We loaded up our 2 rowboats, departed sanctuary outpost with them, and grabbed a third on the way.

    alt text

    We hid the rowboats tight to the bottom of the cliff on the opposite side of the fort as the brigs and waited for them to finish the boss wave.
    Once that was done, one of our guys swam over with a keg, sunk one of the brigs, and the rest of us attacked by cue of the explosion.
    Wasn't successful. We did steal an athena keg but the guy carrying it got exploded en route to the other brig. The initial plan was the snatch the most valuable loot, load the rowboats, and scatter into different directions, but we couldn't find where they stashed it and ended up dying off one at a time.

    The brigs seemed confused as to why we didn't just help them sell, but we did it because it was funny and we weren't going to have an opportunity like that again any time soon.

  • To the adventurer:

    It's alright to give up
    in situations that tear down your adventurer's spirit
    It's alright to move on
    from situations that poison your optimism

    you will lose, sometimes
    fights, love, people

    never give up on yourself
    never move on from the belief that you can overcome
    that you will overcome

    never forget that you being here is no mistake
    you are many things but broken is not one of them
    as you are, is enough
    an equal, nothing less

    the best part of you is your potential to be kind and honest to yourself
    so that you can be kind and fair to others
    it's how we get through it

    your existence is a gift
    without obligation
    I hope you treasure it
    and share it with others

    If you struggle to connect to these words
    that's alright
    I'm just glad you are here, that you exist, that you seek adventure

    I wish you well, adventurer
    carpe diem
    with love and sincerity,
    -Captain WolfManbush

  • I will sail my vessel

    A friend of mine was sunk by a reaper 5 brig crew while she was adventuring on a veil voyage

    I join in and by time we reach the ending of her veil location the reaper brig had switched to athena and was attempting to finish it for the loot

    I am able to handle the situation and all of her loot was returned as they hadn't sold it yet.

    We did a few veils and emissary quests because she is trying to increase her level and work on commendations. There are ships around but there is no more conflict while I am there.

    Beginning the steps of finishing up the session

    I shoot over to kraken's fall to finish off a part of the emissary quest

    I see a sloop around the area of the vault

    my assumption is accurate and they are inside the vault

    I hear two people talking and apparently they weren't able to pull off the ancient chest riddle.

    I say something to which one of them says

    "ah man we got sank, gg"

    I respond with "I didn't sink your ship, it is fine"

    he was overjoyed and very appreciative
    a wonderfully friendly couple

    I talked to them for a while, they have only been playing a few weeks and are working on pirate legend

    They asked a question that I hear from time to time during interactions like this "why are you so nice? this isn't how it usually goes"

    They offered loot, I declined, they offered to help me, I declined.

    No payment, this isn't a transaction, it's just something that feels right

    The truth of it all is that there is no loot, no sink, no victory in battle that ever feels like an organic interaction where the people are kind and decent. It's different, more impactful, easier to remember and within that easier to carry with me.

    I don't want it to be considered mercy, that's not why I am here. All I want, is for it to continue through them. This is their world, I'm just passing through. I appreciate their time and the good fortune of being there.

    reaper turned athena brig clip

    ghost of the veil clip

  • Sunday

    For those that have followed this adventure
    thank you

    as you are aware stats were a large part of this journey
    as something to stay focused on, a history of effort and drive
    motivation for myself and with any fortune, inspiration for at least one other

    things have changed
    but that is life
    things always change

    well, most things

    something that hasn't changed..
    is how incredible it is that you exist
    on the seas and in your community, in this community

    Every day has been a privilege
    that is something I have never forgotten

    If you are enjoying your experience, you deserve it
    if your experience is a struggle, you will get through it

    What lies on the horizon is the unknown
    just as always
    the adventurer's spirit remains the same

  • The gifts

    motivation has fallen
    passion dwindling
    drive diminishing

    I am soloing a fleet without the spark I once had.
    an xbox cosmetic sloop sails by me as I battle and parks at the sea post
    I sail over to inspect
    It is determined they aren't a significant threat
    I board their ship
    a solo

    We stare at each other, no communication
    no jumping
    no music
    no emotes
    we just stare

    I walk below
    and that is when I see it

    gifts everywhere, more than I have seen in a long time
    humble and generous
    on the floor
    on the bed
    all around

    I don't even consider taking these even though I am a reaper

    I often talk about things being a gift
    this is a reminder

    We go to reapers
    no talking, no text
    the sailor parks and we begin to unload the gifts

    many gifts
    no communication
    yet there was an understanding

    They sell all of their gifts
    they go to their ship
    I go to mine

    they sail in the direction of cannon cove
    I sail back to finish the fleet

    it didn't change things, not yet
    but it was a reminder
    interactions like that are what I treasure
    sailors like that are the characters that I am drawn to in adventure
    the gifts within my story, within my experiences

    Tomorrow is not only a new day
    it's a new opportunity
    to get through it
    to find someone to appreciate
    to approach adventure with patience and without resentment of change

  • I've vanquished 600 krakens

    I often find myself flipping through the pop up book of my mind
    wondering and remembering
    perhaps just missing
    like a page torn from the log
    what became of pirates I once knew
    what have they survived
    do they remember me as I remember them

    separate ways but not forgotten experiences
    I don't carry much but I carry those
    like a feather, like a flower
    into darkness, into sunsets
    but also sunrises

    If there is anything to take from my adventures
    anything at all
    for your own
    it is that above all
    it is appreciation of existence that allows for what you value
    experiences with others are life, breath for the spirit

    I hope you find something in your day
    that reminds you that you matter
    that those that are supportive of you and kind to you matter

    I appreciate your time, if any of it was spent here.

  • I was soloing a fleet. A sloop came towards me
    I take the mast down and I board and send the solo pirate to the ferry
    I see two reaper chests, I throw them out of the back of the sloop

    The situation becomes clear that a newer pirate is turning in a reaper chest, in this case 2 reaper chests.

    I return to my ship
    the pirate swims over

    I send them an invite to my sloop
    they stand there a while
    eventually they join

    I grab the pirate's reaper chests and head to pick up the fleet loot
    The pirate and I never spoke
    We don't know anything about each other
    probably never will
    but we spent some time together

    I'll likely never see them again
    just like the others
    depending on the day, I process it differently

    Earlier today a similar scenario happened nearly in the same spot
    It was a tall taler, I gave them what I had and left.
    He said he's never been helped by a reaper before.

    I was once there
    just trying to get by
    I'm still there
    right along with them, that's how I see it.


  • @wolfmanbush said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    I was soloing a fleet. A sloop came towards me
    I take the mast down and I board and send the solo pirate to the ferry
    I see two reaper chests, I throw them out of the back of the sloop

    The situation becomes clear that a newer pirate is turning in a reaper chest, in this case 2 reaper chests.

    I return to my ship
    the pirate swims over

    I send them an invite to my sloop
    they stand there a while
    eventually they join

    I grab the pirate's reaper chests and head to pick up the fleet loot
    The pirate and I never spoke
    We don't know anything about each other
    probably never will
    but we spent some time together

    I'll likely never see them again
    just like the others
    depending on the day, I process it differently

    Earlier today a similar scenario happened nearly in the same spot
    It was a tall taler, I gave them what I had and left.
    He said he's never been helped by a reaper before.

    I was once there
    just trying to get by
    I'm still there
    right along with them, that's how I see it.


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    A reaper gentleman. Wish I had met more people like you.

  • Killing Moon: an introduction

    It was dark on the bed in my sloop
    I could see green and blue through the cracks in the wood as if a painter was using the sky for their canvas
    It would appear as if I was sleeping but I was hunting
    caught in between the time of my last kill and my next battle

    Not a hunter of pirates
    a hunter of...something else

    I hear it, what I have heard many times before
    the sounds of arms and legs in the sea
    louder as the threat gets closer

    This is not the fight that I was looking for
    but it is the one I am going to have.

    I rise from my wait
    I back against the anchor of fortitude on my wall in the darkness
    I hear the pirate creep up the ladder like a rodent

    I wait for them to walk down those steps
    as I know they will

    1 enters
    1 dies

    It is a brigantine
    a reaper 5

    the two that are left begin to open fire with cannons
    I defend with rounds shot through the open hatch
    the 3rd returns from the ferry

    My death approaches, I can feel the presence of the end
    if I go I go with an empty gun and a satisfied mind

    I hear it, the noise I have heard more times than my own name

    She rises, that mighty creature of rage and hunger

    She wraps my enemies in her tight embrace

    I notice objects in the crows nest
    I take aim as my sloop rocks back and forth as if it has been sung a lullaby by the sea and as the brigantine is pushed around as if it has upset the balance that allows us to hunt.

    I take aim and I pull the trigger
    an explosion that could only be created by multiple mega kegs

    I board and I kill everything that aims to kill me

    The brigantine sinks to the bottom of the sea
    the loot rises to the top

    The only event not in the pile was an ashen winds
    the sea was littered with loot from forts of different kinds, fleet loot, reaper chests, 5 emissary flags and 5 captain's logs like floating tombstones.

    Killing Moon
    a hunting vessel
    with a captain onboard that will fight to survive
    that will fight for the hunting ground

  • Merrick wrote that he lost many things to the sea over the years
    Undoubtedly, we all have
    an effect of loving while living that feels more like punishment than understandable outcome

    Everything I have lost
    once existed
    once filled my day with hope
    and for that I am thankful

    I no longer sail alone
    I carry with me this portrait
    a man I admire
    a hunter I respect
    a symbol of everything I have lost but refuse to forget or regret

  • Sunday

    The early mornings have cooled
    before the sun rises
    I sit and wonder in wonder
    how incredible it is to have opportunity
    how fortunate I have been to be around the existence of others
    even if for moments rather than hours or days

    a pursuit of patience and thoughtfulness
    one where there are times that I do not succeed
    an opportunity to improve
    an obligation to self
    a commitment to others

    a new day on the horizon
    with luck it will bring fortune to those I have known
    and those I have yet to meet

  • I love the smell of poptarts in the morning

    I'm soloing a fleet
    I am attacked by a brigantine as I am gathering the loot
    We battle until they disappear below the waves

    As I am about to turn in there is a reaper 2 with a reaper chest coming at me

    I've been in this situation many times

    The best defense is to go on offense with an approaching potential threat
    but I refrain

    I tell the approaching sloop "If you're peaceful I will let you sell your chest in peace"

    No communication but the sloop turns off a bit and keeps distance, in a position where they can run if need be.

    This tells me they are hesitant for combat and likely to be a pver.

    A few more times I communicate my offer

    Finally an "aye"

    Nobody needs to die today.

    The pirate's name is Grey Wolf, they sold their loot while I stood guard.

    Grey Wolf left and I pulled in to sell my loot.

    a few minutes go by.

    I hear a single cannon shot, that haunting sound of imminent piratical encounter.

    I prepare for a fight that I have had countless times before, just with different faces.

    I hear a voice declaring they are peaceful and have a few questions to ask. Young Pirates.

    I oblige

    They ask a few questions and then they inquire as to what kind of poptarts I like. The choices I was given included strawberry and cinnamon.

    I accurately provided them with the answer of strawberry.

    Apparently they ask the question to many pirates and strawberry is the clear winner thus far.

    After a short back and forth on the topic of poptarts I told them a grand tale of the poptarts that don't have frosting on them.
    They could not believe their ears...poptarts...without frosting?

    I told them it was the tart without the pop.

    They are surprised to learn that I solo fleets and most of what I do, I tell them that they are capable of things far beyond what I have done, far beyond even what they think possible for themselves.

    I tell them I must depart. I have a meg to hunt.

    They go their way and I go mine.

    After about 18 minutes I find my meg.

    I hear splashing and a voice in the water

    One of the young pirates has swam over and wants to participate in the harvest of the meg.

    I offer the young pirate the kill

    They fire and eventually the meg succumbs

    I tell them that whatever is on my boat is theirs and that the meg loot is as well.

    I tell them that is was nice to meet them and I disappear.

    How fortunate I am to have been able to see a glimpse of the bright future that awaits these seas.

    Aquaman defends again clip

  • How I get supplies clip

    Keg clip

    I could smell 'em clip

  • Sorrow sink clip

    Fleet boss as the sun sets clip

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    I recently hit 200k doubloons.
    mostly from solo fleets
    hundreds and hundreds of them
    in all dangerous conditions imaginable

    I've never viewed it as currency
    they are like pebbles that I picked up along the way
    as I lived, as I survived, as I fell, as I rose

    I've been asked more than a few times, why?
    why solo? why pve? why? why?

    The reason has changed over time like the seasons
    It was once to show myself what I was capable of
    now it's to show others what they are capable of

    I believe that there is a place for everyone
    where they can grow and blossom
    where they can express who they are
    rather than conforming to expectations that they are not bound to.

    Show the sea who you are
    let her see for herself through your attempts
    there is a place for you
    always search, adventurer
    until the end

  • A sloop tour clip

    I intend to be the first solo Captain to vanquish 100 krakens
    Organic hunt, no cheesing, no help from others
    Just experience, effort, and luck

    Something I have not lost to the sea
    the thrill of the hunt
    studying the environment
    compiling data from my experiences
    understanding what I must do
    to get where I want to be

    An extreme privilege it has been to share the seas with these predators
    Understanding and accepting that every hunt may be my last

    Our connection within the food chain has always been honest
    we do not lie, we do not deceive
    we compete for the hunting ground

    we don't live forever
    but we live
    in the moments where we fight for our lives
    we aren't enemies
    we are the same

  • Sunday

    unwavering commitment to adventure
    never guaranteed
    but the opportunity existed for me

    indescribable fortune
    not only when the sun shines
    especially when it doesn't

    the journey entwined with difficulty
    hardship and harshness
    through it all still fortunate enough to speak
    to navigate at my discretion

    appreciation during struggle is not obligation
    it is healing, it is strengthening the adventurer's spirit
    appreciation does not require a smile formed from expectation or pressure
    it is a path to get through it, the day
    a day that will lead to something brighter

    I hope you use your voice
    to tell your story, all of your story
    not the perception of how others want it told
    but as it was experienced by you

    I hope you exercise your freedom
    to live your story
    as you see it
    as you feel it
    as you are
    as you hope to be

  • Typically when pirates sail over to me as I hunt they are looking to take something.

    I fight the fights that are brought to me

    yesterday I was hunting, sitting, thinking
    a sloop sails over
    a solo pirate
    they say one thing and one thing only to me
    a question
    "Would you mind if I fish here?"
    I said "it would be a privilege"
    we never spoke again

    for about an hour I hunted and the pirate fished

    to question it would be to dilute the experience
    so it just was what it was

    I was right about something, it was a privilege

  • I'm competing with myself
    only myself
    push myself
    test myself

    it wears me down
    but it prepares me
    for anything
    for everything

    not to win
    to persevere
    to overcome
    to go beyond survival
    to live
    connected to the environment

    If you find this
    embrace what you love
    those you love
    find adventure
    go beyond surviving
    you deserve it

  • I was born upon the tide
    and with the sea I did abide

    1 month, 100 krakens

    I am living still

  • Sunday

    The lone slooper, Ghost Cop, and the old hat

    The lone slooper:

    I'm sailing around Smuggler's Bay and I see a sloop hiding in the back, voyaging

    the name reads "The Lone Slooper"

    I shoot a white flare and alliance the lone slooper since they had the offer up.

    I start to sail away when they shoot a white flare

    That was our only communication, a handshake with white flares

    For the next 4 hours while I sank every skelly ship I saw, killed every meg I encountered and fought and sank a brig I would occasionally see a couple of pieces of treasure being sold

    marauders chests here, rare tea there
    whatever the lone sloop found the lone slooper sold

    it brought me comfort, a quiet peace
    knowing the lone slooper was doing alright

    a privilege it was, at some point the lone slooper left and so did I

    Ghost Cop and the old hat:

    Later in the day I encounter a galleon
    there was a skelly galleon and a skelly sloop and it became a 4 ship engagement

    Everything sinks except Killing Moon
    she stays afloat
    everything dies other than myself and Ghost Cop

    Ghost Cop swims to my ladder
    I prepare to be a lone survivor

    Ghost Cop is not hostile so we take off sailing
    at a few points I thought Ghost Cop was no longer with me but then I would see "ship sighted" from the crow's nest.
    No communication other than "ship sighted"

    A couple of hours Ghost Cop sails with me while I hunt
    They caught an old hat, a true prized possession

    I kill a meg and sink a few skelly ships while Ghost Cop does their own thing around the ship. Plays music, looks around, shoots tridents, we never talk

    We are near Thieves Haven picking up skelly loot
    when a strange occurrence happens
    we are attacked by pirates in a rowboat while also being attacked by a duo sloop.

    Ghost Cop is instantly double tapped by 2 cannonballs
    I'll always remember the sound they made

    Why we were suddenly surrounded by different crews in a random scenario like that I'll never know but they killed my friend
    someone I'll never forget

    I temporarily distracted myself from the pain by filling the ferry with pirates.

    I sailed away and harvested another meg. I left the old hat in the loot pile under the moon and painted sky
    and then I was gone

  • 103/698

    Stealing krakens from larger ships has always been a challenge
    I need to react quickly,efficiently, and consistently from beginning to end or I will lose the opportunity and get frustrated with myself

    After some hunting I was considered wrapping things up when a reaper brig in the distance got kraken'd

    I instantly begin to sail there

    I know I am very low on supplies and it's unlikely I will have enough to pull this off

    but I must try, it's not in me to not try

    I circle the black water
    shooting what little I have left

    the reaper brig is not there to hunt
    they are trying to survive
    I can sense it

    I put all of my resources into the attack
    the reaper brig eventually escapes the dark water and takes off full speed away from the kraken and I

    I refuse to give up
    I hear the water rising
    the boards creaking
    Killing Moon is in trouble
    all I have left is gunfire
    I shoot over and over
    the moonlight shining on my targets the end
    I survive

    103 krakens under captaincy
    698 confirmed kraken kills total

    kill clip

    meg flip clip

  • Sing it Dobie

  • Sugar, we're goin' down swingin'

    I get attacked by a solo reaper and we fight over and in between a fleet which goes outside of the fleet borders

    we go back and forth in combat
    then I hear the sound I dread in this scenario
    a meg
    it means I need to both try to kill the meg while fighting off the pvp

    I have extremely low supplies
    I use the cannonballs I have left on the meg instead of the pirate
    No wood left
    bucket bucket shoot
    bucket bucket shoot
    broken wheel
    bucket bucket shoot
    If I am going to lose this meg kill I am going to exhaust myself in the process

    The pirate snaps my mast and I have nothing to repair it with
    Killing Moon is going down
    I jump in the shark infested waters
    I kill sharks and use all of my bullets
    I start hitting the meg with the sword as it goes by.

    As Killing Moon slowly submerges
    like when Rose let go of Jack
    I politely request that the pirate help in killing the meg
    no response
    but I hear gunshots and the occasional cannonfire
    I assume he has decided to help me.
    he shoots and I slice as the meg goes 'round

    The meg succumbs to the injuries

    The pirate says gg as the meg sinks to the depths of the sea
    I thank him and say gg and leave

    Not only a skilled pirate but a gentleman pirate, a privilege encounter and I am thankful for it.

    don't worry about Killing Moon, she will be fixed up and back in the hunt soon


  • What is that glowy warpaint you've got on? Super cool.

  • @danbeardluff said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    What is that glowy warpaint you've got on? Super cool.

    Witch markings from the emporium

  • It's quiet in between the clanking and clashing of chaos found within combat
    the silence is a curse to some and a gift to the solo

    I kept to myself mostly
    as I do
    I was challenged a few times
    as others do

    I found and vanquished 8 ancient skeletons

    The fortune was existing freely within the day
    the numbers, the amounts
    only possible and only relevant because another day of piratical freedom was the reality

    Hopefully people found something today
    something to hold on to
    something to look forward to
    something to remember

  • A fortunate series of unfortunate events

    Part 1
    Part 2

    I was out there minding my own business swimming around and hanging out on an island playing music, doing as I do

    On this island I had dug up a mega keg and put it in my crows, if it works out it works out and if it doesn't it doesn't, I don't worry about it much.

    A reaper galleon sails their giant vessel right into my sloop as I am wading around.

    They board and throw a firebomb which ends up setting the keg off while they are still close enough to take damage and the force of the explosion pushes them right to me.

    We both sink.

    A few moments that encapsulate what I have put in effort to build for myself as an adventurer. Something I hope others will build for themselves. This isn't about winning, it's not about skill, it's not about fighting against anything. It's about embracing the piratical mantra that expresses a simple belief, everything is going to be alright, with effort, with dedication.

    I have sank more times than I can keep track of. It always lead me to somewhere that I appreciated being, always lead me to something or someone that made every struggle and every loss worth it.

    Pirate life is complicated at times, complex, harsh, uncertain

    Adventure is always there, a friend to all that are open to the offer. A friend that does not count losses or wins, a friend that does not care about skill, does not care about the past, doesn't focus on the future, a friend that is present.

    I am thankful for adventure, I appreciate the galleon crew for being a part of something that brought randomness to my adventure.


  • 1000 confirmed skelly ship sinks as a solo slooper since Captaincy


  • The Jolly Roger and the case of mistaken identity

    I'm soloing a fleet when duo sloop approaches

    the name of the vessel is The Jolly Roger.

    They shoot a couple of red flares and sail in for combat while I am doing the fleet.

    I notice kegs and get the hit, I board and kill one pirate.

    A skilled pirate boarded my ship as I boarded theirs.

    I end up getting the sink but I also end up getting camped by the one pirate into oblivion. Very skilled, no issue with it

    I return and see a sloop with the same flag waving.

    I sink the ship.

    I was not prepared for what floated up

    Animals in animal cages and a few pieces of loot.

    I had killed and sank an innocent adventurer, thinking it was the one I shared a sink with a short time earlier because of the same flag.

    I instantly feel regret and disappointment in myself

    I know that if I do not correct this it will bother me for days to come.

    I immediately send an invite to the adventurer
    they do not join

    so I message them

    Please join to sell your stuff, I have it for you

    It turns out the pirate does not speak English they speak Spanish and after some back and forth the pirate is able to join me as I finish the fleet.

    I have all of the pirate's loot already, we pick up the fleet loot and we pick up the loot and flags dropped by The Jolly Roger.

    Mistakes happen, I make them all of the time
    but within that is opportunity to form some sort of a connection and to build something from the loss of something, even if only for a short time.

    I'm thankful for the existence of this pirate, for the encounter, for being sunk, one thing that lead to another.

    action clip

  • @wolfmanbush Nice work, good Pirate. Most days I feel you are the best of us, if only because you try while others are complacent.

screenshotjust for fun
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