Private lobby's

  • I know the whole point is taking others ships out but there's so many greifers out there that don't even give us new player a chance to do anything the other day we just set sail no loot or anything and we was done ready under attack within 3min of leaving spawn island. So having a private lobby where only friends can join in would be better because we could still face off but at least it would give new players a better chance to understand and get use to the game and to learn how to pvp too. So please consider putting private lobby's in sea of thieves please

  • 4
    feedbackgeneralxbox onecommunitywindows 10
  • @dragodiablo1 As it was mentioned before if there ever are private servers, there will be no gold earning or progression in said servers.

  • Inb4 an off-centre anchor drops…

  • Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here:

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

feedbackgeneralxbox onecommunitywindows 10
1 out of 4